Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1976: Picking disease

Seeing Director Shen’s silence, Lin’s dean was not in a hurry. He put his hands on the table and looked at him quietly to observe his expression.

The room was quiet, and after a full minute, Shen Director thought of something, and suddenly asked: "The patients with intestinal deformity are not difficult to operate, mainly depends on the degree of intraoperative contamination. But surgery + interventional surgery combined The way, I really don't know."

"Do you have an account for Xinglinyuan?"

Listening to Lin’s dean’s meaning is not to make a live broadcast, Shen Director let go.

He smiled and said: "Yes, some time ago, it was said that the 912 Nobel project team had a live broadcast. I will take a look. Most of them are interventional surgery. If you don't understand, you will rarely go."

"Then you look at the recording of the hand first." Lin said, Shen Sheng said.

"Yesterday?" Director Shen stunned.

Seeing Lin’s nod, he immediately took out his mobile phone and began to look for clumsy videos.

Most people who can be directors are about fifty. Usually busy with work, plus older, contact and acceptance of new things is much worse than young people. It would take a few minutes for him to find a recording in an app that is not commonly used.

Looking at the awkward appearance of Director Shen, Lin Dean was annoyed.

It’s been so long to open the interface, and pointing to his pick? However, the annoyance is irritating, and the things to do are still to be done.

Lin Dean sighed and said: "Look with my mobile phone."

He said, he took out his mobile phone, clicked on the website of Xinglin Park, found the recording of the surgery yesterday, and put the phone on the table.

Director Shen’s forehead sweat has fainted out.

However, seeing Lin’s face is still kind, he dared to go to his desk and pick up his mobile phone.

The operation is played at a double speed, but since it is surgery, it doesn't matter if it is double speed.

After a few glances, Director Shen’s expression was serious.

"Shen Shen, sit down and watch, don't worry," Lin said in a faint voice.

However, Director Shen did not seem to hear the same, holding his mobile phone in both hands and watching it all the way.

Lin Dean did not force him to stand up and stand up and shut himself down. As long as the surgery is finished, you can find something wrong.

Doing surgery may not do it. But who is wrong with the pick!

Director Shen’s level is quite high, especially for laparoscopic surgery, which is known as the first. Pancreaticoduodenectomy can be done with laparoscopy.

There are a lot of people looking for him to see a doctor. Every day, the operation is very special. Otherwise, there will be no cases where the surgery has not been completed since last night.

Twenty minutes passed, and Director Shen held the phone in his hand, some doubts.

When Lin said that he started to play with the mobile phone, he felt a glimpse of it and immediately realized that the goods had to be read again, and he couldn’t help but feel angry.

"Director Shen, have you finished reading?"

"Well, after reading it, I will read it again. There are a few steps that I didn't feel when I first saw it, but when I saw the start of the bracket, I understood the meaning of the surgeon." Director Shen saw the god, fundamentally Did not think of the meaning of Lin Dean talking to himself.

"When you finish reading, you have to go home and see." Lin Dean suppressed his anger and said a word that was not light or heavy.

Director Shen responded and realized that he was in the office of President Lin.

I held it in my hand... or Lin’s cell phone.

He was a little embarrassed and returned the phone to Lin Dean.

“Director Shen, talk about your opinion.” Lin said with a mobile phone in his hand, whispered softly.

"The surgery is very fine. At the beginning of the operation, there are two operations that are in doubt." After all, Shen is a technical authority. When Lin Dean begins to ask about his surgery, he will never stop. Speak up.

He said it for five minutes. From the beginning of the two questionable operations, all the way to the fineness of the surgery, and then to the lower intestinal stent, the initial questionable operation has been explained.

Finally, Director Shen has not forgotten to add a comment that the surgery may not be the best, but this idea is groundbreaking!

Lin’s dean looked at Director Shen, and Director Shen’s rise did not even notice that the dean’s gaze had gradually changed.

He is very excited. From a purely academic point of view, surgery is really good.

Although the final evaluation said that surgery may not be the best, it is to give yourself a prestige.

I can't say that the 912 new guy is doing better than himself.

What else did he want to say, Lin Dean used his mobile phone to order a table and said: "Enough."

"Not enough, surgery has a particularly fine position..."

Director Shen was also prepared to say something, but immediately noticed that he was talking to Lin Dean and immediately swallowed the latter half.

I just said something myself!

Director Shen complained in his heart. He only recalled the surgical procedure. There were a few delicate and meticulous points. Those who were almost inferior would not be mistaken and would be mistaken.

This is also the level of their own high, eye poison, can be seen at a glance.

"Shen Shen, sit down." Lin did not say anything, he sighed.

"I am looking for you this time, I want you to look for problems in the surgery."

"Is it wrong?" Shen was surprised first, and then confused.

Is there any contradiction between the hospital and the 912? Didn't hear it!

Looking for someone's fault with Zheng boss...

Director Shen feels that the whole person is not good.

This cusp is rushing to sing up with the young Xiao Zheng boss to sing a rival... He secretly complains Nothing else, I just want to see the level of Xiao Zheng boss. "Director Lin said faintly.

“Ah?!” Director Shen suddenly bounced off the sofa and asked in a pleasant surprise: “President, do you want to dig up Zheng Boss? You must start early! I heard that Dong Tu’s face is given to Zheng Boss. I prepared a ward, and I didn’t dare to mention it later."

Lin Dean’s heart was irritated, and this is where it is, and he also digs Zheng Boss! He wants to keep his own daughter and can’t keep it.

Digging people?

I don't want to be digged by him!

This Xiao Zheng boss is really abominable. It is no wonder that the Emperor’s Medical College affiliated with him hated him.

"What do you say when you ask me." Lin’s face was gloomy.

“Hey...” Director Shen quickly made a secret look and began to recall the operation.

"Open skin, very normal, no mistakes. Next blunt separation, into the abdominal cavity, the steps are also in place." Director Shen a little bit embarrassed.

This time, the dean of Lin did not speak and listened quietly.

"After the steps, people who are not level enough seem to be doing a little bit of awkwardness. But in my opinion, it is the most subtle part. There are two more small links, which avoids the intraoperative malformation of the intestines. Pollution."

"Surgery is absolutely no problem... If you have a problem, the middle of the intestines is quite normal, although there is nothing wrong with it, but there is no bright spot. Well, the level of intervention is slightly lower, whether it is the surgeon or the assistant."

"..." Lin Dean is furious!

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