Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1636: Nameless real fire

After 40 minutes, the patient was taken to the operating room.

Feng Xuhui took advantage of the big trolley case and followed Zheng Ren.

When I heard what Zheng Ren wanted, Feng Xuhui felt that his work was really not done.

Controllable catheter sheaths, one-way gooseneck traps, these are not routine things, but after studying their own surgery, they bought several sets of spares from foreign manufacturers at their own expense.

Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. At this time, recalling this sentence is exceptionally correct.

Zheng Ren sees Feng Xuhui on this side and is very pleased. There were some concerns before, Feng Xuhui was not prepared, he had to do it himself.

However, the consumables bent out on the stage are certainly not as good as the one-way gooseneck traps.

Although the one-way gooseneck snare has to be changed a bit, the changes are small and particularly simple.

"Boss, can you really take out the bullets in your heart? The bullets are all in, and the whole heart is broken," Professor Rudolf Wagner asked.

"Going down the subclavian vein is not a direct heart." Zheng Rendao.

In addition to Feng Xuhui, Professor Rudolf Wagner, Xie Yi, and Lao He were all called.

Call Su Yun, he did not pick up. It is estimated that the Emperor Medical University is enjoying the applause of the tide, and the lectures are proud of it.

Zheng Ren recalled that countless mosaics appeared in front of himself, and some were funny.

It’s really boring to give lectures, or to have surgery to make yourself happy.

When I came to the locker room of the operating room, the group professor gave Zheng Ren and others a set of sterile clothes.

Although he looked very unhappy, he did not make himself difficult in these small places.

Zheng Ren also felt very strange, he did not say anything, how it became what it is now.

But who is happy and who is not happy is a small thing, he is not at all worried.

How to do the surgery well is the most important thing.

Lao He asked: "Zheng boss, can you calm down?"

He just looked at the patient, in good condition, and a strong young man like a burdock. There are a lot of things in the heart of the medication.

Ask Zhu boss again, it seems more formal, more respectful, and more close to Zheng Bo.

Going abroad for surgery is really like a night out.

And came to the Medical University Affiliated Hospital, which is close at hand. Many anesthesiologists know this. What does it mean to come here directly for surgery?

Laozi level is higher than you!

Lao He’s chest is quite tall, although he didn’t say it, but the son’s anger was overflowing.

This is really cool!

After more than 20 years of medical practice, since the beginning of his Ph.D., Lao He has never had such a smug moment.

He never thought about the problem of surgery failure. Zheng Boss did even have a heart parasite, and still got a bullet in the heart?

It is normal to do it, and it is nonsense to do it.

"Well, calm down the state." Zheng Renping said: "If I can take it out, the operation will soon end. If the removal fails, immediately turn to general anesthesia. Go in and check the extracorporeal circulation equipment. Although it is almost impossible to use, Still have to guard against unexpected situations."

"Zheng boss, you personally do surgery, there will be no problem." Lao He laughed.

"Cautious." Zheng Rendao: "Old congratulations, be cautious, all possible complications will come to mind."

Lao He put away the hippie smile, nodded and went in and checked all kinds of equipment according to the instructions of Zheng Ren.

Zheng Ren fell behind and talked with the professor about the operation and went to the hybrid surgery room.

After they entered, Director Tian and another deputy director came in.

"This is all about it!" Director Tian said angrily.

"Director, don't be angry." The deputy director comforted. "Why don't you say where the bullets are, even in the heart, then you have to open your chest? If you can take the bullet out of the intervention, I will swallow it directly." ”

Director Tian said with indignation, "The medical office is also, looking for a messy little doctor, really what is the **** nobility award is true? Stand on the stage to eat a small apple, come back a brave ability!"

"Yes." The deputy director continued to reconcile, "But you can't care, if the surgery is done, the people will go away, and finally we have to clean up the mess."

Thinking of this, Director Tian sighed long.

Clean up the mess, give people a butt, how to think how depressed.

"Director, do you think the bullet is in the heart, is it likely?" The deputy director felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward and asked whispered. Say something, don't change your head and change your clothes.

"Shit!" Director Tian said that the swearing words in a year are not as good as today. He opened his mouth and said: "How could it be in the heart! You said, how did you get in? The heart is full of blood, and it is filled with heart. The patient has no symptoms, how can the bullets get into the heart!"

He is very sure.

Not only is it judged from the signs, but the echocardiogram also gives hints.

It’s impossible, only the guys in the organization will think that bullets are possible in the heart.

Do not understand medical treatment!

He gave birth to a sense of powerlessness and felt that there was no way to live. A group of laymen who are arrogant and arrogant, believe in magical nonsense.

Director Tian changed his clothes.

"Director, don't be angry." The deputy director smiled. "I am also curious. If there is no bullet in the heart, how can this end?"

“End?” Director Tian sneered. “If I can't find a foreign object, I will go to the hospital and give me a statement. I am not so bullying!”

"Director, don't you." The deputy director quickly advised: "It is the surgery allowed by President Liu, and his temper, you know."

Director Tian said that he would say a How can he find a big noise in the courtyard?

"Go back and write this in the course record." Director Tian said coldly.

"Oh..." The deputy director stunned.

Medical records are legal documents. Some things must be written, for example, the patient's condition changes. However, once these transactional things are written, it means completely tearing the skin.

"Just write, I check the house and make comments. But in the courtyard and Professor 912 Zheng... Hey, Professor? Professor Zheng insisted on surgery and dissuaded no results. During the operation, no foreign bodies were found."


"I am responsible for the accident!" Tian said coldly.

The deputy director smiled, and Director Tian was pushed out of the fire. The information recorded in the course record is to be archived and difficult to modify.

Even if you get permission to modify it, there is a record in the background.

As soon as he got out of trouble, Director Tian could record the course of the disease on everyone's face and point at his nose.

Oh, this is a mess.

How can the bullet appear in the heart? Isn't that a joke? The deputy director thought of it.

If you really use the interventional surgery to remove the bullet, you will swallow it!


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