Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 595: the disappearing duo

What they expected did not happen. On the contrary, Qin Xiaobai inexplicably received two thick red envelopes...

Qin Xiaobai, who has money or not, doesn't care.

The moment he received the red envelope, he suddenly felt a lot of psychological balance.

I don't feel like I finally paid for it!

The last time he brought Su Wanqing back to Earth, his parents also gave it to Su Wanqing, which should be regarded as a courtesy exchange.

"Young people restraint!"

Su Wanqing glanced at the appearance of her daughter and whispered to Qin Xiaobai.

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

To be honest, apart from being a little speechless, Qin Xiaobai didn't feel any embarrassment. He didn't attack Su Wanqing last night.


Although Su Qingshan's voice was very low, Su Wanqing next to him still heard it. After Qin Xiaobai's reminder just now, she naturally understood the meaning, and her face became a little red and swollen in an instant. .

I want to explain a few words, but I don't have the right words.

So I can only be ashamed and follow Qin Xiaobai timidly, afraid of being hurt by her parents again.

"Xiaobai, go and help that silly girl paste the Spring Festival couplets and blessings, she has always been clumsy, and she doesn't know when she will grow up!" Su Qingshan shook his head, it was meaningful sighed.

Actually, Qin Xiaobai heard the meaning of his words, smiled secretly in his heart, but pretended not to understand, nodded and replied, "Okay!"

The New Year's customs of the Blue Star Empire are not too different from the Earth in the previous life.

It's nothing more than sticking Spring Festival couplets, eating New Year's Eve dinner, watching the Spring Festival Gala and so on.

After posting the Spring Festival couplet blessing, Qin Xiaobai looked at Su Wanqing, who was yawning while helping Su's mother prepare the New Year's Eve dinner, and shook his head slightly. Then he walked over to say hello to them, and left Su's house.

After half an hour, Qin Xiaobai came to the Imperial Capital Hospital.

But when he entered the ward where Shen Qianqian was, he found that the two sisters were no longer there.

For a while, Qin Xiaobai was suddenly a little confused.


Isn't Shen Qianqian's illness still good?

Why did you suddenly get discharged from the hospital! And I didn't even say hello to him...

Suddenly, Qin Xiaobai felt a vague sense of unease, which came out of his heart.

I don’t know if this feeling is the so-called sixth sense.

Anyway, he met Qian once in a few months. It was Su Wanqing who was taken to the Lanshan Residence that day, and something happened.

"No way! Shen Wenwen doesn't have any enemies..."

Qin Xiaobai looked at the empty bed and some things that he hadn't had time to pack, and couldn't help muttering to himself underestimated.

At this moment, a nurse suddenly walked in at the door.

Qin Xiaobai hurriedly asked, "That... sister nurse, where is the patient on this bed?"

"The sisters suddenly disappeared in the morning. We checked the surveillance and were taken to the top of the building by two strangely dressed people, and then took a helicopter or something... The hospital has already called the police!" replied nervously.

After listening to the nurse's words, Qin Xiaobai's face darkened, and he asked angrily:

"What the **** are you talking about? What kind of a **** private hospital are you, you can't even watch anyone, why keep it? Damn it, I'll definitely tear down your hospital when I'm empty. !"

After Qin Xiaobai roared, the young nurse girl was so frightened that her face turned pale and her whole body was trembling.

After a while, she seemed to remember something, took out a letter tremblingly, and stammered: "This... This is, found on her sister's bed …”

The letter has been opened, and there are only two brush characters on the letter inside: Dawn!

After reading the letter, Qin Xiaobai hurriedly left the hospital.

At this point, he already knew what was going on.

Those people finally found Shen Wenwen.

If you want to come, you are right. You can find the Lanshan Hotel and the Wandering Villa, and find the location of Shen Wenwen. It seems that it is not difficult.

After destroying the small shop, Qin Xiaobai thought it was almost over.

I didn't expect these guys to make such a thing on the New Year's Day.

The meaning of leaving that letter should be to let him go and die...

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai's phone suddenly vibrated.

The above shows a message sent by Shen Wenwen's WeChat account: "Come to Fushan and use your own life for the lives of both of them!"

"Okay, I'll come! If the two of them are hurt a little, I will tear down your entire island in Dongying!"

Qin Xiaobai replied to a message with a black face.

However, after the message was sent, the other party did not reply to him.

Then drove directly to the Imperial Capital International Airport.

Before boarding, he picked up his mobile phone and called Su Wanqing.

Su Wanqing, who was helping her mother cook the New Year's Eve dinner, was slightly surprised when she received Qin Xiaobai's call. When she was about to ask something, before she could speak, she heard a familiar voice inside .

"I can't explain this to you, but now I have to leave for a few days, so..."

" Qin Xiaobai, did something happen? Don't scare me!" After Su Wanqing heard his words, she asked worriedly, she had never heard of it, Qin Xiaobai used Speak in this tone.

After hearing Su Wanqing's words, Qin Xiaobai thought about it and comforted:

"It's nothing major, you don't have to worry! I'm just taking Xiaobai to demolish a house, come back soon, and apologize to my uncle and auntie for me!"


"No, you heard it wrong, just to do something serious, business! You know, there is no Spring Festival abroad..." Qin Xiaobai sent her a message after using his mobile phone. A photo of a flight ticket to Dongying.

"Then...then stay safe!"

After seeing the photo of the ticket, Su Wanqing thought that Qin Xiaobai might have really encountered a business matter, so she didn't ask any more questions. After telling him to pay attention to safety, Qin Xiaobai hung up the phone.

Soon after, Qin Xiaobai embarked on the flight to Fushan, Dongying alone.

He was happily preparing for the New Year, but suddenly he was disturbed by the organization of Dawn, not to mention how angry he is now.

Those who dare to reach out to him should know what kind of ending they will face.

What the world's three major killer organizations, what shadow assassins!

Everything he encountered was beaten, and all the houses in the headquarters must have been demolished for him, and there was no one left...

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