Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1864: Light bulb 1 kind of liver

"Well? Song Ge sent me a message." Zheng Rendao.

"There is something to look for, people are like this, the more you use the thicker, but you have to know the size." Su Yun feeds the sunspot peanut beans, the goods sit in the middle of Su Yun and Chang Yue, eyes staring at the glass, eyes thief bright thief Bright.

"Don't drink blackspots." Zheng Ren noticed this and said it right away.

This item of sunspots has a tendency to become a fine one. It can steal people, and there is nothing to do. Zheng Ren is worried that it will drink alcohol, and it will be difficult to play alcohol and madness.

"Drink something is fine." Su Yunxiao smiled, took a convenient chopsticks, and sipped some wine to the black man's mouth.

A slippery crystal clear and hangs on the black tongue.

Zheng Ren frowned, helplessly looked at Su Yun, stood up and called Song Ying.

"Song brother, I didn't sleep. Something just got ready to call you, the information came." Zheng Ren said with a smile.

"Look at how good he is when he asks for help." Su Yun said: "The standard face is facing forward, not facing face."

Zheng Ren pretended not to hear, and went to the big terrace.

"Zheng boss, my mother of a little brother is a bit problematic. I have a liver ct on the other side of the house. The doctors in the small land don't understand. I have trouble helping you with a palm."

Song Ying said.

"Oh? Let's send the film."

“Is it convenient at home? I am near the film.”

"Nothing, then come up." Zheng Rendao: "I hang up, let's meet and say."

Song Ying can be said to be a little bit sloppy, holding a film in the middle of the night and so on.

Zheng Ren knows that it is nearby, and it is very likely that it is downstairs. Take the time to smoke, pretend to be on the road, and then come up.

However, his sense of Song Ying is good. Few people talk at the wine table that Zheng Ren can listen.

Song Ying is one of them.

Back to the living room, Su Yun asked: "What is it?"

"Song brother took the film downstairs and talked up."

"Hey, boss, you are so bullish." Su Yun haha ​​smiled and said: "Just take Song Ge and drink two more cups."

Zheng Ren didn't have any interest in knowing why the bulls had made a big deal. Instead, he looked forward to seeing what cases he would see. He patiently waited for Song Camp to come up.

Sure enough, as Zheng Ren guessed, after five minutes, the doorbell rang.

When Song Ying came up alone, he was very handsome and his feet were not stunned. It seems that he rarely eats sausages recently.

"Zheng boss, I am sorry, come here to disturb you so late." Song Yingru Mu Chunfeng said.

"Song Ge, polite, don't leave you alone. The emperor said so, it doesn't matter when you are unfamiliar. It's all coming home, and then it's too much to see it." Zheng Ren smiled thickly. Speaking of it.

Song Ying mouth swelled and changed shoes into the house.

"Hey, is this not enough?" Song Ying saw a table with peanuts and iron covered Maotai, some surprised to say.

"No, it’s coming back to drink. My boss is boring, and I can’t always have fun when I eat.” Su Yundao, “Song Ge, drink together?”

"Then I am welcome." Song Ying said with a smile: "But first let's talk about the right thing, there is a film, and the two help the palm."

Zheng Ren glanced at the film, the ordinary ct film bag, there seems to be a little test sheet, but there are not many things to check.

Not much inspection, it means that the condition is not serious.

"Zheng boss, what are you looking for?" Song Ying asked.

"In these few days, I have to go back to my hometown and want to bring two boxes of Maotai to the old director." Zheng Ren is also welcome, and he will reach out to the film and say it directly.

While saying that he took out the film.

"Oh, no problem, I will send you to the hospital tomorrow morning. Do you see it convenient?" Song Ying asked.

"Let's go in the car, OK." Xie Yi said, "I can just contact me directly."

Xiaoyi people spoke, and Zheng Ren had no other options. He took out the film and glanced at the lamp and was scared.

The liver is bright and bright, brighter than when it is enhanced!

Is the error in imaging? This is Zheng Ren's first thought, but he then looked at the surrounding organization, it is normal, unlike the mistakes made by local doctors when making films.

If there are artifacts or other reasons, it is not possible to appear only on the liver.

Su Yun glanced at it.

"Huo! What kind of liver is this? Relic?" Su Yun surprised.

Song Yingdao: "The mother of a little brother, 86 years old this year."

When he first introduced it, he was interrupted by Su Yun.

"Song Ge, you look at it less than fifty. Little brother? Mother 86? How old is your brother?"

"Oh, the age is bigger than me. This is not a dozen years ago, he encountered something difficult, helped a few small busy, just shouted a brother. Habit, got used to it." Song Ying said with a smile To.

"And then?" Zheng Ren asked.

He doesn't care about other things, only the bright liver in front of him... Only Xiaoyi talent is his core.

“The elderly have experienced shortness of breath and weight gain in the past few weeks.

This situation has also appeared many times in the past. It is better to use a few medicines in hospital for a few This is not hospitalized a few weeks ago. It is diagnosed as decompensated heart failure. It seems that there is still ventricular hypertrophy. some type of. ”

The situation of Song Ying’s narrative is not the same as that of the doctor’s report, but it is also a simple and concise statement. Zheng Ren can understand.

"Because the liver function is not good, I did a liver ct scan and found this."

Zheng Ren squinted at the film, the liver was very abnormal, compared with other tissues around him, like a light bulb, shining in the film.


According to the many films that Zheng Ren has seen, especially in the system library, I have seen many bizarre films.

But he has no impression of the liver like this light bulb.

Just as Zheng Ren watched the film, Su Yun picked up the film bag and began to read other materials.

The sunspot is somewhat dissatisfied, with his head on the legs of Su Yun, wanting to drink.

Chang Yue simply took the basin of the sunspot and picked up a couple of wines.

Song Ying’s eyelids jumped straight and gave the dog a drink. He also saw it. But for the dog to drink iron covered Maotai, this is not much.

The average wealthy family can't do this kind of thing.

Su Yun saw that Song Ying’s micro-expression changed a little, and he said with a smile.

"Song brother, the sunspot is different, we have known it very early."


"When the earthquake relief, it was the first search and rescue dog to go in. The legs were worn out, and this was retired. The good point of life is also, should you say?" Su Yun said while looking at other materials.

Song Ying nodded.

"The liver, there is no need to treat it." Su Yun immediately said with an echocardily report.

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