Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 2075: The more the more healed (below)

"Right, urinary tract irritation and bladder contracture are most common in tuberculosis patients, and there are low fever and ascites. Are you judging urinary tuberculosis?" Su Yun asked.

"Yeah." Zheng Ren nodded. "Listen to what you said, everyone should judge that it is not urinary tuberculosis."

"Doing related tests, not urinary tuberculosis." Su Yundao, "The patient has multiple system involvement, need to consider whether there is autoimmune disease, but only ANA low titer positive, a small amount of urine protein, slightly reduced complement, and no more More evidence."

"Nephrial biopsy?" Zheng Ren frowned.

"It is said that the family members refused, a history of nausea and vomiting, and they made teratoma, they are already incredible. As for the kidneys, it is estimated that they can't understand." Su Yun smiled a bit.

"and after?"

"The last hospital consultation, multi-study ward investigation does not meet the diagnostic criteria for systemic lupus erythematosus, but Lao Gu believes that the patient is a young woman, multi-system involvement, still tend to systemic lupus erythematosus. He ... insisted." Su Yun finished, sighed slightly.

The ability to arrange public opinion, explain their own diagnosis, this kind of person has the ability, Zheng Ren recognized.

The general level of hospitalization that Su Yun has made is not good at character, and the level is good. One can foresee the future, one by one becomes a professor and a group. This ancient professor is one of them.

"But after the patient finished using the medicine, the first day of palpitations, heart rate 120 beats / min, the apex can be heard and the third heart sounds gallop."

Running horse is a kind of extra heart sound during diastole. It is combined with the first heart sound and the second heart sound. The combined rhythm is similar to the running horse, so it is called running horse.

When the heart muscle is severely damaged, there will be galloping.

When Zheng Ren heard Su Yun’s heavy tone of saying this, his mood was also low.

Excessive doses of cyclophosphamide may damage the heart muscle or the kidneys. If the drug is used after the drug, it is the case of cyclophosphamide.

Facts have proved that Professor Gu’s insistence is wrong.

This is the shortcoming of diagnostic treatment, or uncontrollable, especially the side effects that often occur when the rheumatology department performs diagnostic treatment.

Zheng Ren has done several diagnostic treatments and finally succeeded.

It is not because the diagnostic treatment is reasonable, but because there is a large pig hoof, Zheng Ren relies on the system panel to reverse the push, with a bit of confidence.

The diagnostic treatment used by this ancient professor, instead of a clear diagnosis, has a serious drug reaction, leading to myocardial damage.

Su Yun said here, the situation has been clear.

The patient developed abdominal pain and diarrhea for unknown reasons. He came to the 912 clinic and considered that it may be caused by teratoma.

However, after the cut, I found that the disease was not good, but it was even heavier. The whole hospital consultation, we are helpless, after using the rheumatology immunology treatment program, has begun heart failure......

This is the typical case of getting more and more serious.

In the speech, the two came to the gynecology department. The patient is still hospitalized in the gynaecology department, but if the correct diagnosis and treatment are not found, the patient will soon go to the ICU.

"The ancient professor's courage is quite big." Zheng Ren finally said affirmatively.

"The courage is on the one hand, mainly on the high level." Su Yundao, "I would like to say that there must be a friend of the rheumatology and immunology department in the hospital. Once I had any problems with the suspected rheumatoid immune system, I would ask him to solve it. ”

"Why didn't you listen to what you said?" Zheng Ren felt that the name was strange to himself.

"Isn't that what you are? There are patients who know what to diagnose, so they haven't looked for him. I didn't expect this to happen."

After going through the doctor's office, I saw that the door was tightly closed, knowing that it was being consulted in the hospital.

Zheng Rendao, "Do you know the patient is in the ward?"

Su Yun looked at Zheng Ren with a strange, sullen look.

Where did you ask yourself wrong?

Zheng Ren has been pondering the situation of patients. If systemic lupus erythematosus is a wrong diagnosis, then what is the diagnosis?

In fact, Zheng Ren himself is also considering systemic lupus erythematosus.

Su Yun sighed. "Boss, isn't your mouth under your nose, dare you ask?"


"Slightly wait."

Su Yun blew his breath, and the black hair floated in front of him, scorning Zheng Ren together.

He went directly to the nurse station, and then Zheng Ren vaguely heard a few laughs.

This product is really amazing.

Zheng Ren felt a sentence in his heart. After going to a strange place, whether it is with Su Yun or Chang Yue, it seems to be a very good choice.

At the very least, you don't have to ask for directions yourself.

Soon, Su Yun came back. "The innermost high room, but the patient's family temper is not very good. Now it is in the gestation period, it is almost outbreaking, you... do you want to go in together?"

Su Yun said that the gestation period and the outbreak period are an accumulation of emotions in which patients are hospitalized and cured for a long time.

In other words, the emotional affliction of the patient's family is about to collapse.

This is now, if the group of rhubarb teeth were active a few years ago, their "quality customers" had long been eyeing.

The group of doctors who understand the weaknesses of the hospital and the weakness of the humanity are eager to sneak a sigh of relief. They may not be able to use it hard and gently pluck it. This is a fire of the original.

The two came to the front of the ward, Su Yun knocked on the door then pushed the door in.

Zheng Ren is behind him. Anyway, this product has a high value, and the female patient is estimated to be a female companion.

As long as it is a woman, there is nothing wrong with throwing Su Yun in front.

Into the ward, Zheng Ren did not go to see how Su Yun communicated with the patient's family, but took the time to observe the patient's system panel.

The patient was very young, his face was pale, the whole person was very thin, and his cheeks collapsed.

The system panel is red, and the diagnosis is very small.

Zheng Ren quickly reviewed all the diagnoses, and the unimportant diagnosis was thrown aside. He was looking for the most important diagnosis that caused the patient's condition to heal.

Soon, Zheng Ren saw what he wanted to see.

Systemic lupus erythematosus!

Professor Gu’s diagnosis is correct!

However, the problem came immediately. Why is the correct diagnosis, standard medication, and finally the patient's myocardial damage, type I respiratory failure?

This is a little weird.

Zheng Ren looked at the system panel and frowned.

In the case of the patient, he only knows one scale and half claw, but Zheng Ren has checked, simulated and reconstructed one by one according to the diagnosis of the system panel.

Soon, he had further thoughts on the patient's situation.

This is not the first time Zheng Ren has reversed the patient's condition based on the diagnosis of the big pig's hoof, but it is a complicated one.

Zheng Ren thought of the end, some fortunate and emotional.

The professor of the ancients is indeed a young talent. Even if he is a few years older than Su Yun, he can insist on the diagnosis of the disease. Systemic lupus erythematosus is really not a normal person.


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