Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1571: The sunspot is in trouble

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Time has arrived at midnight. On this day, Zheng Ren does not know what he has done.

It’s a mess, and I think it’s like a world.

One morning, I was shocked by the fact that Director Pan had lung cancer.

Next, I was shocked by the Xiaoyi people at night.

Two times a day, the hormone was secreted a lot, and the nerves were highly nervous. Zheng Ren returned to the former villa and felt a little tired.

Simply wash, then go to sleep.

Early the next morning, I didn’t wake up and called in.

"Zheng Ren, get up and eat!" Xiaoyi people are full of vitality, so that Zheng Ren feels that life is actually very beautiful.

If everyone does not toss, it is quiet and gentle, and the years are quiet, then it is better.

In the past, I had breakfast and saw a dozen bottles of red wine at the entrance of the entrance.

"What are you going to do? Gifts?" Zheng Ren asked casually.

"The director is old enough. If you don't drink white wine, don't drink it, drink some red wine to soften the blood vessels." Chang Yue said: "I discussed with Xiaoyi people last night."

“Red wine contains a substance called resveratrol. Studies have shown that it can increase the concentration of high-density lipoprotein in the body.” Su Yun changed shoes into the house. “High-density lipoprotein is a beneficial substance. It has the effect of lowering blood fat and stabilizing plaque to prevent coronary heart disease."

"Well, Su Yun is right." Zheng Rendao: "But there is no definite evidence to show that..."

Said, he saw the Xiaoyi people wearing an apron and coming out of the kitchen.

"Xiangjiang has an actor, has more than seventy, drinking red wine every day, very good maintenance. Sending some red wine to the director is a very good idea, very intimate." Zheng Ren has no bottom line, no fucking, direct station To the opposite.

"Resveratrol in order to play a role in the human body, the daily intake must be more than 2 grams. Converted into wine, one bottle a day." Su Yun Yi Yi Zheng Ren's practice of this wall grass, direct use of data speak.

"You can boil the red wine and let the alcohol evaporate before you drink it. The old Zheng of Xiangjiang now looks like a person in his forties. I heard Wu Hui say that he drinks red wine every night after boiling." Zheng Rendao.

"Crap." Su Yun disdain.

"In fact, there is also a certain scientific basis." Zheng Ren smiled and looked at breakfast, fried eggs, bread, milk, Changyue holding a bottle of probiotics in his hand.

"Do you drink or not?"

"Don't drink." Zheng Ren and Su Yun said at the same time.

The two men looked at each other and Zheng Ren immediately looked back at the Xiaoyi people and smiled, no longer talking.

Since I was chased by the Xiaoyi people to the department on that day, I asked what was done after the end of the chamber did not ask her to come to power.

Su Yun said: "What are the probiotics to add?"

"Good for the body, you don't know?" Chang Yue glanced at him and asked.

“In 1857, the French microbiologist Pasteur studied the acidification process of milk. He observed fresh milk and yogurt under a microscope and found that they all contain the same tiny organisms – lactic acid bacteria. The number of lactic acid bacteria is much higher than that of fresh milk." Su Yunxin handcuffed, "This is the earliest source of probiotics."

Zheng Ren just laughed, and he was not ready to talk about it in the next words.

"In 1908, Russian scientist and Nobel laureate Elie Metchnikoff formally proposed the theory of "longevity of yogurt." By studying the eating habits of Bulgarians, he found that longevity people have a tradition of drinking fermented milk containing probiotics."

Zheng Ren still looked at Xiaoyi people laughing, waiting for the next turning point.

"When I was doing the experiment, some of my classmates were bored, so I checked the probiotic drink in your hand. It said that there are hundreds of millions of probiotics, but the number is poor."

Say, Su Yun didn't know how to show his evil spirits and smiled. "You know, as time goes by, probiotics are reduced in geometric order. It is possible that there are hundreds of millions of probiotics when they leave the factory. When you drink, there is absolutely not much."

Chang Yue’s sharp eyes pierced from behind the spectacle lens.

Su Yun did not see it, proudly said: "To tell the truth, this probiotic is not as good as the stool..."

"Diet!" Chang Yue angered.

"To tell the truth, I don't like listening. I really don't know what you are willing to listen to. Can probiotic beverages prolong life? Or drink wine to soften blood vessels?" Su Yun said that the smaller the sound, the more he started to eat.

"I will send the wine to the director for a while, and we will return if we have nothing to do." Zheng Rendao: "The sunspot is still at home, don't be hungry."

"Boss, do you want to buy something that is regularly fed, let's talk about it, it's really not suitable for raising a dog." Su Yundao.

"Is the sunspot able?" Zheng Ren asked.

"I am going, you don't know how strong the sunspot is." Su Yunyang started, said: "One day I am at home dissecting the liver..."

"Do you dissect the liver at home?"

“It’s boring.” Su Yun said, he left his mouth and said: “The sunspot gave me sterile gloves, urging me to hurry and then cook it.”

"Fortunately, the sunspot will not open the door." Zheng Ren smiled.

[They say that they are writing a love elegant...]

Zheng Ren picked up the phone.

Before he spoke, he was silent.

"Well, I will go back as soon as possible." Zheng Ren said awkwardly.

"What's wrong?" See Zheng Ren put down his mobile phone, and the three asked together.

"The sunspot went out by himself." Zheng Rendao.


"Don't eat any dirty things." Chang Yue asked: "Some people in the community use anti-tuberculosis drugs in the ham, just for medicine dogs."

"Nothing to lose." The Xie Yi asked.

With the nose and IQ of the sunspot, it is certain that I will not eat that kind of thing. This thing can be affirmed by the Xie Yi people.

Su Yun guessed that something was going on, and he asked, "I will definitely not, the sunspot is so smart, it will not eat. What is it?!"

"The sunspot buried a small Teddy downstairs, and then stole a donkey and sat around the world to play. He was caught by the police, and now Lin sister gave it away." Zheng Ren was extremely depressed.

Just finished, the phone dribbled.

He turned on his phone and saw a series of photos.

The first thing that caught my eye was a small Teddy head exposed outside, a toothy claw that wanted to go out of the pit, but the lower part was buried in the soil.

"I am going, is it alive? Is it a sunspot?" Su Yun stunned.

"It is said to be." Zheng Ren is bitter.

Should the sunspot be refined? This is not a good phenomenon.

I used to think that the sunspots are honest and honest, and after retirement, they will be honest at home. It may be that I have been too busy recently, ignoring the feelings of the sunspots.

"I know this Teddy!" Su Yun looked at his eyes and said immediately.



Note: A broadcaster on the vibrato has raised three Satsuma. Pull out the goose feathers of the park big goose, bury Teddy live, and steal people.

Have a video ~ look every day, very happy.

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