Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 2059: Reverberation (on)

Liu Zewei and Gao Shaojie are still in the hospital.

The night is already deep, and the live broadcast of the scene is fixed on the last frame of the image.

No one talked, and they sat quietly for a long time.

Surgery for unborn fetuses, B-guided intrauterine interventional surgery for congenital aortic stenosis, which is tantamount to the two.

If you don't know what you are doing, you may think that you can be accurate and steady. Surgery, as long as it succeeds, the difficulty will not be great.

However, both Liu Zewei and Gao Shaojie are at a high level. Although they can't do it, they can barely know what kind of skill level they have in the surgery that ended in a simple ten minutes.

It’s all tears when I say it, and Liu Zewei’s heart has sighed countless times.

With great enthusiasm, with the full support of Gao Shaojie, under the joint efforts of two high-level and wide-ranging professors, Liu Zewei finally succeeded in becoming the deputy director of the Interventional Department of the Provincial Medical University Affiliated Hospital.

After all, Kim’s surgery was successful and the body gradually recovered. Although it is no longer possible to call the rain as before, there is no need to let him retire directly.

Maintaining administrative positions, but the actual power has been successfully taken over by Liu Zewei.

When Liu Zewei once announced this decision in the hospital, he cheered in his heart. At this time, Zheng boss can easily see the intrauterine interventional surgery for the treatment of congenital heart disease, and the heart sighs infinitely.

If it was a few days later, the operation followed.

During the live broadcast of the operation, I saw the hand of a girl with a slender finger. Liu Zewei was even depressed.

This kind of operation in the medical history book has been missed. Just for a director, is it worth it? It's hard to say how to measure in the middle depends on the ideas of each person.

And this is just the beginning, what will be missed in the future, and now it is not clear.

The excitement of the interventional department seems to reverberate in the body, but it is ruined by a cold water. Now Liu Zewei is somewhat envious of the old high. He waits for the children in June to go to the Imperial Capital after the test.

When the time comes, the sky is wide, and you don't have to stay in the province.

It’s really undecided that it’s awkward and wrong. The more Liu Zewei wants to be confused, the more excited the stock becomes.

The two looked at the last frame of the image and sat for two hours.

Liu Zewei finally gave a sigh of relief and said: "Old high, I regret a little."

“Repent?” Gao Shaojie looked at the image and smiled. “I feel that I can't learn all my life. The peak period has passed. Now I am being attacked by Zheng Boss. It is not bad to be able to maintain the state.”

"No." Liu Zewei shook his head. "You said the peak, just the former you, the old man who was not knocked by Zheng Boss."

Gao Shaojie looked at Liu Zewei sideways.

"My age is bigger than you. Before that, the level was similar." Liu Zewei whispered, "I haven't had surgery since I came back. This has already settled. I have been looking for a patient with high portal pressure these days. You will understand the operation."


Gao Shaojie gave a slight glimpse.

He was the second person to be knocked by Zheng Boss. When he talked about this, Gao Shaojie could still feel the pain of his sacral styloid process.

Progress is there, but because of personal and age, it is almost impossible to make great progress.

However, Lao Liu said so surely, with his understanding of Liu Zewei, the level of the two men differed by an order of magnitude at this time, and Liu Zewei would not say so.

"Not only is the hemostatic forceps knocked. After each operation, Zheng boss will point out some problems. Over time, more than a month, the effect is very obvious." Liu Zewei sighed, and finally reluctantly smiled, "Old high, you Give your son a chance to go and go quickly, and learn from Zheng boss."

Gao Shaojie thought of Zheng Bo, the emperor, and there was some fascination between the moments.



Mu Tao sat in the office and accompanied Wu Haishi Wu to see the live broadcast of Xinglin Park.

Zheng’s surgery, as long as he is the chief surgeon, every teacher must watch. The rescue of the thousand miles, the teacher hardly listened to Su Yun for a long time, sitting in the chair and falling asleep, and would not leave.

Later, after listening to Su Yun’s opening, Mai sang, and then he was awakened by nightmares.

As the earliest group of people engaged in interventional surgery in the country, Wu Lao has his own understanding of the interventional surgery.

He expressed surprise at the speed at which Zheng Boss grew horizontally.

When the Emperor saw him for the first time, the level of Zheng Boss could also be described as tender.

But his growth is shocking.

Speed? No, it does not indicate the growth rate of Zheng Bo.

Not to mention surgery, the recent several live interventions, every time Wu Haishi Wu Lao can feel the level of Zheng Boss has a huge improvement.

If you grow up again, do you want to go up to the horizon?

Wu Lao said that he did not understand, but what he could do was to silently pay attention to Zheng Boss in Pengcheng.

It is said that there are more operations without live broadcasts, such as interventional surgery to take bullets in the heart.

Needless to say, the difficulty of this kind of surgery is that it is difficult to do it with the light.

No surgery can be compared to the front of the eye.

The fetus, 32 weeks, congenital aortic stenosis, has affected fetal heart and physiological anatomy. According to the normal medical logic Next, we should persuade pregnant women, family members, and give up this child.

Not to mention the death of the womb, even if it is barely born, the child will suffer in countless operations.

Spending money is a trivial matter, and the possibility of a child growing up is too low to be negligible.

Wu Lao has been in medicine for decades, and this situation has seen more.

In the past, the medical level could not keep up. The prenatal physical examination did not find any problems. Most of them were found to be too sick after birth and could only be abandoned.

This kind of thing has seen more, Wu Lao is also somewhat numb.

solve? He studied foreign cases and knew that it was not something that his generation could solve.

The operation is too difficult, and I am not sure if I am successful.

Today, however, Wu Lao saw a scene he had dreamed of.

Intrauterine interventional surgery to treat congenital heart disease, Zheng boss not only can do, but also can do.

Not only can it be done, but the success rate is high.

Not only the success rate is high, but also dare to operate live!

Wu Lao is somewhat uncertain about how long Zheng Bo has studied the intrauterine intervention, but he can confirm that the level of Zheng Boss is not his own, any doctor he knows can speculate.

"Mu Tao."

"Teacher, you are tired."

"There is time to ask Zheng Boss to give lectures." Wu Lao said faintly, "You have done the right thing before, keep in touch with Zheng boss and learn more."

Mu Tao nodded.

He was stupid in this operation.

At this time, countless emotions were intertwined, but in the end it became a sigh.

"Not only you, I have to learn, and Zheng boss."

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