Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1498: "missing" iris

"Looks like a simple operation, it may be a thousand times to do nothing. But if it is careless, maybe it will be fine once or twice, but after all, something will happen." Zheng Ren also said with a feeling.

"This is the truth." Director Luo slammed Zheng Ren's shoulder and said.

"I have been doing gastrointestinal endoscopy for fifteen years. I have been careful and careful, like a thin ice. But I still have a lot of problems, so I can't solve it." Director Luo looked at the doctor's operation, said in his mouth.

"The pear-shaped crypt is seriously damaged, the esophageal perforation, the cardia mucosa is torn. Is it a complication for the patient? If the operation is gentle, will it be avoided?" said, Director Luo shook his head.

"I have taught a lot of people to do gastrointestinal mirrors. Most of them feel very simple. They can do anything with their eyes closed. I don't agree with this. Every case must be handled carefully, and go all out. If you don't feel enough, don't say your eyes closed."

Zheng Ren nodded. He thought that Director Luo’s words were correct.

"Pediatrics... Do they know how complicated the disease is in children?" Director Luo said slyly.

"I used to be in a hospital in Haicheng. I just started to have a painless gastrointestinal mirror. I just started this procedure, the doctor has no experience, and there is a case of colonic spleen and intestinal tract being leaked." Zheng Rendao.

"The patient's basic anesthesia state, the strength of the bend, the surgeon will not skill, only brute force." Director Luo said with certainty.

Zheng Ren nodded.

Skills, who is not a little groping and accumulating?

Born to be born? Su Yun’s kind of person has to look at it once.

Zheng Ren thought of it.

"So, boss Zheng, your surgery live broadcast room, is really meritless." Director Luo said very frankly: "A lot of empirical accumulation, you have already completed, and impartially imparted to other doctors."

"You have won the prize." Zheng Renqian smiled and said: "It's a coincidence that someone just asked me to do it."

"What has won the prize, I am still not enough." Director Luo blinked his eyes and immediately found his emotions slightly excited, and immediately smiled gently.

These days, I studied ESD surgery, and the research was too indulgent. My heart’s affection for Zheng’s boss was unconsciously increased.

"A lot of things are groping." Zheng Rendao: "It is like a patient with severe vomiting in pregnancy today. After the operation, the jejunal tube does not know when it will block, so it is still very embarrassing."

"After all, most of the patients with lower jejunal nutrition tubes are patients with late cancer, in order to improve the quality of life. And this patient is different, and they are a good person after giving birth."

"Well, so be more careful. Surgery, I have to think about it again." Zheng Renpan figured out several different surgical procedures. After preparing the patient's family to agree to the operation, he immediately went to the system operating room to try.

"I just caught you." Director Luo saw the colonoscopy in front of him and grabbed Zheng Ren's arm. He smiled and said: "The ESD surgery you did a few days ago can be told to me. ”

Zheng Ren did not expect that things would be transformed into what they are now. They just came to see the machine, and then absolutely used what kind of surgery to do it.

If you can communicate with the doctor of the gastroscope, it is the best.

But looking at the current situation, Director Luo should be prepared to personally give himself a stomach mirror.

This... is a bit flattered.

There was no way for Zheng Ren to go to the classroom with Director Luo and begin to explain his own ESD surgery on the day.



At the same time, a professor of gastrointestinal surgery was panicked in the large outside operating room.

The operation is very simple and the preoperative diagnosis is acute appendicitis.

Endoscopic single-port appendectomy is already a very mature technique. But after he entered the abdominal cavity, his hands and feet were numb.

The position of the lower right abdomen is tender, the intestine is smooth, and there is no shadow of the appendix.

I found it for ten minutes with the laparoscopic device, and I still didn't see the trace of the appendix.

No way, laparoscopic surgery turned the knife, look directly at the intestines, you have to find the iris.

In the operation of appendicitis, the worst condition is that the barefoot doctor came to the house to make a local appendectomy under the **** and bed at home.

In this case, the surgery can be done.

In general, as long as the interns are usually diligent and work hard, they are recognized by the teachers. When he graduated, he would let him do 1 or 2 appendectomy.

This is the highest and supreme glory during the internship. Back to school, I can graduate with other students.

But appendectomy, how many big cattle-level surgeons are also stumped.

After the incision, the appendix, which should have been "snapped" at the moment after opening the peritoneum, has disappeared. The intestines for 2 hours were not found at all.

What is the ectopic tail is a piece of cake, the retroperitoneal appendix is ​​the real headache.

But these are not as good as the "missing" appendix.

After licking the intestine for 1 hour, I still couldn't find the appendix. The professor with the group had no choice but to call someone.

One wears a cloud arrow, and thousands of troops come to see each other.

If you can't do it yourself, look for someone with a higher level.

But unfortunately, Director Wei had a complicated operation of intestinal adhesions and intestinal obstruction.

Feng Jianguo came up to help.

Two groups of professors found another hour ~ ~ still can not find the tail.

Is this lost? Or is it human evaporation?


The incision was extended and extended, and the seven twists and turns.

It’s not a shame to be a shame. The layman doesn't understand, saying that the surgery is doing poorly, that's no way.

The insiders understand that they really have to encounter such a thing that the tail is lost...

Everyone has a claw.

The two sweated out.

On the outside of the sterile cap, wrap two sets of sterile gauze to prevent sweat from falling into the operating area.

In this way, the two men also turned back from time to time, let the tour nurse or anesthesiologist help to sweat.

An appendicitis, if you can't find a position, how to close the surgery, how to close it... that thing can be big.

What should the patient do? Has it been painful? Until I don't know where the tail is finally pierced?

Still going to other hospitals?

Being jokes in the future is the second thing.

I can't find it myself. In other hospitals, I can definitely find it?

Feng Jianguo can not believe this evil.

I can't find it myself, and everyone else can't find it.

If you can't find it, you can only use a large dose of antibiotics, hoping to eliminate the inflammation.

After that, a high probability patient will eventually have a large area of ​​abdominal infection, followed by irritating peritonitis, which eventually leads to septic shock until death.

At the thought of this possibility, the two groups of professors sweated more.

The dark green sterile garment has been penetrated, and the sterile garment on the back is painted like ink.

After 56', Director Wei came.

"what's the situation?"

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