Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 996: what's the situation? Tang Xiaorou has a fiancé?

The atmosphere of the live broadcast was very cheerful, and those fans were all over there using a barrage to ridicule Tang Xiaorou.

Su Wanqing and Qin Xiaobai didn't care much about this. After all, everyone is just joking, and there is no need to be so serious.

Tang Xiaorou herself was a little embarrassed when she saw these barrages, and her face was a little red.

"Xiaorou, congratulations! The game is over, then I'll go back to the live broadcast first, otherwise the fans below will say that I pigeon them again!" Su Wanqing shook her head, Tang Xiaorou posted a barrage in the live broadcast room.

After seeing this barrage, Tang Xiaorou smiled and said gratefully, "Thank you mother, thank you today!"

"The guy you want to thank is Qin Xiaobai. If he doesn't come, I'm afraid I won't be able to do anything today! By the way, Qin Xiaobai, are you going to say a few words?" Su Wanqing never saw Qin Xiaobai's barrage, and felt a little strange in her heart, so she couldn't help posting another message on the public screen.

"Thank you Dad!"

Tang Xiaorou did not hesitate at all, and thanked her directly.

"Okay, don't be so rude, after the matter is settled, remember to go back to the zoo to move the bricks!"

Qin Xiaobai pouted and sent out a barrage.

Until now, he is still not used to it. When others are broadcasting live, they call his father... I always feel a little strange in my heart.

After all, strictly speaking, he is only twenty-one years old!

Being called Dad every day, and there are more than one, who the **** can stand it.

Su Wanqing wanted to broadcast live, so after a few words with Qin Xiaobai, she took the fans and went back to her live broadcast room.

Originally, Qin Xiaobai also planned to quit the live broadcast room and go to the streets of Modu.

But just as he was about to log out of the account, there was a sudden bang in Tang Xiaorou's live broadcast room.

There appears to be a loud knock on the door.

When Tang Xiaorou heard the knock on the door, her face immediately turned pale, obviously panicked, she turned her head to look at the door, and did not dare to speak for a long time.

Then there was a burst of angry scolding in the live broadcast room: "Tang, hurry up and open the door for Laozi, I know you are inside, don't pretend no one is here with me! I said, If you can't escape, if you can't come out, I kicked the door!"

After hearing this voice, Tang Xiaorou was obviously frightened, and her body began to tremble slightly.

"I...will not open the door for you...if you...don't leave, police!"

Tang Xiaorou heard the voice of the person coming, stood up nervously from the chair, then carefully walked to the door, pressed her body against the door, and stammered.

asked frivolously.

The conversation between the two was broadcast live, and reached the ears of all the audience and Qin Xiaobai, and the entire live broadcast room exploded!

"Fuck...what the **** is going on? The anchor is married?"

"I lost, the dog emperor, you don't bring this kind of stuff, right? Whoever has more spicy strips can have the anchor and become your son-in-law? Why does a fiancé suddenly appear? ?"

"Don't say it, the dog emperor quickly returns Laozi's spicy strips, or I will sue you for fraud!"

"Who can tell what happened? Why did a gangster break into the girls' dormitory in the middle of the night? Is the dormitory aunt's fighting ability dead..."

"This product may have climbed the wall. I used to climb the wall a lot back then. The skill is good, but it was discovered by the dorm aunt again and chased Laozi ten streets..."

"Fuck! If I don't have this, am I going to lose my love? Dog emperor, you are too much!"

"Who can tell me where this sand sculpture came from? When did the anchor have a fiancé?"

"This is too much nonsense, right? @Destiny Wangxingren, the dog emperor is still around, come out and explain, or I may die on the spot!"

"My heart hurts, I can't breathe, I want to die! I don't feel like I'm in love anymore..."



At the moment, Qin Xiaobai is also confused and confused.

Tang Xiaorou has a fiancé?

Isn’t that bullshit?

How come he never heard this Nizi say it... Who can believe this Nima!

Out of curiosity, Qin Xiaobai gave up the idea of ​​directly logging out of the account, and planned to stay and see what happened.

"Don't be like this, okay? Haven't I promised you all the conditions you said? Give me half a month, and I'll give you the money next month..." Tang Xiaorou looked a little bit Nervous, Nuonuo pleaded.

"Half a month? Haha! I suddenly changed my mind!" The strange man sneered, and then said: "After we get married, isn't all your money still mine? I Do you think I'm stupid for Mao agreeing to your terms?"

Although this strange man's words are not very pleasant, it seems to be true.

As long as she and Tang Xiaorou get married, not only can he get her people, but all Tang Xiaorou's property will also belong to him.

At least that's how he sees it.

"Open the door and let Lao Tzu in!"

Seeing that Tang Xiaorou hadn't opened the door for a long time, the strange man couldn't help shouting, and then started kicking the door with his feet.

If it was normal time, he would not dare to be so blatant and presumptuous.

But now, it's the end of June, and the Magic Capital Medical College has already had winter vacation, so there is nothing left in the school.

Therefore, he shouted a few words at the door, and saw that no one came to stop him, so he became a little more courageous.

And, as he said, he is really not afraid of Tang Xiaorou calling the police!

At this time, Tang Xiaorou was too frightened to know what to do, curled up at the door and shivered, with one hand against the door, the other hand kept wiping the tears from her face.

When Qin Xiaobai saw this, he couldn't bear it any longer.

Isn't this **** bullshit?

In the middle of the night, a neuropathy, ran to the empty girls' dormitory and went crazy, who would be frightened!

If it were someone else, Qin Xiaobai might not bother to care.

It just so happens that he is now doing the task of punishing crimes.

This guy's behavior is the image of a living villain, and he is within the scope of his attack.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai shook his head and muttered to himself: "No way, you hit the muzzle yourself, you really can't justify it if you don't hammer it to death... In fact, I'm a good person! "

After finishing speaking, Qin Xiaobai did not hesitate and drove directly to the Magic Capital Medical College...

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