Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1357: Killed, don't want surgery

"Professor Zhang is quite right, the operation is quite difficult." Zheng Renxian made a positive conclusion.

Professor Zhang heard the opening remarks of Zheng Ren, his face softened, slightly decapitated, and smiled at Zheng Ren.

The flower sedan chair lifts people, Professor Zhang knows.

“The patient is in critical condition and the risk of surgery is very high.” Zheng Ren repeated the sentence, then went to the reader and pointed the position of the aorta. “The aortic adventitia is eroded, even if Without surgery, I estimate that within 24-48 hours, the patient will die of hematemesis due to rupture of the aorta."

The smile on Professor Zhang's face has not dissipated, and even solidified.

"Surgery is a must, and it must be done in an emergency." Zheng Ren turned his face like a book, and immediately showed a distinctly different view from Professor Zhang.

Linge sat in the middle of the office with no expression. After he heard the sentence, he lowered his head and recorded what was on the book with his pen.

Professor Zhang looked serious and looked at Zheng Ren. He asked coldly: "Zheng boss also said that if the surgery is not performed, the aortic adventitia will rupture at any time within 24-48 hours. It has been thinned into a piece of paper. Want to be vandalized?"

"First of all, I think Professor Zhang is right." Zheng Ren repeated this sentence again. Zhao Yunlong suddenly raised a smile, Zheng boss looked honest and honest, but it was also very bad.

"But precisely because of this, the operation should be carried out as soon as possible." Zheng Rendao: "For the condition of thin blood vessel wall, I suggest that the next aortic stent should support the endocardium. If the outer membrane is broken, you can use the patch. Repair. In this case, the risk of dying on the operating table can be avoided to the greatest extent possible."

Professor Zhang blinked his eyes and suddenly stood up and began to refute Zheng Ren’s words.

After all, it is a professor of lectures. The theory is rigorous and logical. No matter what arguments or arguments are involved, there is no slight deviation in the risk of surgery.

He did not lose his senses because of anger, nor was he taken away because he wanted to refute Zheng Ren.

All the focus is on the risk of surgery and must be done with caution.

It seems that it is not only lectures, but also Professor Zhang is good at it.

Zheng Ren felt that if he did not interrupt Professor Zhang, he could say that he would go in the middle of the night.

A blood routine is enough to speak for three or five hours.

In fact, the things he wants to say are obvious - no surgery, it doesn't matter to me. I have surgery, I am sure to back the pot.

This is a very helpless thing, Zheng Ren also understands Professor Zhang.

Just like the choice of the local hospital of the patient, the operation is too difficult, first anti-inflammatory conservative treatment, if it is good, it will be happy; if it is not good, it will be pushed to the superior hospital.

Treatment, no one wants the patient to die on the operating table. Healing the disease, hello, I am good, everyone is happy. Too difficult, unsure, or go to a higher level hospital.

But local hospitals can do this, and 912 can't do that.

Where do you push the patient? Concord? Outside? Ampoule?

Are the top three hospitals in China, really want to send patients, but also shameless? Do you admit that it is a lower-level hospital?

After opening a national academic conference, can you meet a professor from another hospital to call a teacher?

If that is the case, Yan Dean will definitely suppress the iron fist, no matter which big man standing behind him, first clean up the "black sheep" from 912 and say it.

Professor Zhang knows that he can't push it out. He chose to do everything possible to delay.

As long as you get off work, whoever you want to do surgery tomorrow will do, anyway, as long as you have nothing to do with your own strategy.

Zheng Ren sighed in his heart, and he really didn't want to resist a band professor in cardiothoracic surgery.

Not afraid, but not necessary. Seeing Professor Zhang’s mouth hanging, the emotions are heated, Zheng Ren directly came to the system space, ready to do surgery training to see.

"Hello." Zheng Renxian and the little white fox made a greeting.

As expected, there is no response. The lifelike little white fox squats in front of the thatched cottage, with a bit of agility in his smile.

Just say hello, Zheng Ren did not think that the little white fox can answer. He clicked on the surgery training time and went directly to the system operating room.

An experimental body lies on the operating table, the shadowless lamp is very bright, and the skin of the experimental body is somewhat pale.

Recalling the film, Zheng Ren put his position on the experimental body and started surgery training.

Zheng Ren did not choose to use thoracoscopic, mediastinal and esophageal mirrors. Although there have been reports of precedents for the combined removal of fish bones by similar cases, laparoscopic surgery is a waste of time.

It is still safer to open the chest.

In the mediastinum, there are all abscesses. Even if you have a thoracotomy, you should wear a microscope, let alone laparoscopic surgery.

The investigation revealed that it was a hard fishbone that pierced the esophagus and plunged into the mediastinum. It did not pierce the aorta and just picked the outer membrane.

Although it looks very lucky, because the food residue is also coming in, an inflammatory infection is formed in the mediastinum.

This leads to a large abscess in the outer layer of the aorta, which erodes and the aorta ruptures at any time.

This special... Zheng Ren sighed in his heart.

It is estimated that when you eat fish, you have a thorn, then drink vinegar or use a **** to get in.

As a result, the fishbone is relatively rigid and directly penetrates the esophageal wall and is tied to the aorta.

20 years ago, this was a serious illness and almost no solution. Even if it is replaced now, it is a particularly difficult condition.

It is absolutely impossible to treat the abscess without Because there is bacterial growth, it will erode the blood vessel wall, and a huge wound will appear soon, causing massive bleeding.

Aortic and azygous veins have undergone inflammatory edema-like changes. It may not take 48 hours to break.

As time goes on, the difficulty of surgery will certainly increase.

Clear the abscess, but it is a meticulous work.

The lungs should be sutured, the esophagus should be sutured, the abscess should be cleaned, and large blood vessels should be involved. The workload is huge.

Zheng Ren started the operation, but he did not hold it once.

After all, the surgery of cardiothoracic surgery is only a master level, and it is still far away from the master level.

There is one book for the master's skill book, but Zheng Ren is not sure if it needs to be used. The difficulty in surgery is to clear the abscess, the aortic stent, and the skill of improving the script is not particularly necessary for Zheng Ren.

The aspirator **** out the pus, and a large area of ​​infection, wrap, and adhesion can be seen throughout the mediastinum. Some of the mediastinal pleural infections are severe and it is estimated that the lungs are also problematic.

After five failed operations, Zheng Ren can only accept this reality and endure the use of the master craftsmanship book.


"Director Lin, you preside over the consultation of the whole hospital. In summary, my opinion is." Professor Zhang said angrily: "If I have surgery, I will not be on it! It is irresponsible to do surgery! kill!"

For this kind of anti-bite, Zheng Ren had expected it.

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