Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 604: Ben meow curses you to be single all your life!

After being stunned for a while, Su Wanqing suddenly remembered something, looked at Qin Xiaobai strangely, and asked, "You mean this black cat wants to be sterilized ?"

"Probably this is what it means... We are just discussing it, who knows that it will not be excited, if you don't let it go, I will beat you to tears! That's why I threatened it... "

Qin Xiaobai grinned and said in a tone that you can understand.

Although he is an animal himself, he is a little afraid of the word sterilization, but there is no way!

This black cat is so bad!

And Jiang Xue was right in front of him, so he couldn't find a chance to beat the black cat to tears. This method seems to be a bit of a loss, but after all, it is also for the future of this black cat!


Qin Xiaobai convinced himself so suddenly.

Black Hair: "???"


When it heard the word sterilization, all its fur exploded...

Is this still human?

How can a cat think that he needs to be sterilized?

It was just adopted by Jiang Xue, the beautiful owner, and its peak cat life has just begun, okay?

Those demon cats downstairs in the community, it has long been greedy.

Before I can hook up, I will be framed for sterilization. Who the **** can stand it...

Tell them quickly, I didn't say anything like that...)

After the black cat cried a few times, her eyes widened in horror, looking at Qin Xiaobai, her eyes were full of pleading.

"Sterilization operation?" Jiang Xue touched the trembling black cat in her arms and whispered again.

To be honest, she hesitated.

I suddenly remembered the black charcoal from before.

It was taken away, a few days after the sterilization operation, and suddenly ran away from home inexplicably...


At this moment, Jiang Xue didn't know whether she should believe the words of Su Wanqing and Qin Xiaobai.

"Mr. Jiang, don't hesitate anymore. You see how happy your black cat is when you mentioned the sterilization operation just now! She was shaking with excitement, and her barking was very happy!"

Qin Xiaobai seemed a little undecided when he saw Jiang Xue, so he quickly reminded him.

Black Hair: "???"

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, he was almost out of breath on the spot! This guy is still not human, your **** is a devil!

Happy wool, is that trembling with excitement?

I'm clearly frightened...

"Yes, Auntie! Qin Xiaobai should be right. He understands animal language, so he will definitely not be wrong!" Su Wanqing looked up at Qin Xiaobai and added affirmatively.

When I was doing an event the day before yesterday, I happened to get a membership card. I heard that the veterinarians at that house are not bad, and now there is a discount on the rewards! "

After thinking for a while, Jiang Xue nodded and replied.

Hei Mao agreed when he saw Jiang Xue, and his mentality collapsed on the spot...

It is an ordinary cat, its size is smaller than the previous black charcoal, and its strength will naturally not be large.

Although it wants to break free from Jiang Xue's arms right now, and then go directly to the old road of black carbon and run away from home!

But Nai He was too weak to break free from Jiang Xue's shackles. She had to be carried into Su Wanqing's house and placed on the sofa.

Then his eyes began to look around, thinking about how to escape.

Unfortunately, the weather in the imperial capital in winter is too cold, the doors and windows of Su Wanqing's house are closed, and there is absolutely no chance to run away.

This is probably just panicking!

Soon, while Jiang Xue and Su Wanqing were chatting, Hei Mao was stunned, sneaked into the pipe, and crawled out with difficulty.


After every few seconds, it stops. Half of the head has been exposed to the pipe opening, and the cold wind outside makes the scalp a little numb...

How tall is this special cat? !

Looking at the very small pedestrian below, not even the size of a cat, the black hair is really speechless!

But at this height, it must be more than the thirty floor!

Actually, Kuro Mao guessed right!

In the imperial capital, where an inch of land is an inch of gold, residential buildings are very common, even in high-end communities, with 50 or 60 floors.

Su Wanqing’s house is on the 36th floor…

Although cats can fall from a high place without dying, there is a limit to that height. If you fall from the thirty-something floors and still not die, it would be too much nonsense.

So, after some struggle, Kuroko hesitated.

Jump and die.

Stay here, maybe I will be taken for sterilization in the afternoon...

The black hair gradually became a little messy in the cold wind.

After a period of serious consideration, it finally made a decision that seemed to be the right one.

Alive is the most important thing…

The thing is gone!

Thinking of this, Kuroko flinched and didn't have the courage to jump!

It's just that when it wanted to get back, an accident happened, it was stuck in the pipe, and it was useless no matter how hard it struggled.

"Meow Meow Meow!"

Black Hair's miserable cry came from the pipe.

Qin Xiaobai has been watching its behavior. After hearing its cry, he shook his head helplessly, walked over and dragged it back from the pipe, watching it playfully asked:

"Why are you in such a hurry? Didn't I make arrangements for you in the afternoon? Can't wait now?"

Black Hair: "…"

"Meow!" (Meow star translation: Big brother, are you still human? I encouraged my master to take Ben for a sterilization operation. You can do such an unconscionable thing, Ben Meow curse you to be single forever!)

Hei Mao was hoarse, climbed on Qin Xiaobai in despair, and roared.

"Are you very swollen? You want to beat someone, but you want to curse me?" Qin Xiaobai looked at it and whispered.

"Meow?" (Meow star translation: Have you heard that dead cats are not afraid of boiling water? This meow **** is gone, do you still care about your threat? In addition, the curse of black cats is Very clever, do you want to consider explaining a few words for Ben Miao to my master?)

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