Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 977: There must be shady!

It’s not like this is how stupid people play, right?

Millions of Qin Xiaobai may not find it strange, after all, this is the first day of the competition, some of the sponsors behind the anchors, in order to compete for popularity, brush a million reward, but Also normal.

But Nima is tens of millions...

It stands to reason that some people are making big rewards on the platform, and Qin Xiaobai should be the happiest, but for some reason, he always feels a little uneasy in his heart.

"It may be that I haven't lost my family for too long. Now I see people rewarding tens of millions, I feel a little strange..."

After muttering to himself for a while, Qin Xiaobai shook his head, and did not intend to continue to pay attention to this matter.


What Qin Xiaobai didn't know was that not long after he slept, the official Douyin account of the tiger fish platform was captured by a large number of angry fans.

"The best new anchor this time has no meaning at all. Is planning your brain sick?"

"The top ten anchors should be selected by Goby, this is not fair!"

"Well, none of the top ten anchors even made me have the urge to take off my pants. This is obviously a problem! Who of you go to @doghuang and ask what's going on? "

"No, Goby's official, are you blind now? I have never heard of these anchors, and I don't know where they came from, and then occupied the top ten The location is a bit unreasonable..."

"Maybe it's not a shady story, maybe it's because the rich people's tastes have become heavier, not necessarily! I really want to find a way to get rich, let's not say, maybe they will like women's clothing Dude, I think you should try it!"

"I don't care, if Goby doesn't come out to give an explanation, I will uninstall Goby, and I won't watch the live broadcast of this platform again in the future!"

"Yes, there must be some indescribable deal!"


In just one afternoon, Tiger Fish's official Douyin account, Weibo, etc., were all such remarks.

Although the people who compete for the best new anchor this time are not as good as Su Wanqing in the last year, there have been many anchors in the past year. In fact, their popularity is not bad. It has seven or eight million fans.

In addition, these anchors are also supported by big brothers.

Now that I can't even get into the top ten, these gold owners and those anchors who have invested money are naturally unacceptable.

If the current top ten are as bad as Su Wanqing before, in fact, these people will not come out to make trouble, but now there is obviously a shady scene, so it is not surprising that these people come out to make trouble …

Originally, the management of Tiger Fish, Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng, did not take these internet trolls seriously. After all, this kind of thing happened before.

After Su Wanqing won the championship last year, there was also a large number of black people.

The official Douyin of Tiger Fish and Weibo made trouble, saying there was a shady story!

So, after some discussion between the two of them, they did not ignore it directly. They sent someone to appease the emotions of other angry anchors, and then issued a statement clarifying that there was absolutely no default decision. matter.

But what happened next made Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng, and all the management of Tiger Fish dumbfounded.

The clarification statement not only did not calm the emotional fans and anchors, but intensified. At around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, a large number of participating anchors stopped broadcasting and retired.

Of course, this is not the worst.

There are several rookie anchors with a popularity of over one million, and the gold owners behind them even contacted the official Goby and asked to terminate the contract directly.

No way!

These people have completely disqualified from the competition for the best new host.

On the first day, the total amount of gift rewards for the top ten best newcomers has risen from 38 million to 100 million soft sister coins, and ranked tenth, There are more than 90 million...

When Su Wanqing won the championship last year, Qin Xiaobai only made tens of millions.

Now the top ten are almost reaching 100 million. As long as this Nima is not a fool, you can see that there is a problem!

Beagle Headquarters Office.

Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng, with uncertain faces, are discussing this matter.

"Mr. Xu, what do you think about this matter?"

Liang Chenghai held a stack of documents in his hand. After flipping through it, he handed it to Xu Feng, and then asked.

Xu Feng took the document and read it carefully, then frowned, and said seriously:

"I'm afraid we have made a serious problem this time. I just read the information of these people. The IP addresses are all overseas, and the longest registration period is no more than three months. So...I'm a little suspicious..."

After listening to Xu Feng's words, Liang Cheng's face also became nervous, looking at Xu Feng and asked:

“You mean? Someone wants to wash through our platform…”

It's just that he didn't say all of his words. If you really want to think what they guessed, the consequences of this matter may be very serious.

Money laundering charges.

If it is really verified, then it will face a large fine regardless of whether the tiger fish platform knows it or not.

In addition, at this time, if the alleged money laundering of Goby spreads, the impact on the stock price will be unimaginable.

"In this way, Mr. Liang, you go to inform Mr. Qin about this first, and listen to his opinion. I will lead people to stabilize those emotional anchors first. These people are our tigers. The cornerstones of the fish's future have really all gone, and for us, the losses that can be fined are even greater!"

After pondering for a while, Xu Feng said to Liang Chenghai.

"Okay, just do as you say!"

After the two negotiated, they started their own actions.

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai, who was sleeping in the attic, was awakened by the ringing of the phone, frowned and glanced at the caller number, and when he saw that it was Liang Chenghai, he couldn't help but muttered: Is your intuition correct? Is there really something wrong with the goby?

"Hey, President Qin! There may be a problem in this Best Newcomer Host Competition! President Xu and I suspect that someone is laundering money through our platform..." Liang Chenghai reported in a serious tone.

"Money laundering? Is more than 30 million necessary?"

In Qin Xiaobai's view, even if someone really wants to launder money, the number should start in billions, right?

Thirty million is totally unnecessary...

"It's not 30 million! Now the top 10 streamers' reward amount is almost 100 million...and their IP is not in China, but overseas!" Liang Chenghai answered anxiously road.

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