Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1713: Gorgeous medical record "show"

Laohe came here for the first time and he was somewhat cautious.

Seeing that Su Yun is busy, Zheng Ren is taken to the side, and the old congratulations move.

"Zheng boss, I found some cases of tracheal intubation into the esophagus, are summing up, waiting for me to send it to you." Lao He whispered.

"Well?" Zheng Ren looked sideways and glanced at him. He smiled. "You know."

"Well, I asked the old Cui who was on duty that day. He told me about it. I think you should be interested in this case, and you have collected some cases in the anesthesiologist's group." Laohe saw Zheng Ren's eyes shine. I know I am doing the right thing.

"What is the case?"

"I have encountered some people in the anesthesia group, but the total number is less than 10 cases. Also look for relevant information, plus some medical journal data, it should be considered Zhou Xiang." Lao Hedao.

"I have a heart." Zheng Ren smiled.

“Hey.” Lao He laughed and said: “Zheng boss is satisfied.”

Zheng Ren knows the heart of Lao He, this kind of thing does not have to guess, Lao He does not hide at all, but he is afraid that he does not know.

Is it clear? probably.

The old congratulation level is good, Zheng Ren does not mind having this anesthesiologist with a high enough level to stay with him.

As for whether he has other thoughts, Zheng Ren does not care. As long as you can work, there are other minds that are normal.

"Boss, get it done, let me talk about it first?" Su Yunxing said with enthusiasm.

"Yeah." Zheng Ren nodded and turned back to sit next to the Xie Yi people.

"This is a consultation case from the Massachusetts General Hospital." Su Yun said, the lights in the room darkened, and then the lights on the top of the head lit up, like a shadowless lamp, the snow was bright and slightly sacred.

Lao He thinks that Su Yun is a material that should be on the stage by nature. Not to mention anything else, just this kind of "show" is enough to make countless girls scream.

And the concert scene, no different. Although Lao He did not go to the concert, in the guess, the concert should be like this.

Director Luo smiled slightly, and the young man was willing to show up. It was not a problem. He was more concerned about what kind of case the Massachusetts General Hospital would use to find Zheng Boss consultation and how Zheng boss solved it.

“A 39-year-old woman with recurrent vomiting syndrome and multiple substance use disorders visited the Massachusetts General Hospital for abdominal pain and vomiting. The patient had abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting 2 months before the visit. I have been treated."

Su Yun said, the picture appeared on the screen.

3D images, realistic and dazzling.

Zheng Ren stunned and asked: "Su Yun, what equipment is this?"

"When in Nanyang, give Chunuonse a list of things on the list." Su Yun proudly smiled: "The latest product of Cavendish Lab, just a server... forget it, you have no money. The number, not to mention this, began to tell the case. I said the boss, can you be serious."

"..." Zheng Ren did not expect that Chu Nuangsai would really do what he said at the time, and he had forgotten it.

"Patient symptoms are similar to those previously thought to be caused by periodic vomiting syndrome.

After admission, C. difficile toxin, **** white blood cells, and **** eggs and parasites were all negative; **** culture showed normal intestinal flora. Urine toxicology screening showed positive cocaine and opioids. ”

Su Yun said that the image has changed.

With the sound of his explanation, C. difficile toxin, white blood cells and other laboratory tests, stereoscopic three-dimensional images appear immediately.

There are even 3D compositions of bacteria and viruses such as C. difficile toxins.

Zheng Ren is speechless, Su Yun likes these flowers.

Lao He’s stunned, is this a special consultation? Still a showcase for new technologies?

Director Luo did not know how to open his mouth. This kind of display, he has never seen it in his life. Is the current technology advanced to this extent?

It's hard to imagine!

In particular, the 3D model of viruses and bacteria such as C. difficile toxins is vivid. The light and shadow float, and it can move gently.

At this time, Su Yun is like a roaming in the human body after being shrunk.

"Abdominal and pelvic computed tomography scans performed after administration of intravenous contrast agents showed bilateral punctate, non-obstructive kidney stones without hydronephrosis.

No signs of intestinal obstruction or acute inflammation of the abdominal or pelvic cavity were seen. Normal premenopausal ovary with functional follicles. ”

Su Yun said that the image next to it has changed.

Not only a simple CT scan, but also a 3D configuration.

Slightly weird, but it is really dazzling!

Zheng Ren automatically excluded these "flowers" and left only useful information in his mind.

From CT, there are no enteritis and intestinal tumors, only kidney stones. Kidney stones are not heavy and are not stuck on the ureter.

There is no water in the kidneys, only a few stones.

In other words, abdominal pain should not be considered due to kidney stones.

Speaking of this, Su Yun slightly stunned, slightly embarrassed.

"MD, that is the mess of transmission of medical records." Su Yun said, the overall atmosphere was destroyed.

Zheng Ren smiled, this demonstration is very hasty, can not complain of Su Yun.

"Twelve hours before the visit, the patient inhaled smoke from electrical fires in the basement at home.

After inhaling the smoke, the patient developed pain in the lower left abdomen and severe fatigue, but the patient did not seek medical attention. On the day of the visit, menstruation began, and the patient developed nausea when waking up, vomiting a large amount of dark brown liquid.

At the last measurement, the patient's temperature was 39.4 degrees Celsius. ”

smoke? Electrical fire smoke? Zheng Ren’s eyebrows wrinkled.

“The patient complained of persistent nausea, vomiting, and pain in the lower left abdomen.”

"The history of the past has kidney stones, asthma, allergic rhinitis, chronic back pain, depression, gastroesophageal reflux disease and severe dysmenorrhea surgical history including shoulder arthroplasty, RF reduction and ovarian Cystectomy."

Lao He’s tongue, the race is really different, and I have to do a reduction in molding... In China, I have only heard of breast augmentation surgery. I have never heard of anyone who is interested in doing a reduction in angioplasty.


"Patients have been unable to work for three months because of periodic vomiting syndrome. This time because of the exacerbation of the condition and the symptoms of abdominal pain, they were hospitalized again at the Massachusetts General Hospital."

"Now the physical examination, the doctor on the other side is doing it, the data will be transmitted in a moment."

After Su Yun finished, he turned a circle under the light of the shadowless lamp, and his right hand was placed on the waist, slightly squatting.

Handsome one.

"The temporary medical record says this, please ask the boss to diagnose it."

"..." Zheng Ren is silent.

Give diagnosis, give a diagnosis of wool!

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