Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 619: A mission to change the status of the future family!

In fact, Qin Xiaobai really thinks the sofa is not bad, at least it is better than the wooden reclining chair of Black Charcoal, I don't know how much better. But Su Wanqing's words made Qin Xiaobai a little uncomfortable.

This silly girl has become more and more inflated recently, and even threatened him with not letting him sleep in the bed... It seems that she hasn't been beating her for too long!

Just as Qin Xiaobai was thinking about this, a cold and ethereal reminder sounded in his mind.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for refreshing the task, please go to the task interface to check in time!"

After hearing the system brother's prompt, Qin Xiaobai couldn't help but pouted, thinking that he hadn't released tasks for several days!

Is it possible that the system brother also went home for the New Year?

However, Qin Xiaobai now has no time to talk nonsense with the system brother, so he directly opened the attribute panel and looked at the new task.

[Task 1: Did you find the host too? Recently, your family status has plummeted. The reason is that you use teammates BUFF indiscriminately, making Su Wanqing a master of the game.

So for the sake of future family status, temporarily turn off teammate BUFF and let her become a rookie again!

Rewards: Evolution Point +100, Seven Star Draws +1. 】

After reading this task, Qin Xiaobai's face darkened.

He was really planning to make the system brother feel at ease for a few days, but it really doesn't work now, is this obviously under-spoil?

Chi Guoguo looked down on his strength in the first liberal arts champion of Zaan!

"System brother, why don't you come out and explain, who's mother's family status is low? I'll give you a chance to reorganize the language, and talk about it!!"

System Brother: "…"

Seeing that there was no response for a long time, Qin Xiaobai continued to ask: "Also, can you **** explain to Laozi, what the **** is the evolution point 100?"

The guy didn't appreciate it at all.

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Xiaobai suddenly felt that what the system brother said seemed to make sense...

This is really a warm task.

Teammate BUFF, he was bound to Su Wanqing before, but it can be released within a year...

In this way, it seems to be much simpler than the task of rewarding the anchor!

One hundred evolution points, a seven-star lottery, there seems to be no big problem.

"You look down on me, someone Qin. In order to make up for my mental loss, I don't want more, round it up and give five hundred points..."

Although Qin Xiaobai also felt that what the system brother said seemed reasonable, but as a husky, if he is reasonable with a guy who is not a human being, it is completely unworthy of noble blood!

System brother: "???"

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, the system brother almost collapsed on the spot!

This host is too difficult to serve, this motherfucker, should the rounding be zero? How could it be five hundred...

The math of this guy is probably taught by a physical education teacher! No, it was taught by a physical education teacher!

For this unreasonable request, the system brother will definitely not be as foolish as Chen Youlun, neither agreeing nor rejecting, just pretending to be dead and running away.

Qin Xiaobai scolded for a long time. When he saw the system brother, he was already planning to become a ninja turtle, and he was helpless in his heart.

If the task is good, he will be reluctant to give up the seven-star lottery. If he did, wouldn't he slap him in the face with what he said just now?

After tangled for a long time, Qin Xiaobai's dog mouth suddenly opened a slight arc, and now he is an Erha, and he wants a woolly face!

If you want face, can you pounce on Su Wanqing?

No way!

Besides, if he beats himself, he can barely accept it, just like he often greens himself...

Soon, Qin Xiaobai used this reason to convince himself, and he didn't even have any sense of shame at all!

Remembering that Su Wanqing suddenly fell from a game **** to the altar, and then continued side by side with Sancai, Qin Xiaobai suddenly felt a little stimulated.

At that time, Su Wanqing's expression should be very exciting, right!

Su Wanqing, who was busy cleaning up the room, obviously did not know that she had been arranged by Qin Xiaobai, and was planning to take a shower after a while, and then start the live broadcast.

She made an appointment with Sancai last night, and today she will take them to kill the Quartet and successfully eat chicken...

Because Qin Xiaobai dismantled other people's Ferrari Enzo, she had been busy, so Sancai urged her several times, but Su Wanqing did not live broadcast.

Now that my dog ​​is back and the house is almost done, it's time to take a bath and show off the real technique.

Thinking of this, Su Wanqing stopped what she was doing, glanced at Qin Xiaobai, who was lying on the sofa, giggling, and said with a smile:

"Xiao Bai, you're smiling so happily, you mustn't be sleepy, right? When my sister comes out of the shower and accompanies her in the live broadcast for a while, I can reconsider putting you in bed!"


Qin Xiaobai roared at Su Wanqing in disbelief.

"You stay in my room first, I just turned on the air conditioner, it's a little cold outside, don't freeze!" After Su Wanqing finished speaking, she walked to the sofa where Qin Xiaobai was, and hugged him into his own room.


Qin Xiaobai grinned and roared.

Of course, Su Wanqing didn't know what he was barking, squatted down, touched his dog's head, and walked out of the room.

Because the weather was relatively cold, Su Wanqing didn't think about summer, and started to undress in front of Qin Xiaobai.

Of course!

Now Qin Xiaobai has jumped at her twice, and it is not like before. Seeing her like that, she can't stand it anymore.


That's how a gentleman is born...

In order to be able to see it earlier, Su Wanqing found her expression after changing dishes, Qin Xiaobai had already turned on her computer while Su Wanqing was taking a shower.

I even used a pair of dog claws to open the Tigerfish live broadcast platform with great effort, and then boarded Su Wanqing's live broadcast room.

The fans who were already waiting in Su Wanqing's live broadcast room saw that Su Wanqing did not appear in the camera, but Qin Xiaobai, her husky, everyone was stunned!

"Fuck! No...Isn't it? Is Erha from the goddess's family so perverted now? Can you turn on your computer to broadcast live?"

"Fake? Isn't this a personal change?"

"I used to know that this Erha was very beautiful, but I didn't expect it to be so beautiful!"

"No, no one of you cares why he demolished a 100 million luxury car, and now he can run out alive and start a live broadcast?"

"Yeah! Erha, the anchor must be crazy, let you come to work today?"

"Don't ask, the anchor is in the hospital, and he just posted a video and said that the hospital's Internet speed is so fast!"

"Damn it, isn't it? The host shouldn't be really cold, right? I have to take off my pants and be shocked..."


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