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Chapter 2065: Almost killed myself

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Zheng Ren did not have the slightest impatientness.

He is very patient, like an experienced hunter, staring at his prey. Eyes converge, bright as a star.


The snoring of young patients has seen an imaginary change.

The rhythm of the snoring changes, and the time to stop breathing is prolonged. Zheng Ren did not move, and Su Yun clicked on the timer on the mobile phone that was prepared early.

10 seconds...20 seconds...30 seconds...1 minute...

After a full minute of squatting, young patients still didn't gasp.

Zhang Weiyu's narrative is obviously problematic, not 50 seconds, but 1 minute has not begun to breathe.

However, this is normal, and the sleep at night is stupid, and the estimation of time will certainly not be accurate.

As the snoring sound disappeared, there was no other voice coming out of the TV, which was terrible.

The smell of sheep soup is scattered throughout the private room, but no one pays attention to this. The time for the young people in the TV to stop breathing is so long and affects people.

One and a half minutes, young patients still did not breathe.

Through the low resolution picture, I can see that his lips are already blue.

Zhang Weiyu was a little panicked.

I wouldn’t want to watch him sleep with video, but it happens that my blood pressure is rising and my brain bleeding is dead.

And I will... I am witnessing the whole process of a person’s death.

For the doctors here, this is a common occurrence. However, for a businessman like Zhang Weiyu, this will become a nightmare in the future.

After another 10 seconds, the young guy in the store still didn't breathe.

Some of the bruises on his body have turned into purple eyes.

Director Wei did not wear glasses, and he could not see very clearly. He squinted his eyes and changed various angles.

"Old hole, is it purple?" Director Wei asked softly.

Director Kong looked intently and nodded.

This is a slap in the face... Snoring is rarely a direct death, this is a simple scientific principle.

When the hypoxia reaches a certain level, the body will send out self-protection information and “wake up” yourself. After that, the guy in the store will breathe again.

The reason is understandable, but I saw a person screaming in the first second, and the next second was dead and lying still.

This is also... too weird.

The medical principle and the intuitive feeling collide, and many directors have a question in their hearts. It is hard to die...

What is said in the book and what you see is definitely two completely different concepts.

After another ten seconds, the purple scorpion on the buddy’s young man’s body is already very heavy. Director Wei can see it from the TV screen with low resolution without changing the angle.

Zhang Weiyu panicked, and he picked up his mobile phone and was ready to call that.

I don’t want to watch him die, it really becomes a nightmare for a lifetime.

"Don't move." Zheng Ren looked at the TV screen, but also noticed Zhang Weiyu's action. The guy in the store twitched his hands and feet, and he immediately stopped Zhang Weiyu.

"..." Zhang Weiyu held his mobile phone in his hand, his hands full of sweat.

The young guys in the shop are shaking and groaning, and the frequency of sputum is getting higher and higher, like epilepsy.

After only a few seconds, his body trembled, then took a deep breath and turned into a snoring.

I go……

Everyone is stunned.

It is said that they are all old doctors. No one does not know that the breathing stop during the snoring process may last up to 2-3 minutes.

But after all, it is the theory of books. For so many years, as long as the pillow people are not so snoring, they will not see it.

Even if his lover is so snoring, he has already slept in the room. Either you can't see it, or you can wake him up in the morning. At the end, you can't watch a big living person pull yourself out of the purple.

Too scary, although several old directors were well-informed, they also jumped up with a small heart.

A blind deer ran into the heart.

Then the young man in the store began to roll over, as if he could not find any position that made him comfortable and tumbling.

The purple scorpion on his body gradually receded, but the damage caused by hypoxia during that time has always affected the body.

A single injury may not be big enough, but it will accumulate over time and will have fatal damage in the end.

And this kind of injury is only caused by the common snoring everyday. The final form of expression is hypertension, stubborn hypertension.

"Hypoxemia, constantly turning over and shaking." Su Yundao.

"The body began to sweat, the upper part of the chest is mainly related to the hypercapnia caused by respiratory force and apnea after airway obstruction." Zheng Ren also said one sentence.

Hypoxemia, hypercapnia, this terrible diagnosis, even Zhang Weiyu knows the situation is severe.

After watching it for a few more minutes, I experienced another long-term breathing stop, but this time is relatively short, less than 1 minute.

This little boy sleeps for a night and doesn't know how many times to struggle between life and death.

"Okay, shut it down." Zheng Rendao, "Sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome, diagnosis should be no problem. It has a 45% chance of causing high blood pressure, and antihypertensive drugs have limited effect."

"Does coronary CT do?" Su Yun asked.

Zhang Weiyu shook his head in Sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome, this long, complicated name, he worked hard to remember.

Coupled with the fear that the young man who was worried about his old shop would kill himself, he is now awkward.

"Check it out." Zheng Rendao, "The lack of oxygen causes coronary endothelial injury, lipid deposition in the intima, and the possibility of increased red blood cell viscosity resulting in coronary heart disease is not small."

"Oh." Zhang Weiyu, whatever the reason, just remember that Zheng’s boss said that the inspection to be done is enough.

"Does the nuclear magnetics of the kidneys still do?"

"Do, why not do it." Su Yundao: "What if you want to have pheochromocytoma?"


Zhang Weiyu is speechless and will not be so unlucky.

In fact, it can't be said that there is much luck, just snoring, who can think of cerebral hemorrhage and stubborn hypertension.

"Let him come to me." Director Zhang Lin said, "Multi-channel sleep map, it is estimated that the county can't do it. Generally, the top three hospitals in the prefecture-level city can't do it. Don't toss it, come directly to me."

"Good, good." Zhang Weiyu repeatedly responded.

Polysomnography is also known as sleep EEG.

Its main use is in sleep and dream research, as well as in the diagnosis of depression and sleep apnea syndrome.

It is said that some people now use polysomnography to study dreams. In this connection, Zheng Ren does not understand very well.

However, he did not want to understand, Zhang Lin director can do a multi-channel sleep chart is the best. Otherwise it is quite troublesome to diagnose.


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