Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 926: Hongke Union and Husky Union Emblem!

Before Qin Xiaobai was forced to defend due to insufficient manpower, but now that Xiao Shisan is the leader of the imperial hacker world, the situation is naturally different.

Coming and not being indecent!

Since those guys, made Su Wanqing and Sancai into dynamic cartoon pictures, holding signs against the empire.

Then just let the Americans feel the consequences of angering a husky. Let the dynamic pictures of Huskies also hold slogans against the United States, covered with major social software and popular online portals.

"Thirteen, I want to form a hacker alliance, so that those websites in the United States can also feel the feeling of being bloodbathed!" Qin Xiaobai looked at Xiao Shisan, and then said in a serious tone :

"But my side are all those technicians who graduated from majors, and they are not very useful, so in terms of personnel, you may need to use your appeal."

"No problem, Dad! The Wolfpack Organization has completely ignored the hackers of our empire. In fact, we wanted to do it last night, but before everyone was divided into different parts of the empire, there was no way to unify Arrangements, so there is no shot."

Xiao Shisan said here, paused for a moment, glanced at Qin Xiaobai with a bit of embarrassment, and then continued: "My place is too small, there may be no way to get all the hackers to come here. …”

"You don't have to worry about this, I have an Internet cafe with more than 500 top-level computers. If it's not enough, you can go to the Lanshan Hotel!"

Qin Xiaobai didn't have any worries about the venue.

Now that the Xiaobai team is on holiday, the empire has been hacked, and many games can no longer be played. The business of Internet cafes is naturally very miserable.

It can be arranged to be used by the hackers who arrive.

"That's fine!" Little Thirteen nodded, and then asked curiously, "That's right, Dad! Since we're going to set up a hacker alliance, what name should we name it? Okay?"


When Qin Xiaobai heard Xiao Shisan's question, he became speechless.

He's a nameless...

After pondering for a while, Qin Xiaobai finally said a name that made Xiao Shisan almost collapse: "Well, let's call the Husky Alliance..."

"This is too low, isn't it? Others call it a wolf, we call it a husky. Obviously, it is suppressed in terms of level..."

When Xiao Shisan heard the name, he was speechless and reluctant.


To be honest, she really hates this name...

"Dad, how about we call it Hong Ke, which represents justice and the color of the empire?"

Xiao Shisan thought for a while, looked at Qin Xiaobai and asked.

Actually, Qin Xiaobai didn't care about names, so he nodded and agreed.

"Honkers are Hunkers! However, we have to use Huskies for our alliance emblem. After all, we are also going to demolish other people's websites and use Huskies as the team emblem. Thirteen, you don't think it fits very well. huh? Hey!"

Qin Xiaobai grinned, looked at Xiao Shisan and asked.

Little Thirteen: “…”

Although she didn't know Qin Xiaobai's father, why he had to use the Husky as the team badge, but she felt that what he said seemed to make sense, so she didn't speak out against it.

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai's cell phone rang suddenly.

The calling number is a landline.

The number is somewhat familiar. If I remember correctly, it should be the phone number of Mr. Lam's office.

Combining with what Liang Chenghai said before, Qin Xiaobai had already guessed that it should be someone from the investigation team who arrived in the magic capital.

However, Qin Xiaobai watched for a while, and did not pick it up immediately, but looked at Xiao Shisan and said:

"Thirteen, you can gather members later! The number of people is not too many, at least they are hackers above the master level. When everyone is here, let's go to the Xiaobai Internet Cafe in Xicheng Tianhe!

I still have some troubles here, I need to deal with it…”

"Dad, you go to work first, don't worry here, at most one day, everyone should be able to be in place."

Little Thirteen nodded obediently, and then assured him.

With her status in the imperial hacker world, as long as she speaks, many people will respond.

What's more, the hackers of the empire were prepared to do this.

Therefore, it is not too difficult to gather people.

Qin Xiaobai chatted with Xiao Shisan for a while in the room, then got up and left the courtyard, and then went directly to the municipal building.

The hackers who were in the yard before looked at the back of Qin Xiaobai leaving, and all of them looked at Xiao Thirteen curiously.

"Miss, this young man is really your father? Didn't you say your father was missing?"

Langli Baitiao looked at Xiao Shisan with some doubts, and asked strangely.

"Yes, eldest sister! This is too nonsense, that person looks about the same age as us, how can there be a daughter as old as you... I suspect you are teasing us!" Another young hacker also asked in disbelief.

"Anyway, he is my other father, believe it or not!" Xiao Shisan was too lazy to explain to them, after all, Qin Xiaobai was forced to eat steamed buns and burst into tears at the scene, she could Don't want these guys to know.

What a shame...

If these people knew, then her image as a cold-faced female killer in the hacker world would collapse instantly!

A red guest alliance, ready to start revenge, you go to the website and ask if there are other people who want to participate!"

Xiao Shisan glanced at a few people and said seriously.

"Really or not, eldest sister, didn't you say last night that you didn't plan to interfere?"

"It's nothing, they messed with my father, I can't stand my tantrum..." Before Xiao Shisan had lost his childishness, a trace of anger rose on his face, and he said something lightly.

"Hey, don't worry! We can't take it anymore!"

"Yes, I believe those guys in the group are probably also full of gas!"

"Red Guest Alliance, it sounds very interesting, I'll go to publish the news..."

At 10:30 in the morning, Qin Xiaobai came to Senator Lin's office. Senator Lin's secretary took him to the door of a conference room and politely said to him:

"President Qin, the people from the investigation team are inside, I won't accompany you in!"

"Ok, thanks!"

Qin Xiaobai nodded to the secretary, thanked him politely, and opened the door of the conference room.


To his surprise, he did not see the so-called investigation team...

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