Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 917: This is seems to be quite exciting!

Gucci's store is not specialized in selling watches, so all the watches on the counter add up to only fifteen pieces.

The price ranges from 500,000 to 2 million, and the total consumption is 9.4 million. In addition to the 400,000 spent before the three dishes and one soup, the goal of 10 million is not far away.

Qin Xiaobai pondered for a while, and didn't plan to continue shopping at other stores, so he pouted, glanced at a few people, and then said: "There is still some money left, Let's go and choose another set of clothes for each person, and then we will almost lose everything!"

Three dishes and one soup: “…”

Does Qin Xiaobai have a grudge against money?

Is it possible that the bank card will get stuck, because Mao has to lose it all...

"Qin Xiaobai, you are so kind to us all of a sudden, do you have any intentions for us?" The little sister looked at the three watches she had been given, and blinked a few times. Looking at Qin Xiaobai with some fear, he asked.

"Hee hee, Qin Xiaobai, if you have an idea, just say it. Anyway, we don't want to work hard anymore, do you understand?"

Little Tuantuan said jokingly.

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

After listening to the words of several people, Qin Xiaobai's face turned dark at that time, and glared at them mercilessly.


You don’t want to work hard at a young age?

Do you want to lie down at home?

Qin Xiaobai shook his head, glared at a few people, and said angrily: "You three don't even have a boyfriend, so you don't want to work hard? Who would dare to marry you..."

Three dishes: “…”

Seriously, they were speechless at the moment.

I wanted to reply immediately, you can't find a girlfriend like this, right?

But soon they thought of Su Wanqing next to them, and there was only a hint of helplessness in their hearts, Qin Xiaobai really had a girlfriend...

About eleven o'clock in the evening, Qin Xiaobai took the four of them and after a supper, the total consumption that day had reached 10,432 yuan.

The task is also completed smoothly.

After hearing the reminder from the system brother, Qin Xiaobai was in a good mood. After looking at a few people, he grinned and said, "Since tomorrow we will go our separate ways, then tonight, Why don't you all go partying all night?"

Partying all night?

After hearing this word, three dishes and one soup became vigilant at the same time.

If someone else heard Qin Xiaobai say this, they would definitely agree without hesitation. After all, with a handsome guy who has grown up like this, even if it is to drive the road overnight, it should be very satisfying.

But the four women with three dishes and one soup are obviously afraid of Qin Xiaobai's routine.

And I have already guessed in my heart that the so-called all-night carnival is probably not the same as singing, clubbing, queuing and so on. Eighty percent is the flying chess that makes them feel psychological shadows.

"Qin Xiaobai, you can pull it down! You want to trick us into playing flying chess again... Come on, kill me now, anyway, I'd rather die than play with you ..." Little Sister Dui looked at Qin Xiaobai with a lifeless expression, and said in a firm tone.


"Wanqing, help! Qin Xiaobai is going to be a devil again..."

Su Wanqing felt helpless when she saw the reaction of several girlfriends. She looked at Qin Xiaobai and said pitifully:

"Qin Xiaobai, Tuanzi, Duan Xiaomei, and Xiaoguo, they all have to catch a flight back tomorrow, so you should be human, don't torture them at night, okay?"

Qin Xiaobai: "???"


After listening to these women, Qin Xiaobai was speechless.

He was just on his way to dinner and saw an Internet cafe, thinking that everyone would be parting tomorrow, and he didn't know when we would meet next time, so he suddenly had a whim and decided to take them for the evening Just go to an internet cafe for chicken...

Every time I see them playing games, they are being fried by others, Qin Xiaobai is really about to vomit.

"Forget it, I originally planned to take you to an Internet cafe to play games together, but since you don't want to, then forget it, go back to your own house and find your own mother!" Qin Xiaobai glared. A few of them glanced at each other, shook their heads, and said helplessly.

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, the four women all breathed a sigh of relief.


"It's not flying chess, that's it!"

"Yes, as long as you don't let us play chess with you, whatever you want, we will accompany you to the end!"

"Well, you can sing and play games..."

Just as Qin Xiaobai was about to speak, a cold and ethereal reminder sounded in his mind.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for refreshing the task, please go to the character interface in time to check!"


No way... System brother, you are so human, can you... I just promised them not to play flying chess, so don't come up with another flying chess task. !

After scolding for a while, Qin Xiaobai finally reluctantly clicked on the property panel.

At present, he has a total of 16,000 evolution points missing, and he can proceed to the next evolution.

When he was in the center of the extreme south, the system brother once mentioned that only by evolving again, he can really unlock the secret of the mark.


Qin Xiaobai himself was very interested in the mysterious jade coffin and the mark on it.

So, no matter what, he will not give up on the evolution point.

However, after reading the task, the whole person suddenly felt a little bad...

"System brother, are you **** kidding me?"

Qin Xiaobai almost vomited blood when he looked at the dense number of numbers below the task.

[Mission 1: Flying chess is such a fun game, these women refuse to accompany the host to play, and they even say that as long as they don’t play flying chess, they can do anything. Then ask the host to let them solve the quadratic equation for one night until they agree to play flying chess. Rewards: Evolution point +5000, Eight-star lottery times +2…]

Qin Xiaobai: "…"


In the middle of the night, I let four girls do math problems all night, and then I watched them staring blankly.

This is so... so exciting!

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai's mouth couldn't help but raise a beautiful arc, looked at the few people with a smile and asked, "You said it yourself, as long as you don't play flying chess, you can do anything. Yes, what if you regret it?"

Three dishes, one soup, four people, after listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then answered with a serious face: "Whoever regrets is a dog?"

With other men, the four of them would definitely not dare to speak like that. After all, who knows if that man will be greedy for their bodies?

But now that this man is Qin Xiaobai, this concern is completely gone.

First of all, Su Wanqing is by her side, and even if Su Wanqing is not there, it is estimated that Qin Xiaobai, the dead straight man, will not have any thoughts about them.

So, what are you afraid of...

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