Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1207: Young people, can really toss

"Well? Is there a problem?" Ye’s face was like a layer of frost, and no one was allowed to enter.

Who can think of internationally renowned experts to do surgery in China, and actually will crash with such a difficult patient.

This kind of thing even Ye Qingqiu did not deal with the experience.

"It's not the meaning, Director Ye." Director Zhang Lin heard from the voice of Director Ye, what he was worried about, and immediately explained: "The attitude of the patient's family, especially the patient's father, has changed 180 degrees. Now, I am actively requesting surgery, which means that I fully cooperate. Hey, in addition to asking Zheng Boss to come to power, nothing else will be there."

"I will go and see." Ye Qingqiu raised his hand and took a look at the time. Shen Sheng said: "The head nurse, take time to clean up, and about 15 minutes, the doctor will arrive."

After that, he turned and left the operating room.

Ye Qingqiu did not change clothes back and forth, but went out wearing a white dress. Director Zhang Lin accompanied him and introduced him to the situation that occurred during this time.

It turned out that after Zheng Ren left, the family directly panicked. The master was snorted by the doctor of 912 and lay on the ground and trembled.

This is the soul who has been called to fly.

The ordinary people have seen this kind of squad. After waiting for a quiet moment, the patient's father finds a beard and understands the situation with him.

The beard began to sell and sell, but after a pack of Yuxi, his voice was completely opened.

From the time I brought my wife to the emperor, I was unaccompanied and started to talk about it. It was until the 912 clinic was lined up at night, and was called, forcing fortune.

After the operation, I am still in the ICU, but the doctor said that the state has gradually improved, so his mood is also good.

A somewhat legendary experience, from the mouth of the beard, is even more legendary.

The patient's family did not believe it, but did not believe it. If there is no "master" being slammed in front of it, no one will believe the words of the beard.

But according to him, the family members of the patient also felt unreliable.

In the hesitation, a family member who followed the "master" to the emergency department hurried back and said that the "master" had gone through the inspection, pushed a tube of sticky things, and then just fine.

Then the person asked Zheng Ren's department and refused the doctor's order in the emergency department to be hospitalized, and then disappeared.

In fact, the emergency department did not intentionally disclose the privacy of Zheng Ren. When the patients sent them, they didn’t know anything. They listened to the ICU doctor and said that Zheng Boss said that he had to test a blood sugar first.

The blood sugar level is 0.97, which is really low blood sugar. 50ml of high sugar pushed forward, and the man woke up, just like no one else. He examined the words and found a strange emergency doctor to ask, who saved himself.

In this way, the "master" directly went to the entrance of Kemenkou and other Zheng Ren, honest and respectful. When the family members of the patient saw this situation, they were determined to be firm.

I don't know the depth, but the former "master" must know, plus a patient who got the 912's life-saving patient as a precedent.

Therefore, the patient's father and the patient's wife discussed and asked Zhang Lin director, decided to surgery to find the legendary boss Zheng.

This is the whole process of the matter. After Ye Qingqiu saw the family members of the patient change their faces, they were quite emotional.

Is it safe luck for Zheng boss, or is it really something other than medical care? Is such a troublesome patient so embarrassed?

For Ye Qingqiu, as long as the patient's family is not in trouble, it is the best.

Surgery, just the next pacemaker, is not a major surgery, and there is almost no risk. Just be careful to prevent the patient from pushing the ICU into the circulatory duct room.

The calculations are clear and clear, and Director Ye has personally arranged for the ICU director to **** with the most capable power, and the medicines are ready, just in case, ready for the patient, and the patient is sent to the circulation catheter room at any time.

Although the family members of the patient have reached a settlement, the medical office is still in the midst of an enemy, and all kinds of mistakes are thought of.

After a quick discussion with Mr. Ge, the director Zhang Lin took the lead to explain before surgery and completed the final medical procedure before the operation.

The team that welcomed Dr. Mehar was also arrived in ten minutes. Director Ye went to the ICU personally and came to the circulation catheter room with the patient.

The calmness of the road, the small probability of the incident did not happen, the patient was safely sent to the operating room.

The leaves were long and breathed out.

Busy till now, I can do what I can. The rest only hope that the level of Zheng Boss is really the same as the legend, to solve the problem, clean and clean.

Zheng boss... Ye Chuchang thinks of this young man, and his heart is full of miscellaneous.

Energetic, I can really toss, it is a man who has been wearing lead clothes for three days and three nights in Pengxi Township. Today, Sweden’s Nobel Prize judges came to China for surgery. He was able to make so many things out, and it was a good person.

Ten minutes passed by, accompanied by Vice President Yuan, Dr. Mehar and his entourage came to the circulation catheter room.

Zheng Ren is also somewhat aggressive. He doesn't know what happened on this side. He is worried about whether the patient's family members are But all the way is calm and the worry is not happening. He guessed that it might be Ye Changchang's shot. It is.

As the old medical director, the shot is really extraordinary, it is really amazing, Zheng Ren’s judgment on the situation has also appeared a small problem.

He didn't know what he had been preached at the moment.

"Zheng, what kind of patient is this, can you briefly introduce it?" Dr. Mehar asked.

"Dr., this patient..." Zheng Ren simply said what he knew, and reported his medical history. When Zheng Ren was a small doctor, he did it every day, simple and simple, and it sounded clear and clear.

This is the basic skill that was developed in Haicheng. How can Zheng Ren forget it?

"This patient, are you diagnosed with cardiac ion channel disease?" Dr. Mehar had some questions after listening to Zheng Ren's introduction.

This diagnosis is slightly sloppy.

"Dr., I have been exposed to similar cases." Zheng Rendao: "If you do genetic testing, the patient's family conditions can not afford. But whether it is cardiac ion channel disease or other rare diseases, the final solution is to implant the heart. Beater. So, it can be seen as a kind of diagnostic treatment."

Dr. Mayhar meditated for a few seconds and exchanged a few words with one of the people around him. The man began to contact.

"Zheng, there is a genetic test for heart ion channel disease, which is a product sold by James's company." Dr. Mehar smiled and said: "A blood sample will be taken for examination. It will not affect your surgery. Please feel relieved."

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