Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1114: trustworthy

"Your technical level is excellent, but when doctors, especially in primary hospitals, many times when you see a doctor, you don't rely on the technical level, but rely on other..." said, the old Pan director turned back and looked at the door, "such as Say this."

"The reason why I don't say anything is to let you feel, experience, and sum up a set of ways that work for you. If I am not there, you will not be a claw."

"After all, there is me, the big nephew, I can kneel down. If I am not there, I can't do it." Director Pan said faintly.

Zheng Ren finally realized that he had neglected something important in the emergency department of the city.

"But your kid is really good!" Director Pan Pan patted Zheng Ren's shoulder and squeaked. "A few months, I went to 912. A lot of things, it doesn't apply on that side."

Said, the old Pan director lowered his voice and laughed, dripping.

There is no regret, only to watch the growth of the little beasts of their own family, the pride and joy of the king.

Zheng Ren still did not speak, and his heart was a little moved.

Going back to the intensive care unit and glanced at the patient, he asked Director Lao Pan to go to the operating room with Wang Qiang first and take the patient himself.

All the way from the ICU to the operating room is the way of repeated madness testing at the edge of the ghost gate (404).

The patient can survive by living in the operating room and starting surgery. If there is anything going on the road, Zheng Ren can't do anything.

After all, this is the aorta!

Bleeding, death, only in an instant.

All the unexpected accidents did not happen. Zheng Ren calmly took the patient to the emergency operating room. Along the way, he also chatted with the patient briefly to appease the patient's anxiety.

Coming to the operating room, the patient was carefully carried to the operating table, and Zheng Ren turned to brush his hand.

"Zheng boss, I will help you as an assistant." Wang Qiang also followed, and he should brush his hand together.

Zheng Ren did not say anything, just nodded.

In fact, at the level of Zheng Ren, no assistant can be used. But people are also kind, a phone call from the city of the second hospital to send supplies, more or less is also human.

Wang Qiang saw Zheng Ren nod and was very happy.

He didn't realize that he was a world-class big cow, but he was a hospitalized emergency department with a particularly good luck. Therefore, Wang Qiang did not realize that he could see Zheng Ren’s surgery with his own eyes. How precious is it.

Unexpectedly, the opportunity fell from the sky, and the undeviled deer in his heart began to smash up in an unsteady manner.

Wang Qiang went to disinfection, and Zheng Ren directly laid the list. This time Zheng Ren did not take the carotid artery pathway, but the femoral artery.

Puncture, built-in arterial sheath, Zheng Ren began blind operation.

Wang Qiang said: "Zheng boss, I told you about the return of the teacher, he and Mr. Liu said that it will be a short while."

"They are coming." Zheng Ren habitually left and right hands cross-operating, not salty and not light and Wang Qiang chat.

The level of interventional surgery at the peak level exceeds one or two large levels of all interventionalians in the world, and is a kind of crushing posture.

As for the realm of Wang Qiang, in the eyes of Zheng Ren, there is no such thing.

Aortic dissection, the condition is very heavy, but the operation is relatively simple. In addition to the Miao director, and other emergencies, for Zheng Ren, it is not a matter.

"I heard that you are back, Gao teacher is very happy, saying that today's surgery is postponed, saying that you have to pull you to do teaching surgery." Wang Qiang smiled and said.

"Let's talk about it." Zheng Ren said faintly.

"Hmm?" Wang Qiang stunned.

"Contrast." Zheng Ren suddenly said faintly.

Wang Qiang was just in the surprise of Zheng Ren’s “rejection” teaching operation, but he heard him say angiography.

So fast? The screen in front of it just lit up, Zheng Ren said that after the angiography, it began to step on the line.

However, the catheter has reached the position, just right, waiting for the contrast agent to enter the blood vessel and see the patient's blood vessels.

So fast? Wang Qiang has seen blind exercises directly into the blood vessels, and the angiography on the line.

Although the femoral artery puncture, the operation of the periorbital aorta is not difficult, but it is also carried out under visual conditions.

Blind exercise...

"啪~" Hemostasis pliers knocked on Wang Qiang's left sacral styloid process.

"Operation, concentrate on it." Zheng Ren said faintly.

He is already used to having a hemostasis pliers on his hand when he is doing surgery. If there is anything that goes wrong, he knocks directly and is stronger than speaking.

Many professors like to swear and like to throw equipment. Zheng Ren did not like it, and felt very unproductive.

It was particularly comfortable to beat with a hemostatic forceps. For a moment, Zheng Ren was in a good mood. The haze of the heart is also scattered a little.

Hey... Wang Qiang is suffering.

The pain was only a moment and did not cause substantial damage. His sweat on his back came out. He watched the live teaching operation and saw the hemostatic forceps flying. The snoring was constant, but it was very refreshing, but the feeling of knocking on his wrist was completely different.

“啪~” another sound.

"What do you want?" This time Zheng Ren was really upset, with a little blame in his words.

This is an emergency rescue operation. How can I go around twice? !

Wang Qiang, Yan Yan, immediately put away all kinds of selfish distractions, concentrate on the beginning of angiography ~ ~ high pressure syringe injection of contrast agent into the aorta, you can clearly see the patient's chest and abdominal aorta have a large area of ​​tear .

"Stent." Zheng Ren's voice just fell, Wang Qiang opened a bracket and handed it to Zheng Ren.

This is the most basic operation, as long as you don't worry, there is no problem.

Zheng Ren put the bracket in, the bracket is long wind, and it is especially familiar.


Director Pan was sitting outside and watching, the contrast agent entered, showing a severe tear in the patient's aorta, and he smiled.

Zheng Ren, this kid, is really trustworthy.

The acute aortic dissection, even in the provincial capital, requires at least one vascular CTA to confirm the diagnosis.

However, Zheng Ren’s level is high and he is diagnosed with B-ultrasound. Director Lao Pan did not question, but also personally made a case with the patient's family.

This kind of confidence is rare.

The king is silent.

He does not want Zheng boss to diagnose mistakes, but feels incredible. Just look down and look at the mistakes in the diagnosis and treatment. Such patients, the routine is sent to orthopedics, and then ...

When I think of the patient who died in the middle of the night, although it has nothing to do with myself, it is the pot of the orthopedic surgeon. However, Wang Qiang recalled the medical experience in these years and immediately found that several patients may have died because they did not find a similar disease.

For a moment, his sweat was down.

All the self-confidence and pride have disappeared before.

It seems that compared with Zheng Boss, it is still far worse.

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Surgical live room

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