Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1488: Lawsuit

"Call him, it doesn't make sense. I am looking for you 912!" The man's tone was heavier.

The purpose is really clear, Zheng Ren smiled a bit.

"What kind of medicine do you eat?" Linger saw more people, not panic, and said softly.

"It doesn't matter what medicine you eat." The man smiled and began to reason with Lin.

"First of all, I think the medicine provided by the hospital is a fake medicine. The stomach and the intestines are not absorbed at all. This medicine is also too fake." The man raised his legs and said with confidence: "For this matter, I think it should be The clinician has no problem, the problem is in your hospital."

Director Lin did not speak, nor did he explain it directly, but listened quietly.

"Secondly, will this fake medicine cause other damage to the body? I don't know. If there are any problems, I reserve the right to sue the 912 hospital."

"Third, how widespread these fake drugs are circulating, and how many people are victims, it is still unknown. I think this is a social and mass case."

This person is estimated to be thinking at home, said one or two points, not for a doctor, but facing the 912 hospital.

Even he finally expanded the matter and described it as a group event.

What is the hospital afraid of?

Still not a group event?

It’s really a slap in the air, and I’m afraid that Vice President Yuan can’t hold it. President Yan Yan came to the fore, and when they came together with responsibility, everyone had to eat the head.

"You are finished." Linger did not panic like the middle-aged man imagined, and even his eyes did not change, it is still so gentle.

He looked at Ringer's eyes and wanted to find a flaw in it. Even if there is only a trace of fear, it is enough.

However, he did not find it.

"Can I know what medicine you are taking? Only then can we continue to communicate," Ringer said.

The voice is not very big, very gentle, like chatting with friends.

Zheng Ren smiled slightly, and Ringer looked at it. He should have been accustomed to this patient and had preparations.

It’s really old fritters.

However, because of this, the clinical operation is still normal. Otherwise, if you receive a complaint every day, you have to take up most of the time and energy in the clinic.

The middle-aged man is a little wrong, he throws the king directly, how can he not panic?

He kept staring at Ringer's eyes.

However, still did not find a trace of fear and dodge.

Can't, middle-aged man thinks. After discovering the undigested drugs in the stool yesterday, I consulted a lawyer.

The lawyer told him with certainty that there must be problems in this, and the hospital’s responsibility is great.

With the lawyer's answer, he is very happy.

912, this large-scale top three hospitals, there will be no fake drugs. Your own safety is no problem.

As for the rest, look at the "sincerity" of 912.

Because he had a good grasp, he didn't even come to a lawyer. After all, the hospitals are not willing to make a sound.

Why do you have to find a lawyer to pay for the money?

At this point, he saw Ringer's expression, and he regretted it.

I did not expect 912 to raise a bunch of bats...

Things seem a bit troublesome, and I am careless. The middle-aged man put down the cocked Erlang legs, put his hands on his chest, and looked at Ringer seriously.

Is he really not afraid of making a group event? Impossible, he must be bluffing.

"Some drugs are not metabolized," Ringer said faintly.

However, without waiting for him to continue, the middle-aged man stood up and said with a sigh of relief: "If you have this attitude, we don't have to talk about it."

He just had to pick up the medicine, and Ringer waved his hand and smiled and said: "Please sit down, let's talk calmly, don't be angry, hurt your body. When you are in middle age, you have to drink some water." ""

Said, he picked up his own cup and took a sip of hot water.

The middle-aged man stumbled.

"If you have something to say, the medical department has video surveillance. Now it is difficult to do things by harassing evil people and provoke people who don't know the truth." Linger smiled slightly.

Zheng Ren is also very emotional.

Usually, Linger is not blind at all, and the chubby middle-aged people can't find the kind that can't be found in the crowd. Unexpectedly, when faced with disputes, it was so calm and reasonable.

Su Yun’s face was smiling, sitting on the side and eating melons to watch the fun.

The middle-aged man looked up at the corner and the two cameras recorded everything that was happening now without a dead end.

After seeing the camera, he was quiet.

The middle-aged man thought about it and sat down again. He said calmly: "Things are obvious. At least the drugs are completely excreted by me, indicating that the absorption is not enough. It is a problem with drugs."

When he finished, he stared at Ringer’s eyes and asked: "Is it not?"

"Always understand the situation first." Linger smiled and said: "What medicine do you eat, why do you notice that it is discharged with the feces?"

The middle-aged man is a little angry.

He is suggesting that he is a pervert, looking back after a bowel movement every day? !

But the sentence that Ringer just said is on the edge of the eruption, but it is not.

Middle-aged men want to attack, but always feel something almost plus before Linger also said, now playing black and evil, the wind is very tight ... forget it, or first reason.

"Pharmaceuticals, is the controlled release tablets of nifedipine opened in your hospital. I have saved the documents and medicines, and did not bring them." The middle-aged man's mood has stabilized and it is reasonable to say.

Ringer still didn't talk and looked at him with a smile.

"The day before, I ate hot pot, diarrhea, and looked back when I flushed. I saw the pills." The man said plainly.

Zheng Ren can feel the anger that is suppressed in his heart.

The Medical Service, the patient who receives the dispute, has a treatment mode - a big fight.

After all, the positions and viewpoints are different, so that the patient and the patient's family members of the complaint first vent their anger, and then everyone calmly sits down and talks.

Of course, how to deal with the problem, we must immediately respond.

Zheng Renyi listened to the name of the drug that the patient said, and he had a bottom.

"This is the case." Ringer took a sip of water.

"You don't want to delay the time. I have time. If I don't give me a clear explanation, I won't leave today." The middle-aged man smiled and said: "You didn't say it, there is monitoring?"

He glanced at the time and recorded it on his mobile phone. "Time, I have been accurate to the minute. When I take the monitoring, I will not agree for one minute."

"Yeah." Ringer laughed. "You are normal."

"Normal? The patient does not take the medicine, what do you do for me?!" The man said: "My blood pressure is not well controlled, it is always a drug relationship."

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