Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1509: Why not protect it?

The Xiaoyi people prepared all kinds of ingredients and waited for them to come back.

After 20 minutes, a simple dinner is done.

Zheng Ren feels that he is just like a sunspot on one side. He will only eat when he goes home. He is a rice worm with no working ability.

My heart is a little embarrassed.

I wanted to wash the dishes, and I was finally rejected by the Xiaoyi people. Zheng Ren can only stand with the sunspot to watch the Xiaoyi people wash the dishes, clean up, and talk about the experience of the day.

The leisure time after dinner should have been the most pleasant.

However, when Xiaoyi and Changyue looked at the series, the topic was dragged by Su Yun to an unknown abyss.

It is also the most professional analysis, Su Yun in a serious nonsense.

Originally, the short TV series of the parents was analyzed by Su Yunyi, and it became full of flaws. There was no logic at all in the various plots.

Zheng Ren did not speak. Today, he has made a big mistake. At this time, if he provokes the Xiaoyi people again, he is afraid that things will be big.

Su Yun is also the same. When people watch TV dramas, they have to follow the logic analysis. As a doctor, what is the logic?

How many patients in the hospital have no logic at all, such as oral Kailuo, oral glass bottles... including himself, there is no logic.

In the evening, he said that he was lucky. After seeing Rolls-Royce Gust, his face was stunned and Zou Yu was called.

Thinking of this, Zheng Renxiao smiled. Don't irritate Su Yun in person, wait until you go back and look up, what is the stalk of the left foot driving.

Soon, Su Yun was angered by Chang Yue, and Zheng Ren was reluctant, but when he looked at his eyes, he bid farewell to Xiao Yi and went back to sleep.

After washing, lying on the bed, Zheng Ren forgot all about the left foot.

He went to the system operating room and trained two puncture biopsies before he fell asleep.



When I came to the hospital early, I received a phone call from Director Ye. Zheng Ren hurriedly looked at the patient and went to the CT room.

Vice-President Yuan and Mr. Ye accompanied Li Lao and also just came to the CT room.

"The wound is very small, you don't have to worry." Zheng Ren calmed Li's emotions.

"It's okay, it's a delay in your morning surgery. It's very embarrassing." Li Lao waved and asked: "I heard Xiao Yuan say, you were hired as a visiting professor by Mayo?"

“Well. It’s also a coincidence that I went to Mayo to do two operations, and when I met Dr. Charles, I became a visiting professor.”

"There is not so much coincidence." Li Lao said with a smile: "One minute on the stage, ten years of work. I saw that you were expensive, no one knows how much sin is behind you."

This is the words... in the phrase.

Every operation seems simple and easy, but who knows how much training he has done in the system operating room?

Just like today's needle biopsy, it has been practiced for dozens of hours and hundreds of operations.

The constant failure is like a piece of masonry, which adds up and casts a ladder of success.

"Li Lao, you see what you said." Zheng Ren said in his mind, and said with a polite attitude.

"The current working environment is much better than I was." Li Lao was also very emotional, watching Zheng Ren said.

working environment? Is Li Lao talking about the current medical environment?

much better?

He is sure?

Seeing Zheng Ren’s face and words, Li Lao smiled and said: “I used to protect the finless porpoise and ran for a few years. Do you know what is the most difficult thing?”

"The conditions are tough." Zheng Ren said frankly.

"No." Li Laodao: "It’s not a thing of hard work. At that time, I was personally determined to win the day, the harder it was, the more effort it had."

Zheng Ren is puzzled.

"The biggest difficulty is still here." Li Lao pointed to his head and smiled: "On one occasion, I went to a county along the river. The science committee in the city came to take me, when I was eating at night. A leader in the county asked me, Li Ge, you protect this finless porpoise, is it delicious? Why don't I feel it."

"..." Zheng Ren stunned.

Finless porpoise, delicious? What is the relationship between endangered species and good food?

"I thought about it and said it was not good. He asked me, Li Ge, why not protect it?" Li Laoxiao said.

Zheng Ren sweats.

However, from a certain point of view, what people say is justified.

Not good, what about protecting it? Self-defeating.

Zheng Ren understood what Li Lao had just said.

His work is not recognized. This is the biggest difficulty.

"I also saw it, and now your work is not good. Slowly, things will be reversed."

Zheng Ren smiles, the object will be reversed, and the right thing is right. But it is possible that the ultimate time is one generation, two generations.

But this is a big trend, I am just a small doctor.

"Li Lao, get ready." Director Yan walked in and said softly.

"Go, do it, do it, and go to the patient for surgery. I will go home and cook for the little grandson." Li Lao is very free and easy, and seems to be at all unwilling.

There are not many people who look at life and death. If possible, no one wants to die. This is also a self-protection in a helpless state, Zheng Ren guessed.

Into the CT room, Zheng Ren sees that the late director and Wu have arrived. They pushed the long-sized microscope of the late director, waiting in the operating room.

"Chi Director, early. Wu, early." Zheng Ren smiled and said hello.

"Zheng Boss ~ ~ things are ready, your baby will come out." Director Chi’s glory in the hands of Zheng Ren’s hand, when Zheng Ren came in, he couldn’t wait to say.

baby? Li Laoyi raised his eyebrows.

“It’s Guangling, Li Lao.” Zheng Ren introduced: “The result of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics, I have a generation of equipment in my hand.”

"Is it so clinically so soon? Xiao Zheng, you are fast enough." Li Lao was a little surprised.

"It happened." Zheng Ren once again habitually said such a sentence.

Li Lao shook his head and stood on one side, curiously watching Zheng Ren assembling the light.

The older generation of researchers have maintained a strong curiosity about new things, and they were really hard at that time. Knowing that there are good things, but only looking at them, it is impossible to use them.

It is estimated that if he knew that Zheng Ren was going to use the light to pick up the pathological tissue cells, he came early.

The light is assembled, and the late director and Wu are ready to go.

Zheng Rendao: "Hey, Director, CT let Su Yun operate, we are more skilled and can complete as soon as possible."

Director Yan is somewhat unhappy, but Zheng Ren said in front of Vice President Yuan, and he is not good to refute.

Young people, really do not understand things, all the credit must be swallowed up?

This appetite is too big.

Director Yan does not believe that his level of operation is worse than that of a graduate student in cardiothoracic surgery, so everything comes down to Zheng Ren’s greed.

Seeing that the director was somewhat unhappy, Director Kong stood by his side and whispered: "Daddy, Zheng boss said that it is a real thing."

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