Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1196: I am not sick, it is life.

It turned out to be the case.

Whether it is severe premature repolarization syndrome or cardiac ion channel disease, it is a rare disease. Symptoms are similar, and it may be particularly troublesome to have a detailed examination and to determine the diagnosis.

Like heart ion channel disease, a set of genes is detected, and thousands of gene fragments can't be done without a few million.

99.9% of people want to make a clear diagnosis of cardiac ion channel disease, almost idiotic dreams.

In addition, Zou Jiahua's kind of body, will not care about this point of "split" silver.

Money is not a panacea. This sentence is a special word. People who don't have money, even those who have small nets, can't easily wave their hands when they face this kind of problem. Millions of checks say they do.

Zheng Ren looked at the patient, and the patient whispered: "Doctor, can I go out? Nothing, you see that I am really fine."

"No." Director Zhang Lin said: "You have no definitive conclusions about your condition. What should I do if I have a sudden cardiac arrest?!"

"Oh." The patient's expression was a bit frustrated. He looked at the ceiling of the ICU's white flowers. It looked like something. After a few seconds, he said, "Doctor, this is not a disease, it is a life. Really, it is life." ""

"..." Director Zhang Lin was speechless.

"..." Zheng Ren is also speechless.

Not a disease, it is a life.

This sentence is really embarrassing to say it.

Several small nurses saw Su Yun come back again, and his eyebrows were springy, and he looked at his handsome face from time to time. There is a little nurse who is very quick in mind, finds the patient's medical record clip, runs all the way, and comes to Su Yun.

"Cloud brother." She handed the medical record clip to Su Yun.

"Thank you." Su Yun smiled. A thank you, almost did not let the little nurse also sudden cardiac arrest. She saw Su Yun took the medical record, and the man stood on the side and did not move.

"Boss." Su Yun opened the medical record clip, turned to the position of the test sheet, and handed it to Zheng Ren.

Zheng Ren took it and looked at it in one page.

"It is a bit like Zou Jiahua's disease." Su Yun whispered.

“Who?” Director Zhang Lin said with amazement: “Have you ever encountered a similar illness?”

"The surgery that was done a few days ago, a Xiangjiang person, called Zou Jiahua." Su Yun concentrated on Zheng and looked at the test list.

Zou Jiahua, the name is familiar, but I can't think of who it is. However, Xiangjiang people see a doctor at 912, but not many.

"It's a bit like." Zheng Rendao: "Director Zhang, can we do genetic testing for cardiac ion channel disease?"

"Do you suspect a heart ion channel disease?" Director Zhang Lin asked in confusion.

"Well, it looks a bit like the case in the previous few days." Zheng Ren is still looking at the test sheet, and the result of printing the A4 paper is brushed.

"Who is Zou Jiahua?" Zhang Lin asked.

“A real estate developer in Xiangjiang.” Su Yundao: “Boss, genetic testing is not necessarily useful. Is Zou Jiahua all still not diagnosed?”

Existing technology cannot clarify all diseases, which is indeed a big problem.

But whether it is the judgment of Director Zhang Lin or the diagnosis given by the system, there is only one way to solve it - the lower pacemaker.

"Doctor, I don't want to cure." The patient whispered: "My brother did the same a few years ago. I spent a lot of money and didn't look good. This is life, not sick, I want to go out."

His voice was very small, as if he was muttering himself. It seems that since he came to 912, he has been desperate. This is the sentence of life, he repeats constantly, like self-hypnosis for himself.

"It's not a life, it's a disease." Zheng Rendao: "I have just cured a patient a few days ago. The effect is particularly good. He went to Mayo for a review and the results were very optimistic."

"What is Mei?" the patient asked in confusion.

Zheng Ren did not answer his question, continue to look at the test sheet, brush.

“Zheng Boss, what is the situation of patients in the past few days?” asked Director Zhang Lin.

"A similar situation, with a family history, has been inspected, but there is no definitive diagnosis. Later, the frequency of cardiac arrest is getting higher and higher, and he has agreed to have surgery. There have been several cardiac arrests after surgery. There is a pacemaker, nothing." Zheng Rendao.

Director Zhang Lin is silent. Zheng Ren dares to perform surgery when the genetic test does not give a diagnosis. How much confidence does this have?

However, the patients in front of us are not the same as the so-called Xiangjiang Regal.

The patient himself and the patient's father do not agree to continue the examination and treatment, but the patient's lover insists on diagnosis and treatment.

This contradiction cannot be reconciled.

From the perspective of Zheng Ren, the diagnosis of large pig hooves, plus himself, Director Zhang Lin believes that a pacemaker is needed, so the necessity of surgery is almost 100%.

What is needed now is to convince the patient to agree and to convince the patient's father to agree as much as possible.

Oh, it’s really hard to cure.

Especially in the case of encountering disagreements at home.

Relatively speaking, surgery has become a very simple matter. Among the people present, even if they did not say Zheng Ren, Su Yun, and Zhang Lin, even if they were standing behind the director of Zhang Lin, the total number of hospitalizations was It is estimated that this operation can also be done.

If the world is simple, how good it should be.

After reading the test list, Zheng Ren closed the medical record clip and handed it to Su Yun around him. Wen Yan said: "Don't think about it, the risk of surgery is not great, and the postoperative effect is very good."

The patient's confused eyes showed a glimmer of light, but then a few minutes.

Doctors often comfort the patient so much, he thought of it. It must be just a comfort, or else it will not put yourself together with such multiple patients.

In the ward of the ICU, there are sounds of various instruments that are ticking, and the alarm sounds one after another, revealing a tense atmosphere.

Even if Su Yun has a turn-around rate, it will not attract the attention of all the little nurses. After admiring the grace of the male god, they immediately put it into treatment and died.

Zheng Ren looked at Director Zhang Lin and said: "Director Zhang, what do you think?"

Because it is on the patient's bedside, the voice of the speech should be as small as possible, so as to avoid some keywords being heard by the patient, causing mood swings, causing the heart to have problems again.

Director Zhang Lin turned around and walked slowly. While walking, she said: "I think that the diagnosis can be put aside. Surgery is a must. But the difficulty now lies in the contradiction between the family members. This is very difficult."

Zheng Ren also feels very tricky.

If someone like Zou Jiahua does not lack money, once he decides to have surgery, he will buy the latest model of pacemaker in the United States. Such a patient can be said to be the best.

But the patient in front of me...

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