Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1154: Uncle, 嫂嫂

The complicated procedures are in front of the capable personnel, just a barrier to paper.

After 35 minutes, a series of written documents such as pre-operative confession and live authorization were signed, and Su Yun took the patient to the operating room.

Zheng Ren sat quietly in the locker room and recalled the whole thing.

The matter is very simple. Although I took a certain risk, Zheng Ren felt that his heart was comfortable and his thoughts were not accessible.

Even if there is risk, Zheng Ren is willing to bear.

After all, I can see that I can do treatment, but because other people’s mistakes are indifferent, Zheng Ren can’t do this kind of thing.

Even so, the risks that can be avoided are avoided as much as possible. You can't believe that what you are doing is the so-called "right". Zheng Ren thinks.

Ignite a cigarette and enter the system space. Looking at the time of surgery to be warned, Zheng Ren has some regrets.

How can the big pig hoof not issue a mission? If you continue this way, you will only be able to wait for the completion of the mission of the world to be fully prepared.

Forget it, the big pig's hooves don't match, and the days are too late.

Zheng Ren selected the surgery training and entered the system operating room.

Without any hesitation, start surgery directly.

The condition is very complicated, but it does not exceed Zheng Ren's expectations. After a training operation, the degree of surgery was 98%, and Zheng Ren expressed satisfaction. Although it is an abnormality of the organ, it is only "the" intestine that has grown to the back of the peritoneum, as long as it is reset. This is a very simple one compared to some complicated organ deformities.


In the operating room, there is a good luck.

The song echoed and Laohe was intubating.

"I said Laohe, do you want to be so cheesy?" Su Yun said that he was helpless. The taste of the boss is really earth. However, Lao He still remembers to live. Is it necessary to complete the surgery in the song of the soil?

"Yun Geer, Zheng Boss said that the surgery is good luck, and the picture is a good color." Lao He laughed and said: "I think Zheng boss said it makes sense."

"The truth of shit, the boss is just saying it. It is estimated that he will not listen at all, what song you put on him, he automatically shields." Su Yun scolded.

Outside the airtight lead door of the operating room, several small nurses came quietly, and the probe looked at the brain. As the person moved forward, the bottom of the person snorted and laughed.

Su Yun saw more of this situation, and he thought that he must wear two layers of masks when he next surgery. A layer of sterile mask really can't cover your peerless face.

The little nurses whispered a few words at the door. After nearly a minute, a young, young nurse came in.

She wore a sterile cap and a mask, but the red part that was exposed outside was like a prawns on a frying pan. She is obviously nervous and walks almost paralyzed.

"Uncle, hello, I am an intern nurse." She came to Su Yun and said shyly.

Su Yun’s hand is stiff.

In my heart, countless wild horses rushed past, and the hooves roared, as if the heavens and the earth were shaking and falling.

Lao He is fixing the tracheal intubation, listening to the little interns saying that he almost laughed.

"Uncle..." The little nurse didn't find any problems. She shouted with courage and screamed. She hadn't waited for her to ask Su Yun's WeChat. The back that was so beautiful enough to defeat her psychological defense turned.

"Hey, what?" Su Yun asked his fists in both hands and joked.

There was a weird and embarrassing atmosphere in the operating room. Laohe quickly walked over and waved his hand and said: "If you want to have surgery, go out and go out."

The little interns were a little confused, but Su Yun’s words had already taken her to the corner. I was nervous, and faced with a sly, she did not know how to answer.

Looking at the small interns who left, Lao He took a picture of Su Yun’s shoulder and smiled and said: “Yun Geer, I will say you, always make people call brothers, and sooner or later they have to be called old.”

"Who is the student, how can you open your mouth and call it uncle?" Su Yun is very unhappy.

"It seems that she is only 18 years old, and she is more than ten years old. She is not a good voice." Hehe laughed haha ​​and looked at Su Yun’s back to brush his hands, not losing the opportunity.

Soon, Director Wei of the gastrointestinal tract and several interested group professors and Zheng Ren came together.

They already have an understanding of the condition and understand that this is a very complicated operation. Boss Zheng looks calm and confident. Although he does not know where confidence comes from, he makes his curiosity even stronger.

Put a list, Zheng Ren brushed his hand.

Professor Feng did not go to chat with Zheng Ren. He looked at the silver-white surgical box in front of the Xie Yi people, looking at the various instruments inside, and the eyes shone with strange light.

"Zheng boss, this equipment is very good." Professor Feng said.

"It's too expensive to use it." Su Yun said while laying a list, "A lancet blade, how much do you guess?"

"A few bucks, you can go where you are."

"233, it's still the US dollar." Su Yundao: "The money can't be paid out of the patient, and it has to be spent on surgery."

Professor Feng and the people who watched the audience were horrified.

A blade will be nearly 2,000 Is this gold? According to the weight, even if it is made of gold, it should not be so expensive.

Su Yun is very satisfied with everyone's reaction. Seeing that Hu Yanhui is bringing live glasses to Zheng Ren, he said: "Xiaohu, talk to your family, Peng, that the money for the surgical blade has to be reimbursed."

"Well." Hu Yanhui's face is covered with a layer of sparkling color, and it looks very wrong.

Su Yun thinks that after seeing Hu Yanhui today, her expression is a bit strange. I want to inquire and gossip, but now I am doing live surgery, and there are 912 big cockroaches watching, some inconvenience.

"Little Hu, eat together at night." Su Yun said casually.

"Hey..." Hu Yanhui gave Zheng Ren the ability to debug the live broadcast equipment. He listened to Su Yun and said, he stunned.

"How, inconvenient?" Su Yun's heart is already bright, what Hu Yanhui's expression means, he has basically guessed the truth.

What else can you be in love with?

However, Su Yun is even more curious. What kind of boyfriend will Hu Yanhui, who is known as the best-selling employee of Xinglinyuan, find out?

"Don't grind, eat together at night. Come back abroad, haven't gathered together yet. Boyfriend or something, goodbye to see you." Su Yun stood in the assistant's position and gave things down.

Hu Yanhui had no way, nodded, went to the operation room of the hybrid operating room, and began to prepare for live broadcast.

Tuning equipment, everything is ready, Hu Yanhui made a gesture. Through the leaded glass, after seeing Su Yun, he reached out and took a hemostatic forceps with iodophor gauze in his hand.

The surgery started.

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