Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1747: Complete bolting

Only the most talented experts, the most ill-tempered experts will drop equipment and swearing on the operating table.


Director Sun Chao felt that a blood rushed to the top of his head. He didn't think it was a shame to himself. He should not know who is standing behind him.

But even a helper is so temperament so big, touch the back, directly throwing equipment swearing?

The typhoon of 912 is really bad.

Sun Chao’s heart was groaning.

But after all, it is touching the back of others, which may affect stability. Sun Chao has nothing to say.

"Look at the surgery area." Zheng Rentou did not lift, he did not seem to care about who Su Yun is. It doesn't matter who you are, even if you are Vice President Yuan.

Now that the sky is falling, it is no more important than the patients in front of us. "Completely take the bolt and pay attention to the elasticity of the embolus."

"Know, see it." Su Yun re-mothered.

Complete bolting? The director of Sun Chao’s blood just rushed to the top of his head, but after hearing this sentence, another blood rushed up, and the high blood pressure almost went out from the top of his head.

Not smashed, use the suction device and the stone pliers to take it out? Complete bolting? What is this operation!

Although curious, he did not dare to get closer.

The director of the department of the hospital affiliated to the medical college has a status in the academic field of vascular surgery in the country, and it is more or less a hall-level figure.

Can you specialize in the 912 view of the Taiwanese have been thrown equipment, swearing...

Director Sun Chao saw the surgeon reach out and a small hemostat pliers in his hand, then began to open the jaws and into the invisible area.

This is an attempt to complete the bolting, young people, always willing to do some unexpected moves to show their importance. Director Sun Chao thought that he would soon fail, then push an adrenaline, then use a suction device and...

The small hemostatic forceps disappeared into the field of vision for a short time, so that the thoughts of Sun Chao’s mind only came here. He saw a hemostatic forceps with a purple-black, insect-like thrombus reappearing in front of him.

A white sterile gauze pad appeared on the right side of the surgeon. The surgeon's movements were slow, and everyone's breathing was holding, watching him take the thrombus out a little.

What's really special is to take the bolt, complete the bolt!

Everyone at the viewing platform thought of this at the same time.

Taking the embolectomy surgery, saying that it is "take", is actually the idea of ​​Director Sun Chao. Broken, using a suction device and a gallbladder stone pliers to get out.

Complete bolting...

Still a 12cm long thrombus...

Everyone is watching it.

Not only they, but Zhao Yunlong, who is standing next to Zheng Ren and acting as a second helper, is stupid.

The patient's heart beat frequency is irregular, and it is fast and slow. If you want to overcome the impact of heartbeat, the difficulty is not too big.

Zhao Yunlong did almost nothing at this step, just watching. Zheng Bo and Su Yun have a tacit understanding. The blood clot is “squeaked out” from the trunk of the right pulmonary artery, and the body is very complete.

As the blood clot spread a little, Sun Chao noticed the action of Zheng Boss.

He is not motionless, but there are countless subtle movements that confuse the heart's irregular beats.

A lot of operations, is he not tired? Is this something that people do?

After 8′′ 21, a thrombus with a purple front end and a bright red color at the back end was taken out and placed on a white gauze pad.

The 12cm long thrombus is so glaring under the light of a shadowless lamp.

"Remove dark red old blood clots and light red fresh blood clots about 20g." Zheng Ren Shen said.

Lao He started recording immediately.

After the thrombus is removed, red blood flows from the distal end of the pulmonary artery.

Zheng Ren immediately tightened and ligated the purse string and carefully observed that there was no bleeding in the pulmonary incision. The pulmonary artery perfusion immediately recovered after the thrombus was removed.

The patient's hemodynamic parameters gradually stabilized.

"The surgery is done." Zheng Ren only relaxed at this time, even if it was a stone, he felt a little tired at this time.

Unlike microsurgery, this operation is simply too urgent!

In the operating room of the system, the body of the experiment died innumerable, because of this **** time limit.

The condition is soaring, it doesn't give you a chance to breathe. Therefore, when Zheng Ren was in neurosurgery, he would appear so overbearing and decided to go on stage.

Because he has no time to do too much explanation.

In this operation, Zheng Ren believes that the key to success is not in himself.

But... because of the existence of Ringer.

Without Linger’s unreserved and unwavering standing on his side, surgery is impossible.

Such a hasty rush to the stage, even a angiography time is not, if the medical office, the hospital leadership does not give themselves almost unlimited trust, it is impossible to happen.

Thanks to Ringer, Zheng Ren was relieved at this time and thought of it. Teaching things, you have to be on your mind.

The right pulmonary artery incision was sutured and no active bleeding was detected. Zheng Ren interrupted the operation.

"Wait, look at the recovery of the heart." Zheng Rendao.

After that, he picked up the large gauze pad and began to appreciate the 12cm long thrombus.

"Boss, how could it be so long?" Su Yun asked: "This should be the longest blood clot I have ever seen. I have seen the longest 5CM."

"Going down time has to ask the medical history, the patient's age is so small, it should be what medicine to eat, affecting the body." Zheng Rendao.

"Zheng Boss ~ It’s okay to take it out." Laohe smiled and asked, "I thought I had to stop the heart and the ice mud was ready."

Ice mud is a mixture of just frozen ice water, mainly ice.

When the heart stops, use ice cubes to cool down, and the effect can't be maximized. It is best to use ice mud, but it takes a lot of effort and experience to get ice.

Lao He is doing this, but Zheng Ren likes it.

It is the ability to make ice mud. If you want to stop the extracorporeal circulation surgery next time, it will be more convenient if there is ice mud.

"Time is too late." Zheng Rendao: "The heart stops, the surgery is better, it is troublesome, we must first do extracorporeal circulation. But the thrombus is too tight to block the right pulmonary artery, less perfusion, the heart will stop at any time."

"Hey... Zheng boss, can I stop the isopropyl kidney?" Laohe thinks that isoproterenol is still pumping to the patient's blood vessels with almost limit.

"Let's wait, don't worry." Zheng Ren smiled. "Step by step, reduce 2ml every 10 seconds."

This kind of operation is very troublesome. If you change someone else, you will definitely not want to.

However, the old He Xizi tempered to adjust the micro pump, and did not let the tour nurses get started.

Vice-President Yuan began to talk, but calmly looked at ECG monitoring.

The ECG oscillating gradually became sinus, and the heart rate was stable at about 108 beats/min. This is steady, he only laughed at this time.

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