Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1763: Can't read, find rheumatism immunity

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The pathogenesis is not yet clear, and most scholars believe that the lesions are mostly located in the lower part of the hypothalamus. The lower part of the hypothalamus regulates autonomic nerve activity and is closely related to various regions of the cerebral cortex, brain stem network, and spinal nerve center. ”

"EEG abnormalities are the most important diagnostic basis for this disease. I will go to an EEG and then I will know if it is." Zheng Rendao.

Zhou Litao’s heart was crying silently.

A stomachache, how can I want to get an EEG!

For so many years, patients have seen the disease at the top three hospitals, and have never done even an EEG.

Some county-level hospitals in the top three hospitals are just a device, and no one will do it at all. Even if it is done according to the instructions, no one will look at it.

"The machine is on." Su Yun shut the phone and made a gesture, saying: "Boss, I will see you in a while!"

"Being an EEG, what is good-looking." Zheng Renping replied faintly.

"There are no characteristic changes such as sharp waves, spikes, slow points, slow-synchronized waves or rhythmic high-frequency discharges. It is definitely that you will not do EEG." Su Yundao, "What did you say just now? Consider abdominal type. epilepsy."

"Considering, don't know what it means?" Zheng Rendao, "The big probability, 90?"

"Boss, when is the patient with the illness? Can you talk without this tone?" Su Yun is very dissatisfied with Zheng Ren's tone.

"Well, then don't do it, it must be abdominal epilepsy. You give her phenobarbital, lamotrigine, mecobalamin, regular oral, just two weeks later." Zheng Rendao.

"You are a special one." Su Yun said: "If you can't beat you, your big mouth will fan you."

"I said that you do not believe, 90 considerations are too low, you said how difficult you are to serve." Zheng Ren squatted back.

"Zheng Boss, Yun Geer, why do you consider abdominal epilepsy?" Zhou Litao saw two people talking about meaningless words, it is estimated that waiting for the female patient to come back, quickly stopped, want to ask for dry goods.

"Zhou, I think your experience is not rich enough." Su Yun smiled and said: "Looking for opportunities and medical services... I don't know if Director Lin has finished eating. And Director Lin suggested that you should It’s only after you have been working for one year in the hospital.

In a word, accurately hit Zhou Litao's knee.

"Cloud brother..."

"Don't listen to him." Zheng Rendao: "The following conditions should be considered when considering abdominal epilepsy: first, gastrointestinal discomfort that cannot be explained by other reasons; second, or with symptoms of central nervous system dysfunction; Third, antiepileptic drugs are effective."


"Don't listen to him, one, two, three, four, five, are all fart. If you can't find the reason, you can ask directly, family history, past history, drug allergy history, whether you have been exposed to heavy metals, right, and most importantly a little!"

Su Yun finally made a positive gesture.

"Hey?" Zhou Litao listened to stupidity.

"You have a friend in the rheumatology department. If you don't understand, you can find rheumatism immunity!"

"..." Zhou Litao is speechless.

"Zhou total, I tell you, rheumatology and immunology is a born back pot man. Many diseases, how do you find out why you don't know why, don't hesitate, immediately find a rheumatism immunization consultation!" Su Yun said his own experience.

Zheng Ren thought about it, and there is indeed a little bit of truth.

Rheumatism immunity, this department of many places is specifically for rheumatism and rheumatoid. But it is different in 912. These four words mean incurable diseases.

Just now, Zheng Ren himself considered several diseases of rheumatology and immunology. Only when Su Yun was chatting with patients on the rooftop, he asked about past history and family history.

Plus the diagnosis of the system panel, it should be that abdominal epilepsy did not run.

Next, make an EEG confirmation, and then prescribe the medicine, it will take a long time to get better.

After waiting for a few minutes, Zhou Litao received a WeChat saying that the female patient had already come out.

He deliberately went to the corridor and waited for the diagnosis to be available soon. Don't worry about any problems in this stall.

The female patient came back naturally, without any problems.

As long as she had passed the pain of her abdomen, she was like a normal person. But once I get sick, it’s really painful.

"Let's go, do an inspection." Su Yun saw her come back and immediately jumped down from Cui's desk.

"Cloud brother, can you diagnose?" The girl is a little timid.

After all, I went to the hospital many times. Most of the money I should have bought cosmetics and bought jewelry was handed over to the hospital. This is the pain of her life, even with the value of Su Yun, can not stop the suspicion inscribed in the bones.

"Reassured, my boss personally gave you an EEG." Su Yun said with a smile: "It is estimated that your mother's epilepsy is a little bit passed on to you."

"Oh..." The girl is somewhat desperate.

"What is your expression!" Su Yun yelled. "It’s just a stomachache. It doesn’t turn white, and it’s foaming on the floor. You’re mentally too heavy, which makes you start at the age of 10 Abdominal epilepsy."

"Abdominal epilepsy?" The girl is puzzled.

"10 years old?" Zheng Ren frowned, looking at Su Yun asked.

"Well, when she was 10 years old, she saw her mother had an The stomach began to hurt the next day." Su Yun nodded, all of which were intentionally asked when chatting on the rooftop. Medical history.

It is indeed a hard work to ask about the medical history.

Su Yun's goods rely on their high value, almost no advantage.

Zheng Ren nodded, this time should be able to determine almost 100% of abdominal epilepsy.

The electroencephalogram is a pattern obtained by amplifying and recording the spontaneous biopotentials of the brain from the scalp through sophisticated electronic instruments, and is a spontaneous and rhythmic electrical activity of the brain cell group recorded by the electrodes.

The girl lay down on the bed, her hair spread out, like a personal photo, posing in a beautiful posture.

At least the hair is like this.

But the top of the head began to connect, the style turned, and it became the appearance of the biohazard female owner in the laboratory.

Zheng Ren sat on the side and began to give her an EEG.

Sure enough, the irregular and slow complex waves of the ankle were quickly discovered.

Zheng Ren and Su Yun both breathed a sigh of relief at the moment of seeing the irregularly slow synthetic waves.

Zhou Litao could not understand the EEG.

More and more specialized hospitals, few doctors who are proficient in all aspects, this can not blame Zhou Litao.

"Okay." Zheng Ren smiled: "Comprehensive physical examination and EEG to judge, it is indeed flexible epilepsy."

Zheng Ren asked Zhou Litao for pen and paper, and wrote three drugs, phenobarbital, lamotrigine, and mecobalamin.

"Oral according to the instructions, just two weeks." Zheng Rendao, "will not commit again."

Note: There is a friend who just watches his mother commit epilepsy and occasionally commits crimes. After coming from more. Psychological problems are actually very important.

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