Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 969: This woman is a prophet, hurry up!

The scarred man heard this, and everyone was dumbfounded.


Who the **** can stand this...

"Boss, really, you believe me! There is a devil husky on it, and Pharaoh was killed by him! Now the most important thing is, how to find a way to deal with that husky, or he Stay on top, we're all screwed..."

"Are you teaching me what to do?"

The bald man glared at him, then asked a question in a cold voice, then pointed to a follower beside him, and then ordered: "Aliang, you go up and have a look! A husky will make him Scared to look like this ghost, it is a waste of food to keep it, so go to the operation instead!"

When the man with scars heard this, his heart suddenly became cold. Since joining this organization, he had already guessed that he would not end well, but he really didn't think that his ending would be Just like the women they captured.

Qin Xiaobai, who was standing at the entrance of the cave, with his astonishing hearing, heard the conversations of the following people clearly.

I can't help but feel a little emotional, these are really cruel.

Even my own comrades can do it...

Since this kind of thing has happened, it seems that there is nothing wrong with taking the award for honoring the good citizens.

So Qin Xiaobai stretched out his claws and cut the rope leading to the ground.

If you want to come up, stop dreaming, okay?

However, the situation below is not very clear. Although Xiaobai is not afraid, but he does not want to take risks easily, so let the professionals take care of the aftermath.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai returned to his human form, then took out his mobile phone and called the police.

After doing all this, Qin Xiaobai glanced at Li Xiaomeng.

Suddenly there was something in my heart.

What about this stupid woman? I can't just leave her in this wilderness...

Take her back to the hotel?

It's obviously even more inappropriate!


It is even more unlikely to send Li Xiaomeng home, Qin Xiaobai doesn't even know where her home is.

After thinking for a long time, Qin Xiaobai finally thought of a more appropriate way to deal with it.

These people kidnapped Li Xiaomeng, isn't this cheap? It must be very exciting to do something special in a place like this...


The special thing that Qin Xiaobai was thinking about was thinking, how to wake up Li Xiaomeng, the pig head, and then play a few exciting flying chess in this wilderness...

Qin Xiaobai has no idea at all about her body.

While Qin Xiaobai was thinking like this, Li Xiaomeng on the side woke up.

Wild Country Ridge.

My clothes were messy and soaked.

There is a man in front of him who is giggling...

A fool knows what happened!

Li Xiaomeng's eyes were red at that time, if it wasn't for the numbness of her body, she might have chosen to die on the spot...

But soon, Li Xiaomeng seemed to feel that something was wrong. The back of the man in front of her always made her feel very familiar.

After taking a secret look, the tears in Li Xiaomeng's eyes suddenly came back.

There was even a hint of joy on his face.

"Qin Xiaobai, is that you?"

After shouting softly, Li Xiaomeng waited expectantly for the man to answer.

"You wake up..."

After Qin Xiaobai glanced back, just after saying two words, he turned his head again, and then roared fiercely: "Can we put on our clothes before talking? ?"

Li Xiaomeng: “…”

At this time, she realized that her clothes seemed to be a little messy, her face turned slightly red, she said softly, and then began to organize.

Tell the truth.

Li Xiaomeng was arranging her clothes, and she couldn't help complaining in her heart: I don't care, what are you afraid of as a big man...

Of course, she just thought about it herself, and didn't dare to say it.

After a while, Li Xiaomeng packed herself up, looked up at Qin Xiaobai, and said softly: "Okay... Okay! I, why am I here, where is this?"

After listening to her words, Qin Xiaobai's face turned dark at that time, stared at her and asked, "How dare you ask me? If you don't sleep at home at night, is your head flooded? Will you go to the lake to go live for a night tour? Are you going to die..."

Li Xiaomeng: “…”

After being attacked by Qin Xiaobai, Li Xiaomeng was stunned.

At this moment, her head is a little dizzy, she can't remember what happened before, and the picture in her mind is still stuck in the live chat with Qin Xiaobai.

As for what happened later, she tried her best to recall it, but it was still blank.

Remembering the scene when she woke up just now, Li Xiaomeng's face became a little hot, she couldn't help lowering her head, and asked in a low voice: "You... are you going to... do... anything special to me... thing?"

Qin Xiaobai: "???"


Is this dead woman a prophet?

Do you even know about the plan to let her off the flight? This kind of person can't be kept, it's better to kill quickly...

"Well, I just have this idea, haven't I started yet..."

Qin Xiaobai thought that Li Xiaomeng had guessed his idea of ​​playing flying chess, and immediately his face became a little embarrassed.

After listening to his words, Li Xiaomeng didn't dare to lift her head up at all, her face felt as hot as if it were burning.

Actually, she is not unwilling, but she seems to have heard Qin Xiaobai say that he is getting married...

So at this moment, her heart is not struggling.

" not getting married? Then, can your fiancé accept us like this?" After a fierce struggle, Li Xiaomeng finally couldn't help but ask.

Although she likes Qin Xiaobai very much, and even wants to lose her name, she actually doesn't want to hurt another innocent woman.

"What are you afraid of? Why don't I call and ask her to come with me?"

Qin Xiaobai thought about it and answered directly.

Li Xiaomeng: "... Qin Xiaobai, you are shameless!"

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