Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1110: Make the director of the foreign hospital and his own little doctor

"What is the patient's examination?" Zheng Ren asked.

"Head, chest CT, abdominal B-ultrasound, double-limb X-ray film." Yuan Li replied subconsciously, and when he just exported, he regretted it.

Is he the total hospitalization of the first hospital in Haicheng?


If not, why should I answer his question? It’s just that Yuan Li saw Zheng Ren’s face dignified and did not cause trouble. Before countless cases told Yuan Li, it is best not to question the diagnosis of Zheng Bo.

Moreover, if this patient really has something, he will be sent to other hospitals according to his own judgment. If he is in the middle of the incident, he or she will be entangled, complained or even threatened or beaten by the patient's family.

As I said, the doctor in the B-room was pushing the bedside B-in, and came in.

Tossing all night, only this point is likely to have a good night's sleep. If you encounter a doctor who is having difficulty falling asleep, you will not be able to sleep well all night.

People in their 30s and 40s, who don’t sleep for a night, have a lot of damage to their bodies.

When she came in, she saw Zheng Ren, blinked her eyes and said: "Zheng Zong? Are you not going to the emperor?"

"Look back to the director." Zheng Ren said as he pulled the bedside B machine over, opened the machine, applied the coupling agent to the patient's abdomen, and began to do B-ultrasound.

"Zheng boss, can you even have this?"

"Slightly understand."

"..." Wang always whispered in his heart, slightly understand, slightly understand a wool! P-J syndrome is a little understanding, bedside B super is also a little understand!

What else is your old man not understanding?

"Zheng Zong, I have seen the stomach, there is no fluid in the abdominal cavity, there is no subcutaneous hematoma in the organs, and no delayed bleeding is considered." The doctor of the B-room said whispered.

The family of the patient has come in and it is still prudent to communicate.

"Considering the abdominal aorta and thoracic aorta combined with dissection aneurysm." Zheng Rendao, then the probe of B-ultrasound pressed on the patient's stomach and began to look carefully.

Mr. Zheng is still as good as ever, and the doctor in the B-room is very emotional. The bedside B is super, the resolution is extremely low, and it is enough to see it. As for more, I really can't see it.

The family members of the patient looked awkward, watching so many doctors in the rescue room, the atmosphere was filled with a tense atmosphere. Didn’t Dr. Yuan say that it’s okay? What's wrong?

Soon, Zheng Ren put the probe back and greeted Yuan Lidao: "Consider the condition with the patient's family, diagnose the chest and abdominal aortic dissection. Contact the ICU, immediately send the blood pressure control, analgesic treatment, and other operations."

After that, I asked Wang Zong: "After I left, is there anyone else to do the bracket?"

Wang always shook his head in confusion.

Zheng Ren guessed this, but unfortunately, in a hurry, Feng Xuhui did not follow the big exaggerated trolley case.

When he was there, he didn't feel anything. Once he had to use it, but he didn't have consumables, he felt that Feng Xuhui was important.

Zheng Ren also has no good way, pick up the phone, took a look at the time, a little hesitation, or hit out.

"Director Wang, hello."

"Well, I am Zheng Ren. Do you have an aortic stent?"

"Trouble you for help, I have an emergency."

"Not the emperor, it is the city's first hospital. Well, I am coming back to see the old director. This is not exactly a patient. It is bothering you. I am in a hurry, you are as soon as possible."

After that, Zheng Ren hung up the phone.

"Zheng boss, who is calling?" Wang always has some doubts.

"The Second Hospital Interventional Director Wang Qiang Wang." Zheng Rendao.

Nima... Wang always sighed in his heart. Call the director of other hospitals, just like calling his own little doctor.

Zheng is really speechless. Moreover, this is five o'clock in the morning, let people directly send the brackets... how big is this face?

However, Zheng Boss said that it is so simple and straightforward to ask for a support. Even if the sentence is slightly polite, there is no such thing.

What a special thing!

People and people are really incomparable. If they are more than one, they must be mad.

Yuan Li took the wax. Before all the accounts were returned to zero, they had to re-interpret with their families. What to explain? Do you have a problem with your own diagnosis? He hated the one in his heart, and then there was some confusion.

How does Zheng always know that there is a mezzanine?

To be honest, he does not hate Zheng Ren. Although this kind of thing is a face, it is also a life-saving. Between life and face, how to choose, make a good judgment.

To hate, you can only hate yourself for bad luck, just a fracture, how can you have a mezzanine?

To say that the disease is a mezzanine, it is rare to say that it is more common. It is rare to say that the entire emergency department has to meet three or five a year. Every doctor in the emergency department is on the verge of a mezzanine, but cannot predict it in advance.

It is not always possible for every patient to see a disease. In that case, an over-medical big hat is buckled up. Who can afford it?

But to make a clear diagnosis is a difficult point, so every doctor in the emergency department is cautious, such as walking thin ice.

In the former thoracic department, there was a patient with a simple rib fracture. After entering the hospital, the good person was the same. Suddenly the next day died directly, and things were very big.

The family members of the patient said that they would not take the body away and asked the hospital for an explanation.

In fact, no one can stand this kind of thing. A good person is so dead. There is no buffer at all. How to accept it?

But doctors can't do It's not always possible for all patients to be admitted to the hospital for a full check.

This kind of thing is still a special look.

His life seems to be good, one foot has already taken the cliff, and it was pulled back by Zheng Zongsheng. Yuan Li explained to the patient's family and thought of it.

At the time of the operation, I went to take a look at it. If it was true, the previous section was a long time... MD, there was no goodness in the eyes of the people, Yuan Li sighed.

This is not the general of Zheng last year. When people have been in the semi-annual time, they have already become Jackie Chan and fly for nine days. Come back to "simple" to save yourself and the patient's life, it is estimated that Zheng will not remember this thing after a day or two.

People are really different.

Zheng Ren did not know the entanglement of Yuan Li’s heart. He and Wang Zong went back. The patient with the surgery has already been sent. If you don't hurry and rush back, the patient will be afraid when lying on the operating table.

"Zheng boss, is the diagnosis accurate?" asked Wang. Until now, he still can't believe Zheng Ren's diagnosis, but he can't question it.

"Well?" Zheng Ren stunned.

Mr. Wang looked at Zheng Ren and did not know why he was blasphemy.



"Isn't it a B-ultrasound? The blood flow in the mezzanine is quite obvious. Didn't you notice it?"

"..." Wang finally knows why Zheng boss is confused.

"Oh, you are a general doctor. The diagnosis is clear, it is a mezzanine, and the stent is sent to the orthopedics to treat the compartment syndrome." Zheng Ren said faintly.

The tears flowed into the river.

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