Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 2048: You are not dead yet?

"Boss, Director Wei is like this, it is like you." Su Yun laughed.

"I don't do this." Zheng Ren saw the disappearance of Director Wei and felt that he had no similarities with him.

"Don't say far, just say yesterday, you know what you are like." Su Yun asked.

"There was no warm-up in front, a slight disappointment. Later performance, the Iraqi people said that it was almost perfect." Zheng Ren said with confidence. "I went back last night, and the Iraqis said that Lin Biao praised me."

Su Yun looked at Zheng Ren and longed out his breath.

This freight is simply too good, the key is that the surgery is impeccable.

Forget it, forget it, there is nothing to say to him.

"Zheng boss, what are you doing?" Director Kong walked into the ward and saw Zheng Ren and Su Yun stand in front of the pharmacy, strangely asked.

"This is not the varicose veins of Director Wei who wants to have an operation." Zheng Ren walked and told the director Kong what he had just done.

Director Kong also laughed and laughed.

When I came to the office door, the middle-aged man bowed his waist and said with a polite attitude: "Director Kong, I am coming to see you."

Director Kong snorted and saw that this person was familiar.

But after all, I have to look at dozens and dozens of patients every day, plus the family members of the patients. He does not remember such a good memory.

"you are……"

"I am Sun Chuangui of Hexi Province, looking for you three years ago." The man said humblely.

"Oh... because there is no money at home, the one who does not have surgery for life and death? You haven't died yet?" Director Kong stunned.

For the old rivers and lakes, the old doctor, the director just said that it was too rude.

It seems that Sun Chuangui left a deep impression on him.

"Sorry, the body looks good." Director Kong immediately concealed his surprise, said with a smile.

"It's okay, I think it's a miracle that I didn't die." Sun Chuangui was not angry at all, but said with a smile: "I don't think it's a thing of the past. I have a little money in my hand. I made a film review. ""

“Later?” Director Kong opened the door of the director’s office and let Sun Chuangui come in.

The curiosity of Zheng Ren and Su Yun also followed.

"Our doctor said that I have nothing to do, I don't believe it, let me give you a look."

Director Kong changed his white suit and sat down on the chair. He took the film and said: "Zheng Boss, this patient came to our hospital three years ago. It was found that there was a 12×10cm tumor in the right lobe of the liver. A 3 x 4 cm tumor."

"..." Zheng Ren looked at the patient's system panel, in contrast to the director of the hole, a slight glimpse.

"At the time, I told him that intervention surgery was at least ten times before I could see the effect. But there was no money in the house, so I had to leave the hospital." Director Kong took out the film and looked at Sun Chuangui. "That's it."

This kind of cancer patient, leaving home and waiting for death is no different.

Zheng Ren is amazed. It is no wonder that Director Kong has actually asked such a sentence.

"You are always good-natured." Sun Chuangui’s proud smile, said: "I still remember it for so many years."

Director Kong is also very curious, the brush immediately inserted the film into the reader.

On the film, the tumor in the left lobe of the liver has almost completely atrophied and necrotic, and most of the tumor in the right lobe of the liver is necrotic, leaving 3 x 4 cm of active lesions.

Looking at the effect is really good, even if Zheng Ren personally performed surgery, at least 5 times to achieve this effect.

And Sun Chuangui did not have surgery, can be restored to this, it is too exaggerated.

"Director Kong, you look old, isn't it."

"It is much better." Director Kong said.

Ok, and much better, this is two words.

But Sun Chuangui did not hear it, he smiled awkwardly.

"How to rule?" asked Director Kong.

"There is a barefoot doctor on the other side of the house. He said that my illness is a terrible disease. I will die, three months of life. He has a remedy that may cure me."


Zheng Ren stunned, remedies?

"What remedies?" asked Director Kong.

"The buckwheat husk is mixed with arsenic, and it is half an hour a day." Sun Chuangui said, "All of them said that the prescription is a serious disease, and Director Kong, you see this is really justified."

The arsenic, also known as arsenic trioxide, is what almost everyone knows. This is a poison since ancient times. Many legends have the shadow of arsenic.

In Chinese medicine, arsenic is a kind of pharmacy that uses poison to attack.

"Boss, the effect is good." Su Yun looked at the film, very sure.

Sun Chuangui heard someone say this and laughed a few times.

"Director Kong, I read the report, saying that when the interventional surgery was just emerging in China, some people tried to inactivate the tumor with arsenic trioxide." Zheng Ren asked.

Director Kong nodded and said: "I did try it."

"Oh? I have used this too." Su Yun is different. He is a doctor outside the chest. He is not very familiar with the past and present life of interventional surgery.

"Well, it is said that the effect is not, but it is difficult to control between the inactivated dose and the toxic dose." Zheng Rendao.

"It is indeed, given less, no effect. Give a little more, the patient is poisoned." Kong said, "So the final arsenic trioxide was eliminated, replaced by carboplatin, cisplatin, oxaliplatin Irinotecan and other chemotherapeutic drugs Liver cancer is no first-line, second-line chemotherapy drugs, even if the platinum drugs are infused into liver tumors, it can only play a little role.

But the advantage is that the patient's side effects are relatively small, and once the problem occurs, it is not as shocking as arsenic trioxide.

If several media, from the media to send out news - shocking, 912 doctors actually used arsenic for patients.

This kind of news can set off a lot of storms, but it is hard to say.

In the same way, it can also be placed on doctors in other hospitals.

No one dares to try to see what the appropriate dose of arsenic trioxide, a poison that is good for inactivating liver cancer cells.

As for the remedies, Zheng Ren has already smelled the arsenic on the patient.

Although there are signs of mild chronic poisoning, people have lived for many years after all, and it cannot be said that it is a miracle.

This patient is really big, Zheng Ren is quite emotional.

Buckwheat skin mixed with arsenic for external application, although the toxicity is not as strong as direct perfusion into the tumor, but it is also toxic.

Can inactivate most of the tumor cells, but within the limits of the human body, such a fine control, Zheng Ren does not believe that a rural barefoot doctor can do it.

To sum up, it is still the life of Sun Chuangui.

Many so-called remedies are like this, and life is good, just fine. Life is not good, it is too sick.

Sometimes Zheng Ren feels that Wang Daoshi’s choice is really too strong!

Simple and easy, it can also cure people and give people a clear path.

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