Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1979: Suspected of illness

"Well?" Su Yun blew a smoky cigarette on his face. "Listen like there is something big."

Zheng Ren is also very curious.

"The eldest son of the patient is a friend of Director Liu, and now lives in a special needs ward." Yu said: "So the patient is under my control."

This is not to worry about the rhythm of other groups of professors, Miao director incident, new director, it is estimated that there is a fight in private.

The director Liu just came up and the foundation is not stable. If you think about this kind of thing carefully, you can think about it for a day.

However, Zheng Ren has no interest in these matters. What he cares about is what kind of hematuria will make him guilty.

Hematuria, usually caused by stones or tumors.

It’s not always easy to make it difficult. As for some common factors, Zheng Ren did not consider it. This is estimated to be complicated, perhaps due to some rare diseases.

"Talk about the situation." Su Yun asked on the side.

"The patient has no positive signs, and the father is still taking care of the daily work of a listed company before he is hospitalized."

"Oh? Very rich. Listed companies, hehe." Su Yun praised.

"Ask the history of the disease, you concentrate on it." Lin Yuandao.

"Why don't I concentrate on this? This is part of the past history." Su Yun said: "Do you know how many people you want to see every day in a listed company? How many drinks do you drink in a month? Listed companies are directly listed in the market. Still buying a shell?"


"Don't make trouble, listen to the general." Zheng Ren feels a little annoyed, it is not a slap in the face of Su Yun, now there is an opponent who is not an opponent, more words.

"Patient self-reported hematuria for half a month admission, outpatient urine routine examination: occult blood (+++), protein (+++); abdominal ultrasound: liver is too large, right hepatic vein dilatation, splenomegaly, a small amount of peritoneal effusion. Urology Ultrasound: Prostatic hyperplasia and stones."

"At the time, I considered whether there was a kidney disease syndrome or a urinary tuberculosis."

"Urine protein is greater than 3.5g / d; plasma albumin is less than 30g / L, these two points are not." Lin Yuan asked.

"Listen to the history of the disease, don't interrupt." Su Yun said.

Zheng Ren feels a little headache.

"Well, there is no, tuberculosis is also considered negative." Yu always replied cautiously, he could not understand the origin of the new long-legged beauty of the medical team.

Dare to squash with Yun Geer, this is not something that ordinary people can do.

"Yue always said, don't worry about them." Zheng Ren meditated.

"Serum tumor markers: normal range; multiple diarrhea smear for acid-fast bacilli: negative; chest X-ray: right pleural thickening, calcification; electrocardiogram: sinus rhythm, normal electrocardiogram; lower abdomen CT: lower cavity The whole vein and branch dilatation, the hepatic vein branch is limitedly expanded; a small amount of ascites."

"Wait a minute, the chest film has a thickening of the pleura? The patient has no previous history." Zheng Ren stopped in the general words.

"No, I have asked in detail. I also think that there is something in the chest radiograph, and I have a CT for the patient. Chest CT, pleural thickening adhesion calcification, slightly thickened pericardial wall."

"Look at the film for a while." Zheng Rendao.

"What do you suspect?" Su Yun did not quarrel with Lin Yuan, calm down and asked.

"It's not good, hematuria should be checked for congestive heart failure, but only a small amount of calcification will not lead to heart failure. And from the general narrative, I can guess that the body of the father is better, there will be no congestive heart failure. So serious problems." Zheng Ren analyzed.

"Well, Zheng boss is right, the patient's body is quite good." Yu said: "Before admission, it is said that you can play table tennis for two hours."

"I am going to..." Su Yun was surprised. "How old is the patient?"


Certainly not congestive heart failure, Zheng Ren concluded.

Heart failure is due to ventricular pumping or filling function is low, cardiac output can not meet the needs of the body's metabolism, tissue, organ blood perfusion, and pulmonary circulation or systemic congestion, is the clinical synthesis of various heart disease development to severe stages disease.

This is generally the case, and the patients are already at the time of illness.

I can play table tennis for two hours the first day, and I can't consider congestive heart failure.

"Look at the film first." Zheng Rendao.

"I am looking for it." Yu always opened the computer in his duty room and began to look for the patient's film.

Zheng Ren ponders the patient's condition in his mind, not a tumor, not a stone, not... What is it?

"Yu, what do you think?" Su Yun asked.

"I look at my father every day, but when I went to see it yesterday and today, I always felt that he was pretending to be sick." Yu did not hesitate and directly said his true thoughts.

"Hemorrhea?" Su Yun and Lin Yuan asked at the same time.

"There may be oral medication, resulting in hematuria." Zheng Rendao, "Since the disease has not been considered for the time being, this article is added."

"As for what?" Lin Yuan asked.

"You haven't seen the swindler?" Su Yun looked at Lin Yuan with a sly look. She saw her face and knew that this was a rookie. She only knew that it was analyzed from the condition and had not evolved to the point of considering human nature.

When I always transferred the film, I let the seat open.

Zheng Ren is also welcome, sit up and start rolling the mouse pulley.

Watching the film one frame at a time Little by little, Zheng Ren is more and more confused.

The patient's imaging data is just like the one just introduced, not much to see. Absolutely not a tumor, the liver is a little bit problematic, and the portal pressure is not very high.

It is said that there will be no continuous hematuria.

"Yu, why do you suspect that the father is sick?" Zheng Ren asked.

"The body is too good, can't find a reasonable explanation." Yu said: "I once went to the house, my father went to the bathroom, I have to look at the urination situation, he washed away directly by water."

"Personal health problems, is there any good-looking thing?" Lin Yuan asked in confusion: "If you want to see it, you will know it directly after checking a urine routine."

"Lin Yuan, this is not the case." Zheng Ren said faintly, "Yu said that there is still reason, but in general, you find patients with aminopyrine, phenytoin, rifampicin, phenol red and other drugs. What?"

I always shake my head.

"Not right, if it is caused by oral drugs, how can there be red blood cells in urine?" Lin Yuan grabbed a flaw and asked.

"Just get some fingertips blood is enough, measure the blood sugar. It is very simple to want red blood cells in the urine." Zheng Ren is still watching the film, light and shadow skipped, so focused.

Lin Yuan stunned.

Really want to get so complicated? Also refers to the tip of the blood in the urine of the urine routine examination ... but think about it, it is possible.

In addition to the serious problems of the ICU, the urine is left by the patient himself. I want to do my hands and feet and have a lot of opportunities.


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