Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 990: That... Qin Xiaobai, transfer 10,000 yuan to me!

The whole process of doing hair, Li Xiaomeng and Su Wanqing, except that the hair stylist here is a bit more talkative and more able to talk, it is not as magical and exaggerated as the short video boasted.

The hairstyle effect that I made doesn't seem to be much different from the previous one.


"How much?"

Li Xiaomeng knew that Su Wanqing did not bring a wallet, so she planned to pay the bill this time.

Hearing that they were going to settle the bill, the young man showed a harmless smile on his face, then looked at them and replied with a smile:

"The two beauties spent a total of 10,999. There are activities in the store, and I will help you to wipe off the fraction. You will be charged an integer and 10,000 soft sister coins. ?"

"How much?"

Li Xiaomeng and Su Wanqing were both surprised when they heard the price.

At first, they thought they had heard it wrong.

They simply trimmed their hair, and then straightened it. They didn't even perm, but they spent more than 10,000 yuan?

Is this a joke?

It’s not like this is the way to grab money…

"The two of you spent a total of 10,000 yuan!" The young man, after seeing the expressions of the two, seemed to be no exception, and answered again.

After making sure she heard it right, Li Xiaomeng couldn't stand it anymore and asked directly: "No, did you make a mistake? We didn't do any special services, why did you just consume it? More than ten thousand?"

"Yes! When we came before, didn't you say the whole set of 388?"

Su Wanqing also asked.

"I just mentioned the whole set of 388, but that's just the basic package fee, but the shampoo you just used is imported, the same style as Hollywood stars!

And the technicians who help you with scalp massage care are the best technicians in this industry, and they also need to be charged separately.

In addition, Mr. Tony, who made the discovery for you just now, used to be the queen hair stylist of Tianhou, so he also charged an additional fee.

These are added together, and you will be charged 10,000 soft sister coins, which is already very cheap, two beauties, are you right? "

The man smiled and said.

"You are a black shop, Xiaomeng, we will call the police!"

Although Su Wanqing is usually good-natured, considering her current worth, she is not short of ten thousand quick money, but even so, she does not want to be maliciously deceived.

This is a fraudulent consumption!

First use the guise of a 388 package to fool consumers in, and then add various additional services. The key is not to explain the price in advance. cost of.

This is a black shop in ancient times!

Su Wanqing would rather donate all this money to the Angel Children's Welfare Institute, but it is absolutely impossible to give it to them.

Actually, her guess was good.

This store is supposed to be poorly managed and suffer serious losses, so after some discussions with several partners, they plan to make a fortune in the last month of the rent expiry, and then Run straight away.

The previous video of Douyin was also a popular one they bought with their own money, and they got a good review by themselves.

Don't say it.

Although it cost a lot of money, it still has a lot of results.

In the university town, many girls were fooled into by them, and then they used the same routine and succeeded several times.

Of course, the first few times they targeted college girls who came alone.

Generally speaking, after some threats and intimidation, most girls who have not entered the society will be frightened. Although they are reluctant, they still choose to compromise in order to leave here.

It is precisely because they understand that girls are timid and dare not make things bigger, they dare to collect money so blatantly.

However, in the past, the money they received was not as terrifying as it is today, only about 2,000.

The reason why I quoted such a high price today.

Because seeing Li Xiaomeng and Su Wanqing, they both looked very weak, and their clothes were more expensive, so the lion opened his mouth.

After hearing Su Wanqing say that she was going to call the police, the expressions of the people in the store were obviously not right.

The door of the store was closed by several people downstairs.

Afterwards, several barbers with various tattoos surrounded Li Xiaomeng and Su Wanqing.

"Call the police, you should report it!"

One of them shouted at them both in a cold tone.

Su Wanqing and Li Xiaomeng had never seen such a battle before. They were surrounded by a group of tattooed men, and they were beaten by others. If they said they were not afraid, they must be deceiving themselves.

"I'm not afraid to tell you, even if the police uncle comes, we are not afraid! The price is clearly marked, the service you chose by yourself, do you still want to default? Stop talking nonsense, pay quickly, or don't want to leave today Store door!"

Another tattooed man walked in front of them and said something fierce.

At this moment, Li Xiaomeng and Su Wanqing knew that if they didn't pay the money first, it would not be so easy to leave here.

Heroes don't suffer immediate losses, not to mention the two little girls?

Even if you want to call the police, you have to wait until you go out.

But now, the two of them really don't have so much money on them...

They just came to school to review, and they didn't expect to spend so much money all at once.

"We didn't bring so much money, we only had less than three thousand fast!" Li Xiaomeng glanced at them and said.

"Who are you, you don't take 10,000 yuan with you when you go out, you are too embarrassed to come to a beauty salon, now call a friend to borrow it, hurry up!" After hearing Li Xiaomeng's words, the man A trace of disdain rose on the man's face, and then he said.

No way!

In the end, Su Wanqing had to take out her mobile phone under their surveillance and called Qin Xiaobai.


After a while, Qin Xiaobai's lazy voice came from the other end of the phone: "When will you come back, stupid woman, I'm starving to death!"

"That... Qin Xiaobai, can you make me 10,000 yuan? I don't have enough money for shopping with Xiaomeng!" Su Wanqing glanced at the vicious barbers beside her. I dare not say that I have encountered a black shop.

After hearing Su Wanqing's words, Qin Xiaobai felt that something was wrong.

Su Wanqing, this silly girl, never asks him for money, why would she suddenly ask him for ten thousand yuan?


She doesn't even have ten thousand dollars...

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai couldn't help but ask the phone: "What's the matter, did something happen?"

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