Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1483: Painted skin


Zheng Ren took a moment.

Then, under the hair, a layer of skin was picked up by the girl...

Is this a modern real version of the painted skin? Zheng Ren felt a little shocked.

Subconsciously looking up, the sun is shining, there is no trace of sinfulness and ghosting.

"You are serious." Su Yun is quite dissatisfied with Zheng Ren's distraction.

The girl in the video pulled the "skin" of the neck a few centimeters, then let go, and the skin shrunk back, and there was no such thing as a difference.

"Boss, bully." Su Yun is also very emotional.

"What is this?" Zheng Ren asked confusedly.

Looking at the film, Zheng Ren is a master. However, Zheng Ren did not have much contact with these messy things.

In this regard, Su Yun is good at it.

It’s just that I’ve been “wasting” too much time with Zheng Ren on medical treatment recently, and I don’t know the latest developments.

The girl in the video smiled and said a lot of professional vocabulary.

Zheng Ren feels like a patient. When she is facing a doctor, she is very careful, but she can't understand anything.

Oral Kaisailu does not seem to be a difficult thing to understand.

In the video, the girl turned and left. The figure disappeared, but the video did not stop.

Su Yun spit out a smoke circle and said: "Boss, do you understand?"

Zheng Ren shook his head in confusion.

Painting skin?

Or is it a ghost film made by myself?

Soon, she appeared in the video again, but the whole person's body changed a lot.

The girl who was originally hot and thin and only had her chest left was gone. It was a firewood girl.

It’s just... the mosaic on the face is about the same as before.

Maybe, probably, almost a person?

She had a "clothing" in her hand, flesh-colored, and it looked like rubber.

Zheng Renxuan, asked: "Is it a person?"

"Of course." Su Yundao.

It was a one-piece blouse with a tall chest and fillings. The overall workmanship was exquisite.

Zheng Ren stunned for the first time and did not realize what it was. But when the girl in the video began to show the material and elasticity of the clothes, Zheng Ren stunned.

It is like this...

"Now many fake mothers wear this, big and natural, and they can't see fakes at all." Su Yun said with emotion, "The live broadcaster also wears this, and sales are said to be particularly good."

"..." Zheng Ren is speechless.

That is the world he is not familiar with.

“Materials and skin are very similar, and the first-generation technology of bionics is at the peak level.” Su Yun said with a smile, “As long as you don’t touch it, you can’t find it’s fake. It’s very realistic and natural.”

"And then?" Zheng Ren asked sillyly.

"Then, open the live broadcast, wait for the reward. You did not find that there is almost no nurse under the age of 25 in the first courtyard of Haicheng?"

"It is because of the loss of Haicheng population." Zheng Rendao.

"That is only part of the reason. What is more important is that the younger sisters will go back to the live broadcast as long as they have a few points of value. Going to work at night, tired and tired, can earn a few dollars a day? Two or three thousand? Ten years later, it will not Moving night shifts, they will be ruthlessly abandoned." Su Yundao.

Zheng Ren did not speak.

"Like a scum male." Su Yun finally gave a comment, I don't know who it is.

"Going to the live broadcast is not the same." He immediately became happy. "Now all kinds of makeup techniques are completely replicas of the former martial arts. With this high-tech equipment, I can't see how to change my body." Come out. It’s just a ninja transformation... No, it’s the skin of Liaozhai!”

At the end of the video, Zheng Ren was full of pictures when Su Yun’s sister picked up her neck “skin” with her fingers.

This world is simply crazy.

It is no wonder that Su Yun’s auscultation is problematic because it is separated by a layer of “skin”. The heart sounds, if it is not too far away, then I will see the ghost.

After a tossing, Zheng Ren felt that there was no white noise and he had gained insights. If you encounter this situation in the future, you won't make a huge oolong like Su Yun.

And Zhou Litao explained the situation, neither of them went to the emergency department.

Finally, the intense analysis of the condition, the investigation of the heart sounds and the distant illness, cost a lot of heat, Zheng Ren also felt a little tired.

Back in the ward, Zheng Ren still sat in the sunny place, reading the book while basking in the sun.

An hour later, Director Wei came to the department.

"Zheng boss, is it okay today?" Director Wei asked when he entered the door.

"Director Wei, how come you, is your waist better?" Zheng Ren asked with a smile.

"Alright, old problems."

"Small problems, early treatment." Zheng Ren stood up politely, let Director Wei sit down and say.

"I don't want to talk about you, the waist plate, I have always been very afraid to touch." Director Wei smiled.

Zheng Ren feels that Director Wei seems to have a stubborn fear of doing surgery for himself.

Also, when the knife falls on oneself, it will hurt, no wonder Wei Director.

"When I was in school, a classmate played tennis and made a discion on the waist. You think about it, it was only a few years old."

Also, in his 20s, it is the bloody, the best time.

“Later he went to a more famous hospital where he used massage to treat the lumbar disc. After half a month, he was incontinent.” Director Wei said: “It may be that ~ There is a psychological shadow."

"Is technology improving now?" Zheng Ren said with a smile.

His own bone technology can not open the tree, and he does not want to recruit himself to the difficult patient of Director Wei.

"Zheng boss, is there anything in the evening?" Director Wei asked.

"what happened?"

"This is not the embarrassing Zhang Weiyu Zhang Luo asked you to eat, he recruited a batch of good meat, this point should go to the store. Fresh, taste the taste will be worse tomorrow."

Zheng Ren hesitated a little, but then smiled: "Well, I asked Su Yun them."

Su Yun did not know where to go, Zheng Ren dialed his phone, and it seemed to be talking about laughing and talking.

"At night, Zhang Weiyu invited guests to eat meat." Zheng Ren opened the door and said.

"Oh... I asked."

Zheng Ren looked helplessly at Director Wei and asked: "There are two friends in Su Yun who want to treat them, or do they want to be together?"

"No problem, people are more lively." Director Wei said with a smile.

Zheng Ren’s head is awkward.

"Well, let Qin Tang and Zou Yu come together." Zheng Rendao: "I asked Director Wei, I will tell you when I set this time, go directly, don't toss."

"Who is it." Director Wei listened to Zheng Ren directly calling the name. He seemed familiar and asked.

"Xiangjiang, Zoujia and Qin's two children." Zheng Ren casually said in the tone of his elders.

"..." Director Wei seems to have seen it, but nothing is too deep.

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