Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1031: bias

Dr. Charles Moore nodded. He was tired because of the disease. He did not wear a pair of sterile gloves and Zheng Ren continued to dissect. Instead, he turned and waved his hand and returned to his seat.

Zheng Ren knows that coronary dilatation is rare, and there is no particularly good way to treat it. Interventional stents are a means.

But Dr. Charles Moore is at the Mayo Clinic, and the heart treatment is known as the world's number one hospital. There is no reason to get off the shelf but not down.

The condition is a bit confusing because the system panel is only reddish and the situation is not serious. What is plaguing Dr. Charles Moore may be stable angina.

This kind of angina is the same as angina with myocardial ischemia, but it is not fatal.

Zheng Ren is somewhat curious. The old man's anatomy is the most exquisite he has ever seen. The previous discussion seems to open a new door, so Zheng Ren wants to ask about the specific situation.

Taking off the gloves, Zheng Ren did not speak, and a man hurriedly came in.

"Doctor Zheng, how are you here," Professor Danilo Acosta said.

Zheng Ren smiled and asked: "Is the preoperative preparation completed?"

"When done, if your time permits, you can start surgery at any time." Danilo's words were more polite, but the expression sold out his most real thoughts.

He is very impatient and especially impatient.

"Speak a little," Dr. Charles Moore's assistant yelled.

Danilo rushed in and was in a hurry, not paying attention to who was sitting inside. He didn't sleep all night, his heart was full of temper, his temper was great, and he was going to swear.

However, when he saw Dr. Charles Moore's moment, all the anger on his face seemed to be blown away by the wind. He said gently and modestly: "Hello, Dr. Charles, how are you here?"

“What surgery?” Dr. Charles Moore closed his eyes, his brow furrowed and whispered.

"When studying kidney-derived hypertension, there were some problems. We looked for Dr. Zheng’s consultation. He thought that surgery was possible. After..."

“Is it the subject of percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of the renal sympathetic nerve?” asked Dr. Charles Moore.

"Yes, yes." Danilo replied immediately.

"Oh, look, I said that there is no future for interventional surgery." Dr. Charles Moore opened his eyes slightly and glanced at Zheng Ren. He asked: "What happened, what are you going to do?"

"I judge that the process of radiofrequency ablation leads to the fusion of renal sympathetic nerve and renal artery, combined with renal artery stenosis, leading to patients with refractory hypertension." Zheng Ren smiled: "Be a stripping operation, then the lower renal artery stent is also Yes."

Dr. Charles Moore did not say how the intervention did not have a future. Instead, he thought about it and said, "You should go to the surgery first, I will go see it later."

When Dr. Charles said this, Danilo was relieved.

From the ladder classroom, Su Yun was a bit strange, asked the professor: "How do I feel that Dr. Charles is biased against interventional surgery?"

Professor Rudolf Wagner smiled helplessly, but his smile was stiff and finally turned into a sigh.

"Don't pretend, hurry." Su Yun was not happy.

"Cloud brother, 9 years ago, Dr. Charles Moore diagnosed coronary atherosclerotic heart disease and performed stent surgery. There was a problem after surgery, and the symptoms of angina were not relieved," the professor explained.

When Zheng Ren heard it, he moved and asked: "Is it complicated with coronary artery dilatation after surgery?"

"Yes," the professor replied.

As an interventional physicist who is ambitious to the Nobel Prize, Charles is called the devil in the back, how can the professor not know.

Su Yun looked at Zheng Ren with a sneak peek. This mouthpiece said that he had no interest in the Nobel Prize. In fact, he personally investigated the relevant people. Otherwise, he wouldn't know about this kind of thing, how would he know that Dr. Charles Moore had a coronary dilatation after surgery?

"That's a pity, but there is no sudden death from myocardial ischemia, as long as the monitoring will not form an aneurysm." Zheng Ren casually said.

"It is easy to form an aneurysm. The degradation and loss of the middle layer of elastic fibers in the coronary vessels is considered to be the central link of the disease, but there are many reasons. It is difficult to find the cause and treat it." Su Yun's disease on the heart I understand it in great detail. Although it is a rare disease, it is screaming.

"This is the case." Zheng Ren nodded and said: "Although in general, the bracket can be used to solve the problem, but Mayo has been slow to do this, I suspect there are more troubles."

"I don't recommend it. Dr. Charles Moore is a senior patient. It lacks the elastic fibers in the middle of the coronary artery. The coronary arteries are very thin and very fragile. If there is no aneurysm, conservative treatment is recommended."

Zheng Ren knows that Su Yun’s right is the common idea of ​​most doctors.

Coronary artery dilatation without concurrent aneurysms is not fatal. The only trouble is the need to take warfarin for a long time and to face the problem of stable just pain, compared with risky surgery, Still conservative treatment is better.

But this also explains why Dr. Charles Moore is biased against interventional surgery.

Under the coronary stent, a rare coronary dilatation is formed. For others, there will be a strong sense of distrust in the interventional surgery.

But this matter has nothing to do with Zheng Ren, and he does not want to deal with this troublesome treatment. Su Yun is right. All the operations of senior patients should be cautious. Otherwise, surgery should be done, and there are countless troubles.

Back to the laboratory of kidney-derived hypertension, there are many people here, each busy. There were only two doctors and two nurses in the early hours of the morning.

This is the real Mayo Clinic, Zheng Ren thought.

Professor Rudolf Wagner and Su Yun were responsible for handling various pre-operative document procedures, and Zheng Ren did not manage their communication.

Although with the passive skills of language proficiency, Zheng Ren is not interested in interpersonal communication, just thinking about surgery.

Looking at the patient lying inside through the transparent glass, the blood pressure is very high, which is still under the premise of pumping antihypertensive drugs.

There seems to be no special change in the situation, Zheng Ren thought.

Then try it, he then enters the system space, exchanges surgical training, and begins the last simulated surgery before surgery.

The operation was very smooth. Zheng Ren has simulated it many times and found the most basic cause.

Looking at the 98% evaluation of the completion of surgery, Zheng Ren is still very satisfied.

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