Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1475: Bloody chapter coma, rescue

"You talk about this." Director Wei sighed. He didn't say anything, but at first glance he knew that he would not do surgery. This decision is difficult.

Although the intestines have signs of incomplete obstruction, Director Wei still wants conservative treatment.

Be conservative and try not to have surgery.

The minimally invasive surgery is also an operation, which is a blow to the child.

The most important thing is that even Zheng Boss can't give a diagnosis. It seems that it is somewhat difficult.

The two had just returned to the operating room. Li Yufen hurried back and his hands were shaking. The whole person seemed to be standing still, and his feet and legs had begun to soften.

Zheng Ren’s heart is tight.

The child has an accident!

Director Wei quickly went to hold Li Yufen, put her on the chair, persuaded her in the ear, let her calm down.

However, Li Yufen's face was pale and pale, and was promoted to the chair by Director Wei. The body was soft, just like a dough, and slipped straight down.

Director Wei was a god, and Li Yufen sat down on the ground.

The horsetails **** indiscriminately were scattered, the hair was unkempt, and the two eyes looked at the front without a god, and the empty eyes were like dead people.

Zheng Ren’s heart is slightly nervous. Looking at the mother’s appearance, it’s definitely a child’s accident. The condition is aggravated, but don't be perforated in the intestines.

What a special thing!

Zheng Ren is most afraid of the child's accident.

Surgery is difficult to do next. Now that the second child has just been opened, the love of parents is a tragedy once they encounter today's situation.

The mother of the child's body became soft and muddy, and the helper could not help.

Although Zheng Ren is an outsider, he still sees his heart and grief. But if there is a problem, it is necessary to solve the problem. As long as the person is not dead, there is hope to save it.

He strode forward and reached out to press on Li Yufen's person and squeezed hard.

It is not because of the role of the person in the hole, Zheng Renxue is a Western doctor, when the acupuncture point of school, a certain semester for half a year of Chinese medicine class, but also contact.

But even Zheng Ren, an unforgettable person, only touched for half a year, and it is difficult to use TCM theory to dialectical treatment.

This position in the human body is a pain point for the human body.

Li Yufen is not the kind of rogue man who is dead. It is even more embarrassing and more painful.

A person in the hole is a better choice.

After 1"23, Li Yufen took a breath and the airway was slightly stunned. He could hear the air inhaling and hit the snoring of the trachea wall.

"What happened!" Director Wei asked loudly.

"Bleeding, bleeding." Li Yufen said with disappointment.

Unlike the previous behaviors that were still in the middle of a mess, she is now stunned and her speech is beginning to be unfavorable.

"Director Wei, is there a phone call from her lover?" Zheng Ren asked.

"Zheng boss, you help me look at her, I am going to call." Director Wei stood up, his waist was soft again, almost did not fall.

Now, when he was not in the operating room, Director Wei did not say anything. He barely stood up and took out his mobile phone to start making calls.

Zheng Ren saw the mother's system panel without a diagnosis of the disease, but did not dare to care about it, quietly staying by her side.

If there is a problem, for example, airway paralysis causes respiratory problems, at least emergency first aid can still be done.

Even Zheng Ren has considered that if there is an unexpected situation, he can enter the system operating room to train the corresponding rescue.

Soon, Director Wei rushed back and said: "Zheng boss, go down together and help with a palm."

"Yeah." Zheng Ren nodded without hesitation.

"The child suddenly has blood in the stool, the amount of blood ... is said to be very big, but according to the description, I estimate it is tens of milliliters." Director Wei said.

Zheng Ren slightly relieved.

It may be that the slightly sharp part of the edge of the cap scratches the intestine and causes bleeding. Intestinal hemorrhage is not the same as other substantial organ bleeding.

Sending to the hospital, direct surgery, should not be a problem.

A brief exchange of a few questions asked by Director Wei, a gastrointestinal band professor rushed up.

Director Wei arranged for him to take care of Li Yufen, and he and Zheng Ren went to the ward with a white suit.

Along the way, the two did not speak, and the expression was dignified.

Blood in the stool, hope not to be too heavy...

I haven't seen the patient yet, and I can only hope so.

The information I have now is poor, only knowing that the child has eaten a bottle cap, stuck in the position of the right lower abdomen, and blood is emitted three days later.

Prepare for surgery. In any case, as long as there is bleeding, it is a surgical indication.

After more than ten minutes, the sharp whistle of the 120 ambulance came from afar and stopped at the door of the inpatient department.

Under normal circumstances, the 120 ambulance will not send the patient to the ward, they are sent to the emergency department, and then the emergency department will judge the patient to divert the patient.

However, when Director Wei called, he omitted the steps in the emergency department.

The flat car roared, Zheng Ren stood in the corridor, the nurse and the hospital were always prepared in the rescue room for all kinds of rescued items.

The child appeared, the system panel was dark red, heavy, but not particularly heavy.

Zheng Ren is slightly relieved.

Careful observation, there are several diagnoses, and the diagnosis of Meckel's foreign body in the room makes Zheng Ren suddenly realize.

It turned out that there was a hidden Meckel chamber in the lower right abdomen, which caused the cap to get stuck in the intestine, forming a sputum, incomplete intestinal obstruction, and the current bleeding. diverticulum is the finger on the terminal ileum wall. The protrusion is a congenital malformation left by the partial closure of the yolk intestine. Meckel first described the disease completely in 1809, so the lesion at this location was called Meckel's diverticulum.

There is no clinical symptom in the Meckel diverticulum without complications. When complications occur, a variety of different symptoms can occur.

For example, intestinal obstruction, such as bleeding, such as diverticulitis and perforation.

After seeing the diagnosis of the child, Zheng Ren took the nurse to leave the venous channel and the lower stomach tube for preoperative preparation, and went directly to the system space to select the surgery training time.

The operating room of the system rose from the ground, and Zheng Renmai stepped on and began surgery training.


Director Wei looked at the blood pressure displayed on the ECG monitoring is 70/45 mm Hg, some worry, and some rest assured.

Children's blood pressure is low, which is normal. Even in adults, this blood pressure can be diagnosed as hemorrhagic shock, but it is not very low, and it is the kind of one that can be rescued with a high probability.

Only when he checked the body, he found an abnormality.

The child's stomach is like a wooden board, hard and hard, and can't hold it. And I don't know if it is because of hemorrhagic shock or pain, and the patient is in a coma.

"Zheng Boss? What do you think?" Director Wei had his own ideas, but in a critical situation, he was subconsciously asked about Zheng Ren.

"Prepare for surgery, check it out." Zheng Ren Shen said: "The problem should be small."

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