Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1858: Race with yourself

Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Jin Yaowu came very early, he has formed a habit.

Do 10 operations a day, as well as a summary and record of the surgery, busy with the dog.

However, Jin Yaowu did not feel tired and was very happy every day.

Objectively speaking, he can feel his own level of progress and tremendous progress.

Jin Yaowu sometimes even thinks that if he is going to conduct a "war battle" operation again, he should be stronger than the young Zheng boss.

Surgery, only the hand is cooked, it is ground out. Jin Yaowu has always been scornful of the kind of genius that looks like two eyes.

Under the training of ten gastric fundus and gastric left artery embolization every day, Jin Yaowu grew rapidly.

At five in the morning, he came to the hospital.

In cooperation with him, there are several Chinese doctors and nurses. After all, everyone has similar blood and similar thinking. Unlike the Americans, they say that they are not willing to work overtime.

Jin Yaowu has squeezed out the last trace of his body. Ten operations a day, with x-rays in progress, the human body has reached its limit.

Not crazy, not alive, Jin Yaowu is convinced of this. In order to be able to return home, he has already paid too much.

However, Jin Yaowu believes that all of this is worthwhile. Every contribution is rewarded. He believes in heaven and rewards, this is the truth.

It feels bad to be crushed on the top of the head. The person is younger than himself. There is no way to persuade himself to wait for him to grow old, and he can give up the position to himself.

Estimated that he is old, the young Zheng boss can still wear lead clothes for ten years of surgery!

Fortunately, John Hopkins’s research atmosphere is very rich, and a large charitable donation has made Jin Yaowu’s eyes look good.

Implementing it in the clinic means that you can find countless patients to do surgery free of charge. Because this is an experimental operation after all, it is a kind of research.

After the constant "small" mistakes, Jin Yaowu also revised the way of surgery, he believes that the overall surgery has become more mature.

And the rapid growth of the number makes the big boss very satisfied.

This is the result of scientific research. At that time, these detailed figures are to come up with something to say!

The patient was sent in, and Jin Yaowu laid a list and made a gesture to the technicians and nurses outside the lead glass.

The surgery started and the people outside started timing.

This is a small habit of Jin Yaowu.

He is racing against himself. Although each patient's condition is different, it is difficult to quantify it, but Jin Yaowu still insists on this little habit.

Because the time of each operation will make the whole research data more rigorous. This is only a small point, but it will affect everyone's senses invisibly.

The operation was done very quickly, and the Chinese-American assistants have become more and more acquainted with Jin Yaowu.

From the previous one and a half hours of surgery, gradually shortened to complete an operation within an hour.

After entering the one-hour mark, the shortening of the surgical speed begins to slow down until the turtle speed. However, Jin Yaowu was not in a hurry. He knew very well that no matter how hard he tried, it would never be possible to turn this number into zero.

The more difficult it is, the more difficult it is to achieve one second of progress.

The so-called 100-foot gimmick goes further, this is the truth.

The operation was performed steadily, the guide wire was over-selected, the left gastric artery was found, and embolization was started.

Regarding the point of embolization, Jin Yaowu also summed up experience after hundreds of operations. He vaguely felt that the more detailed the embolization, the more postoperative complications.

It was only this point that he and the big boss said a few times, but they got reprimanded.

Jin Yaowu is not qualified enough to modify the surgery.

His identity and status are only a surgical dog for surgery, and he cannot enter the core of this research.

Jin Yaowu can only implement and implement the meaning of the big boss.

No advice is needed here, only action is required. If he wants to practice his own ideas, he will have to go back to China.

But at that time, the entire weight loss surgery should have been formed, and there is no need for Jin Yaowu to do anything.

Embolization, re-contrast agent, the plug is very strong and thorough.

Withdrawal of the guide wire and catheter, Jin Yaowu asked the assistant to oppress the bleeding and made a gesture.


It is also the latest record.

The patient's blood vessels are relatively simple, which is why they can be so fast. But the more important thing is that Jin Yaowu's approach is more and more sophisticated and more detailed.

Tearing off the sterile clothes, Jin Yaowu walked out of the operating room.

"Doctor Kim, the surgery is really fast!" The operator praised him with fluent American English.

Jin Yaowu smiled, is it fast?

Whenever he thinks about speed, he will involuntarily think of what Mu Tao and he said.

The young Zheng boss made an embolectomy treatment for a pelvic fracture in 15 minutes during the earthquake relief work.

How did he do it, Jin Yaowu never thought about it until now.

One minute in 15 minutes... this is similar to a miracle.

It must have been that Mu Tao added exaggeration when he stated this matter, and it was almost the same in an hour.

Interventional embolization of pelvic fractures is much more complicated than embolization of the fundus and left gastric artery.

I can do my best to shorten the gastric fundus and left gastric embolization to less than 1 hour.

Earthquake Relief? At that time, I have to face the aftershocks from time to time. I can finish one in one hour... forget I don't want this.

Jin Yaowu waited for the assistant to send the patient and pick up the next patient to start the data transfer. This is the most valuable information.

All research must be based on detailed surgical data.

After 20 minutes, Jin Yaowu started the next operation.

Still timed surgery, still skilled operation and surgery, still retain all kinds of data, including the length of surgery.

Still... I am racing against myself.

Jin Yaowu believes that no one can do better than himself.

In the treatment of liver cancer, in the treatment of portal hypertension, than the young Zheng boss, then change direction.

He is certain that even the large boss of Johns Hopkins Hospital will not be more skilled than himself with the fundus and left gastric embolization.

This is the proficiency of “more than a hundred” operations, and it is always possible to achieve this level.

The second procedure was more difficult and it took 55 minutes to complete the surgery.

However, Jin Yaowu’s mood has not fluctuated, which is a normal thing. Regardless of the complexity of the condition described by Mu Tao, regardless of the age of the patient, regardless of the abnormality of the blood vessels, 15 minutes of interventional embolization of a pelvic fracture...

That is a myth. after another, Jin Yaowu is doing his surgery with dedication.

He is absorbed.

He has no heart.

He put everything on.

He swayed his energy.

In order to return to China one day, it can become the strongest in a certain branch of interventional surgery!

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