Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 2087: Professor Zhao, I will see the film again.

A cigarette was smoked, and Zheng Ren and Su Yun left.

When passing the rescue room, Zheng Ren probed a look, the patient's vital signs were stable, and stability has worked. There are no other diagnostics on the system panel and it should be fine.

Go to the inpatient department for detailed examination and treatment. Zheng Ren no longer thinks about this patient.

After going to Cui's home in the afternoon with Zhou Litao, he went straight back to the ward.

In the office, the ponytail is as usual, behind the computer.

"Boss, Changyue definitely has to rest for a few days. I will pull one or two people over here." Su Yundao, "Don't get tired of the animals inside."

"What animals are not animals." Zheng Ren frowned.

"What if you tell the truth, what's upset?" Su Yundao, "Are you tired of working hours every day?"

"It should be fourteen hours?"

"You know, I thought you didn't know." Su Yun said slyly.

"I want to get the Nobel Prize, don't do it." Zheng Ren spread his hand.

Su Yun thought about it, recalled a few candidates, and prepared to transfer to the 912 headquarters to help write medical records.

The round-the-clock, premature work, and the busy and orderly work opened the curtain of the day.

Most clinicians work extremely boring and boring, holding a few routines, doing all the way, and getting old.

Doing thousands of cases of cholecystectomy and thyroidectomy for a lifetime are all things that successful specialists do.

As for the interventional department, it is also common for doctors who have performed thousands of cases of liver cancer interventional embolization and radiofrequency ablation.

Looking at almost the same thing every day, it looks disgusting, so what is driving in the operating room is just an emotional self-regulation.

Otherwise it will really make people bored.

Zhao Wenhua is also a little tired, but he uses other means to seek to divert attention.

For example, how many operations have been performed this year, and the number of operations in the country is ranked as the academician of the American Academy of Surgeons.

Interventional subject is a new subject, barely considered a surgical operation? At least in Zhao Wenhua's heart is like this. The academician of the American Academy of Surgeons is Zhao Wenhua's ultimate dream.

He recently did not provoke Zheng Boss. After meeting, he just nodded and smiled. His life was nourished, and his life returned to the rhythm of the past.

What does the boss of Zheng’s face do? It doesn’t matter to himself. That is not necessarily the case.

Zhao Wenhua saw that Linger had been a salty fish for more than a decade, and he had some remorse in his heart.

At the time of the earthquake relief, Director Kong led other people to the frontline support, leaving the family to be the master.

When Zheng Boss came back, he would have to report more goodwill. I am afraid that at this time, what Linger can get is all he can get.

In the world, there is no regret.

Zhao Wenhua can only think about it occasionally. Now he dare not expect to catch up with Zheng’s boss and sing all the way.

He only thought that he should not attract the attention of Zheng boss, especially the assistant Su doctor, it is too sinister.

Handover, rounds, Zhao Wenhua's training doctor led the patient to surgery.

He was not in a hurry. Today, there is a hometown person to watch the film.

After checking the house, the door of the ward opened, and the people in the old house came in with the film.

Zhao Wenhua and he are not familiar with it, but he is a professor of the Imperial Capital. It is also appropriate for someone to find someone to see a doctor. He used to get used to it, and he also enjoyed the worship and compliments of his relatives and friends.

"Professor Zhao, hello, I am a friend of Xiao Sanzi." The people of the hometown found Zhao Wenhua, respectfully said.

Xiao Sanzi is a relative of Zhao Wenhua's distant house. He doesn't know what he calls.

This is a relationship that cannot be far away, and Zhao Wenhua is not very concerned. Take the film and plug it into the reader.

Zhao Wenhua did not directly look at CT and nuclear magnetics, but first glanced at the B-ultrasound report.

Abdominal ultrasonography confirmed that there was a 3.0-3.4 cm heterogeneous mass in the sixth segment of the liver, and the possibility of considering liver cancer was large. CT scans of the lungs have old tuberculosis.

The patient's alpha-fetoprotein value is normal.

Not all liver cancer alpha-fetoprotein values ​​will be high, Zhao Wenhua swept a test sheet and began to watch the film.

There is CT, there is nuclear magnetic enhancement, and the words that I said are still very serious. Zhao Wenhua expressed satisfaction with this.

Nuclear magnetic display shows that T1 weighted images have heterogeneous low signals to equal signal density lumps and equal signals to high signals on T2-weighted images.

Looking at the intensive mode, after the contrast agent is infused, the lesion is concentrically enhanced and has a blood supply.

Very typical image of liver cancer.

After watching Zhao Wenhua for ten seconds, he took the film and put it in the bag. "What about the patient?"

"Professor Zhao, my mother is at home, it is not convenient to toss the emperor. I will take the film to show you."

"Send the surgery." Zhao Wenhua said, "The diagnosis is very clear."

The family members of the patient have long known that the diagnosis is liver cancer. When you come to the Imperial Capital, you can let Zhao Wenhua take a look. In fact, the most important thing is to find him surgery.

Seeing that Zhao Wenhua should have come down, he took a deep sigh of relief and held what he wanted to say with his pocket bag.

"I am going to the surgery." Zhao Wenhua felt that this person was too uninteresting. After reading the film, he would not leave, and he would take his own words.

Know how busy you are every day!

"Professor Zhao, I didn't see the Can you take another look?" Zheng Ren sat in a habitual position and suddenly said it.

Zhao Wenhua’s heart stunned.

The last lung isolation, Zhao Wenhua still remembers.

Looking at the film in the office, this kind of thing is not very rare. Zheng boss is going to work and check the house every day. He has to sit in a familiar position and hold the fifth edition of the surgery to see it for a while.

But in the past he did not speak, and the two were in the same way.

what is it today?

Zhao Wenhua did not believe that he did not see anything like falsehood.

The film is a very standard and very typical liver cancer. If the level of Zheng Boss is not seen, then he will see the ghost.

Isn’t Zheng boss going to be a black hand? The first thought in Zhao Wenhua’s heart emerged.


He immediately dismissed the idea.

What does the boss of Zheng do with himself? The interventional surgery of the intrauterine fetus can be done by others. This is the crushing between the levels, and you should not always be persecuted with paranoia.

But did you read it wrong?


Zhao Wenhua frowned and squatted for two seconds.

"Professor Zhao? You have this opinion?" Su Yun Yin Yang asked a strange sentence.

Zhao Wenhua hit a chill.

Don't provoke this little ancestor, how dare you have opinions, just remember whether the film is a problem.

"Where is there?" Zhao Wenhua immediately put up a smile on his face and said: "I usually have no chance to find a boss in Zheng. I have a good time here."

"Oh? You mean that the boss is not easy to approach, always give you a face?" Su Yun said coldly.

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