Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1470: Stone in the stomach

"What is it?" Su Yun saw Zheng Ren hang up the phone and asked.

"One patient has a huge stomach stone, the refractory cavity of the laparoscopic chamber failed, and the surgery was performed." Zheng Rendao: "Lao He is preparing for anesthesia, take a look."

Stomach stones? Su Yun also came to interest.

Of course, he also knows that he and Zheng Ren have a look, not surgery.

It takes only a thing in the stomach to take it. It is estimated that the professor of Feng Jianguo will not come to the stage. It is definitely a hospitalization of the stomach and intestines, and he will take it out with a doctor.

Although the operation is very simple, huge stomach stones are particularly rare.

Gastric stones are stone masses formed in the stomach after eating certain substances.

The shape is mostly round or elliptical, the size is different, small is like table tennis, and the big one is like a baby's head.

According to its composition, it can be divided into three types: vegetal, hairy and mixed. The most common clinically found is gastric calculi.

The patient with long-haired princess who met in Haicheng was a gut stone. The hair she ate, passed the pylorus and entered the colon.

If you can't pass it, you will form stones in your stomach.

Kidney stones, gallstones are the most common, and gastrointestinal stones are relatively rare. And huge stones are even rarer.

Lao He just feels fresh, looking for Zheng Ren and Su Yun to see the fun.

This is also considered to be good.

Su Yun expressed his approval for Lao He’s move.

Gastric stones, it is said that all three are possible, but mainly plant-based, and even the cause is very simple - the vast majority eat more persimmons.

This disease is also called gastric persimmon disease.

Very mouthful, almost the same as the cross talker.

In persimmons or black dates, there is something called enamel, which can be as high as 20% in immature persimmons.

When people eat raw persimmons, the tongue has a feeling of bun, that is, the enamel is at work.

In addition, the persimmon also contains gum and pectin.

After people eat the last ripe persimmon, the tannin can combine with protein to form a tannic acid protein that is not easily soluble in water under the action of stomach acid.

The citrate protein is precipitated in the stomach, and the citrate protein, gum, and pectin can bind the persimmon nucleus and the vegetable plant fiber together, and the stomach persimmon can be formed in the stomach.

That's what it is, but you have to eat a lot of raw persimmons... Does this person have more love for oysters?

Therefore, Zheng Ren just saw similar cases in the book and did not see it with his own eyes.

Seeing is believing, when the doctor has this little quirk. When you encounter a rare disease, it is called a pro, and you have to go and see what you have to say.

Going to the operating room, Su Yun also received information from the right grass, saying that there is a patient with stomach stones.

"How is the paper on the side of Xiaocao?" Zheng Ren asked.

"The case report of abdominal cramps was sent to the Lancet magazine." Su Yundao, "I have contacted the other side, it should be no problem."

"This child is lucky, has not graduated, holding a SCI in the "Lancet", enough for her doctor to graduate three or five times." Zheng Ren said happily.

"I didn't add your name." Su Yun said casually.

Zheng Ren waved his hand, it doesn't matter.

For the Nobel Prize winners, what is the "Lancet" and what "New England" are all clouds.

Besides, Zheng Ren does not need the influence factors of these magazines to add luster to himself.

If you want to talk about the impact factor, the number of beating every day in the third stage of the famous world is the influential factor.

The live broadcast of each apricot forest is also the most real impact factor.

It’s just this influence, others don’t have it, and Zheng Ren doesn’t want to quantify it with a certain number.

For him, these are meaningless at all.

At that time, it is good to do two more operations. Or, look at the surgery of stomach stones than the calculations.

When I came to the operating room, Zheng Ren’s polite and the aunt who was watching the door greeted him and took the key to change clothes.

From an operating room, he then entered another operating room.

This is the distress of doctors across disciplines.

Into the locker room, see Director Wei is wearing stockings.

Every time I saw a shaved, gray-haired old man sitting in a chair, wearing a stocking of a little bit, Zheng Ren will have a realistic magical feeling.

"Director Wei, how come you are here?" Su Yun greeted him.

"Stomach stones, this is the 13th case I encountered. Look at the surgery, by the way, leaving information, and later is a thought." Director Wei said with a smile.

"13 cases! You have seen so much." Zheng Ren was surprised.

However, if you think about it, Director Wei is the director of the Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery of the large-scale top three hospitals in the Imperial Capital. He has never seen many patients in this life.

I have encountered 13 cases and I really don't think so much.

"Fortunately, this kind of rare disease has always been solved by surgery. Since the endoscopes are mature, they have adopted the method of endoscopic lithotripsy. It is difficult to see if you want to see it in surgery." Director Wei sighed.

Gastrointestinal surgery is also facing the pressure of minimally invasive surgery in the laparoscopic chamber.

It's just that the progress is slow and the risk of surgery is higher, so the gastrointestinal tract is relatively good.

The best thing to do is orthopedics.

The replacement of the femoral head, hip joint, and knee joint are all replacement surgery, which is not a minimally invasive surgery... the existing minimally invasive surgery can be completed.

"Have the vitrinoscope room tried?" Zheng Ren asked Well, under the endoscope, the stone is covered with a stone trap. But the stone is too slippery, just like a stone covered with moss, it doesn't work at all. Director Wei went to: "Later Luo gave me a call and transferred to our gastrointestinal surgery. ”

After a pause, Director Wei went to: "The luminal mirror rooms are all spent, or they have to be solved."

Zheng Ren smiled, this kind of dispute, he does not want to participate. Before the old squad leader of Fan Tianshui did ESD surgery, it was estimated that Director Wei was very unhappy.

This sentence is directed at myself.

It’s just that my own surgery is really good. Director Wei can’t vent it, he can only use the ventilator room to suffocate.

“How big is the stone?” Su Yun also heard the slightest innocence in Director Wei’s words and immediately opened the subject.

"Estimated 8 × 10cm." Director Wei said.

"I am going, so big! What is the patient's medical history?" Su Yun was surprised.

8 × 10cm, but not small. In the stomach, you can touch the body.

"For those who work outside, they don't have much money. They usually like to drink two." Director Wei said: "If you don't have the money to buy a dish, he will buy some hawthorn and cut into pieces to dry and make a drink."

"..." Zheng Ren sighed.

When you eat persimmons and hawthorns on an empty stomach, drinking alcohol is more likely to form stomach stones.

Because ethanol can accelerate the coagulation of protein, the greater the amount of alcohol consumed, the higher the alcohol degree, the easier it is to form stomach stones, and the formation speed is extremely fast.

He glanced at Su Yun.

"Don't yell at me, everything goes to drink!" Su Yun was furious.

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