Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 953: I'm going to make a call!

After the fifth uncle hung up the phone, Su Wanqing's face turned a little red with anger, she really didn't understand, why did this group feel so righteous?

Slightly calmed down, she picked up the phone again and called some other relatives who were selling goods in her name.

But those people seem to have negotiated.

Not only did he not feel that there was any problem with doing this, but he felt that Su Wanqing called to ask, and it was a bit too fussy. It was because they used a few of her photos and did not let Su Wanqing come over to help them sell the goods.

Seriously, Su Wanqing never thought that these relatives would be ugly.

But if things continue to develop like this, there will definitely be major problems.

So no way.

After returning to her live broadcast room, she had to look at the camera and began to explain to the fans, and hoped that everyone would stop believing that the so-called Su Wanqing's recommendation was nothing like that.

After some explanations, many fans are willing to believe Su Wanqing's words.

After all, for more than a year, she has not even been rewarded with gifts, and she has never done live streaming.

"Anchor, we believe in you! However, let's take care of this kind of thing. There will definitely be some fans who will be deceived!"

"Yes~! I've seen a shameless person, but I've never seen such a shameless person!"

"If I say that these people should be legally illiterate, portrait rights and slander are not light, these guys really dare to do it!"

"Who can't have a few shameless relatives? These people just see that the anchor is too kind and easy to bully..."

"Go and call the dog emperor! He should like to beat people like this the most..."

"@Destiny Wang Xingren, someone steals your daughter-in-law's photo to defraud, hurry up and seal those people's live broadcast room!"

"Anchor, go to the dog emperor, he is the best at this kind of thing!"


At this time, Qin Xiaobai, who was sleeping soundly next door, suddenly sat up from the bed, with a confused expression on his face, and asked cursingly, "Brother System, you and him Is the mother crazy? Can you let me get a good night's sleep..."


Qin Xiaobai really had the urge to hammer the system brother to death.

This guy is going too far.

In the past, every time he released a task, it was when he was awake, and now it has developed to the task of sleeping...

Who the **** can stand this?

Although he was a little unhappy, Qin Xiaobai complained a few words, and chose to open his attribute panel, and then checked the task.

Ask the host to help Su Wanqing solve the annoying relatives. Reward: Evolution point +5000, Eight-star lottery times +2. 】

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

Isn't it fine when you come back for lunch?

How long have you been sleeping? What happened again?

Is this daughter-in-law poisonous?

Is it too late to change...

Qin Xiaobai put on his clothes speechlessly, then walked out of his room, and knocked on the door of Su Wanqing's room.




There were several knocks on the door, Su Wanqing was stunned for a moment, then she stood up, walked to the door and opened the door of the room.

When she saw Qin Xiaobai standing outside the door, she felt a little strange:

"Qin, Qin Xiaobai, aren't you sleeping?"

"What happened to your relatives?"

Qin Xiaobai did not answer Su Wanqing's question, but directly asked about the business.

"They are using my name to sell fake goods in live broadcast... Many fans have been deceived and are making trouble in the live broadcast room..." Su Wanqing sighed, she did not intend to tell Qin Xiaobai Yes, but since he asked, it's not easy to hide anything.

After all, it would be very simple for Qin Xiaobai to check by himself.


After listening to Su Wanqing's words, Qin Xiaobai's face darkened.

During the wedding banquet last night, he felt that those relatives of Su Wanqing seemed to be a little too enthusiastic about the live broadcast. Didn't expect these guys to be so shameless?

"You didn't find them?"

Qin Xiaobai glanced at Su Wanqing speechlessly and asked.

"Just called them all, but those people..."

Su Wanqing said here and did not go on, but Qin Xiaobai had obviously heard what she meant.

I was speechless.

Who the **** are these people?

It’s okay to come to Tiger Fish live broadcast, and if you take some hot traffic, Qin Xiaobai shouldn’t care.

But your sister.

In the name of Su Wanqing, a silly girl, to sell fakes and harvest leeks.

Su Wanqing can bear it, but he can't bear it.

"Don't worry about it, go and explain to the fans, I'll make a call..." Qin Xiaobai said calmly, then took out his mobile phone.

After seeing Qin Xiaobai's actions, of course Su Wanqing knew what he was going to do.

Considering that everyone is relatives after all, so I still plan to give them some face, so I glanced at Qin Xiaobai and whispered: "It's almost the same as closing their live broadcast room and returning the money to the fans. Now, don't pursue the rest!"


In that case, my parents may not be able to explain it.

After listening to Su Wanqing's words, Qin Xiaobai nodded and understood Su Wanqing's concerns in his heart, so he could only sigh, this silly daughter-in-law was still too soft-hearted.

If this is his own words, he doesn't care about his relatives and friends!

As high as they can go bankrupt.

To close a few live broadcast rooms, it is really not difficult for Qin Xiaobai. After the phone call, only five minutes later, Su Wanqing's relatives, a total of eleven people, live broadcast rooms, Did the screen go black directly, and all personal information was blocked by the goby platform.

After this scene happened, her relatives, who were trying to sell goods, were all dumbfounded when they saw that the live broadcast room was closed.

Have been busy for a long time, at least one person has earned nearly 30,000 yuan, and the most is almost 80,000 yuan.

The meat around her mouth suddenly disappeared.

For these cheeky and greedy people, it was naturally unacceptable, and they called Su Wanqing one after another.

It's just that after Su Wanqing saw the number, she didn't plan to pick it up.


Su Wanqing and Qin Xiaobai both thought that at this point, it was almost over.

But they obviously underestimated the thickness of the skin of those relatives...

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