Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1292: Candida albicans

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"Oh, well, then I am in the office." Zheng Ren finished, hung up the phone.

“What did Song Manager say?” Su Yun asked.

"He is not very concerned about the arrest of the drunk driving, but he is worried that someone will engage him in the back." Zheng Rendao: "I mean he listens to him."

"This person is very cool." Su Yun felt a little emotional.

"You can't say that." Zheng Rendao: "It's so hard to hit the blacks now. It's very difficult to get people out. It's not the same as before. I really believe what Song Ying said, his lover didn't drink."

"Hey." Su Yun smiled and rarely argued with Zheng Ren.

Soon, Song Ying hurriedly walked in.

He walked to the door and saw Zheng Ren sitting in the sunny position, smiling slightly and knocking on the door.

Except for a little stiff smile, everything else is normal.

"Song Manager, don't be so polite, come in and say." Zheng Ren stood up and said softly.

"Zheng boss, you see my lover, ask the situation?" Song Ying walked in, the two or three people behind him did not come in very regular, but stood quietly at the door.

"No." Zheng Ren shook his head and made a gesture, saying: "Song Manager, don't worry, sit down and say."

"Hey." Song Camp sat down, hands on his legs, looking at Zheng Ren's eyes, said: "Zheng boss, can you not worry? My wife has never drunk, but there is drunk driving. I understand At first, there is no problem with the traffic police and the 咱912."

Zheng Ren looked at him and felt a little curious.

"I am afraid that someone will poison." Song Yingdao.

"..." Zheng Ren is speechless.

The manager of Song, who looks gentle and elegant, is filthy in his heart. This is how many people have been offended before, and they are afraid to be like this.

Even the poison has been thought of, this brain hole is really big.

But it is not good, whoever encounters such a thing can not be guilty.

Zheng Ren’s impression of Song Ying is good. According to Su Yun’s words, he has short hands. So intentionally or unintentionally stand in the perspective of Song Ying, to distinguish between two sentences.

"Zheng boss, don't laugh at me." Song Ying sighed and said: "You don't know, when I first entered the society, there was no rules, and things were messy. I have not done anything wrong. But it’s hard to avoid seeing more."

Zheng Ren smiled and showed comfort. Then he said: "Not so serious. At first, I heard you say that there is definitely no drinking. I don't consider drunk driving, I wonder if it is other diseases."

"Disease?" Song Ying murmured.

"Yeah." Zheng Rendao, "I went to the emergency department later, and Cui Lao said, it is recommended to check the routine bacterial culture and identification."

"Later?" Song camp doubts, this is beyond his understanding of the world. Just seeing Zheng Ren’s affirmation, this is a doubt in my heart.

"I suspect that the flora is dysfunctional, and the automatic brewing syndrome caused by the proliferation of Candida albicans." Zheng Rendao.

The expression on Song Ying’s face was a little confused.

Automatic brewing syndrome?

The word auto knows that various machinery, automation and the like are well understood.

Winemaking is also well understood, catering, and there is no research on winemaking. It’s really embarrassing to go out and say that you are doing this.

Song Ying’s own understanding of wine is master.

The syndrome is also better understood, and it sounds like the name of a disease.

But these three words are linked together, and Song Ying is awkward.

How is this going?

Fortunately, Zheng Ren has never had the habit of selling off customs. He said directly: "Candida albicans is a fungus that can exist in most organs of the human body. When long-term oral antibiotics or immune disorders occur, there will be a large number of reproductions. Possible."

"When Candida albicans multiplies in the intestines, it can produce..." Zheng Ren said while observing the expression of Song Ying.

Seeing him is still a look of ignorance, knowing that he is still too professional.

Zheng Ren paused and smiled and said: "Let's simply say that the most common Candida albicans is Candida albicans. There are two words in the yeast, what kind of raw materials are needed for winemaking, Manager Song knows. ”

Song Ying just nodded slowly.

This time he understood.

But I just understand what Zheng Ren is saying, but the details are still confused.

"Candida albicans multiply, especially when it appears in the intestines, it can break down any carbohydrates and synthesize alcohol." Zheng Rendao: "So I think, this is why your lover drunk."

"Oh..." This time the Song camp was completely understood, but even the previous half-doubt did not, and did not believe Zheng Ren's words.

Isn't this a nonsense?

If this happens if you eat too much antibiotics, then the number of people who have a lot of antibiotics is gone, and no one is drunk.

Zheng Ren smiled and said: "Song Manager, I am just a guess. But the subsequent inspection confirmed that this guess is still reasonable."

"How?" Song camp doubts.

"Observation under the microscope, we can see the ovarian spores and pseudohyphae positive for Gram staining. It is now preliminary to determine the symptoms of dysbacteriosis in your intestines, but not the automatic brewing syndrome..."

Said, Zheng Ren paused. "In the medical world, the judgment of this disease is not consistent. Some people think that this disease does not exist at all, but I still think about it relatively carefully."

"If the inference is correct, the alcohol produced in your intestines will be metabolized by the liver. In the long run, I am worried about the manifestation of liver failure." Zheng Ren finally said.

Song Camp pondered for a few seconds, and said cautiously: "Dr. Zheng, my lover does have gynecological diseases, and I am taking oral anti-inflammatory drugs I don't know exactly the specific time and dosage."

"First stop the antibiotics, and then observe the changes in the condition. If there are no similar symptoms, the specific diagnosis, there is really no clinical basis." Zheng Ren finally regretted.

"Is there a test result?" Song Ying asked.

"It shouldn't work." Zheng Ren shook his head. "The disease is not recognized, it is just an inference and speculation. The specific pathogenesis and treatment process, there is no large-scale ..."

Zheng Ren realized that he seemed to say more. He cut off his own words and smiled and said: "Song Manager, you said that your lover does not drink, I believe you, so I thought of this disease. Liquor driving 7 to 14 Heaven is a small matter. I believe that by your means, your lover will not suffer much."

Song Ying did not recognize it and did not deny it.

"But always find the root cause of the problem, or else it will be late if it induces a more serious disease." Zheng Rendao.

"Zheng boss, thank you for your trust in me." Song Ying's expression is mild, very serious.

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