Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 2092: Alcoholic old man

It is a pity that I have to go to see Cui Lao in the afternoon. Zheng Ren also simply answered Zhao Wenhua's question and explained this matter and hurried away.

Lin Yuan went back to write medical records and see patients.

Although Changyue is better, Zheng Ren wants to liberate her from Shushan Wenhai, waving a small whip and looking at the training doctor to work hard.

Su Yun commented that he had already arrived in the emergency department.

Zheng Ren changed his clothes and rushed over.

"Boss, why are you so late?" Su Yun asked when he met.

"Today Lin Yuan did two operations. After the operation, I told her the most basic things." Zheng Rendao.

"Tomorrow has an anatomy class, let Lin Yuan go to class with me. Surgery, you and Fugui children do." Su Yun said.

"Also." Zheng Ren does not care. Before he walks away from Fugui, he knocks him on two more operations. "Right, Zhou Zong?"

"Busy." Su Yundao, "I don't know what the bears are in the emergency department."

Also, Zheng Ren sat down and waited patiently.

After a few minutes, an old man came out of the clinic and said with a sigh of relief: "Doctor, I am a backache. You give me a bunch of checks. Are you treating this disease to save people?"

He spoke a little vaguely, blushing, and after four or five meters, Zheng Ren smelled the smell of his body.

The emergency department is most afraid of drinking too many patients to see a doctor.

I can't tell where I am uncomfortable, my temper is still big, and I don't know what to say. It’s true that they say that they are brave and brave.

But a closer look at the system panel, Zheng Ren frowned.

"Grandpa, wait a minute." Zhou Litao chased it out and spoke a little.

Near the noon, there was an emergency rescue, which delayed the meal. The doctor in the emergency department went to eat, and Zhou Litao took him for a while, and he could go after dinner.

But when I met a patient who was not very cooperative, or a patient who was drinking at noon, Zhou Litao also felt a headache.

A patient in a room is not too heavy. If it is possible, Zhou Litao does not want to spend more time with him.

Zhou Litao did not dare to pull the patient.

First, the age is large, pulling and pulling, in case there is a bump, it is not clear.

Second, because he was drinking, he would have been walking, and he was even more likely to have an accident.

He walked quickly to the patient's body, bent slightly, kept a smile, and hid the impatience in his heart.

"Old man, wait a minute," Zhou Litao said softly.

"I know to do the inspection! I worked a few days ago, I licked my waist and wanted to open a blood-staining plaster. You asked me to check so many things!" The patient said something angry.

His wife followed, and it seems that he is used to the behavior of drinking alcohol and drinking, and his face is helpless.

"You have less urine in these two days, you still have to check it out." Zhou Litao continued to persuade.

"Spock, you know that you are sprained!"

"Know, know, but can not rule out other diseases, it is best to check." Zhou Litao is doing the last struggle.

"Boss, his ankle is a little swollen." Su Yun looked at the old patient, carefully observed, from the trouser legs to see the socks deep in the skin of the ankle, Xiaosheng and Zheng Ren said.

"Well, there is a problem." Zheng Rendao.

"The main complaint is trauma, how does edema come from? Deep vein thrombosis?" Su Yun guessed.

"Not necessarily."

Zheng Ren is stunned. According to the diagnosis given on the system panel, the patient is acute interstitial nephritis. There are no diagnoses of lumbar disc herniation and sprained sprain.

It should be the pain of acute interstitial nephritis that makes the patient itself make a wrong judgment.

I didn't wear a white suit. It didn't seem to be good at this time. Zheng Ren thought about it and asked Su Yun to take over the key to Zhou Litao.

The emergency department came and went. If Zhou Litao’s duty room does not lock the door, he is afraid of losing things.

Zhou Litao thought that Zheng Boss and Yun Geer were going to sit in the duty room and wait for themselves. They didn't care if they took the keys. But in a flash, I saw two people coming out in white clothes.

"Old man, how much did you drink at noon?" Su Yun smiled and greeted him and began to talk to the old patients about the wine.

There is no consultation at all, just chatting.

Speaking of drinking, the patient is full of interest and begins to talk about the spit. There is a heroic style of sitting in the night market, sipping, drinking, and smashing the world.

Su Yun wants to meet every time, every time he talks about ideas, let the elderly feel comfortable.

Zheng Ren is also very helpless, but it is true that I think about it. Su Yun’s embarrassment, but Su Yun, who never had a problem, had a low emotional sentiment and could not speak.

"Zhou, you go to work, I see people in the house." Zheng Ren is three steps away from the patient. His body smells, Zheng Ren simply does not dare to approach, for fear of smelling and getting drunk.

Taking Zhou Litao back, Zheng Ren observed the patient.

Mild edema in both lower extremities, Zhou Litao said that there is oliguria, coupled with the diagnosis given by the system, Zheng Ren tried to find the possibility of interstitial nephritis.

Su Yun usually looks like a slinger, but if you want to communicate with people, the level is not bad.

Although it is still unable to catch up with Changyue, the basic skills are also solid.

As a doctor, it does not communicate, but it is a big drawback. Su Yun really has no Zheng Ren listens to Su Yun and patients communicate, thinking indiscriminately.

Ten minutes of gossip, Su Yun thoroughly understand the history of the disease.

The old man bought some rice 3 days ago, and he also went to the building. When you are in your 70s, you will feel uncomfortable when you do some physical work.

After a day, I feel better, but the waist still hurts.

I checked it in a small hospital next to my home. I thought it was a lumbar muscle strain and used some medicine. But after 2 days passed, I still didn't see it.

He is going to buy some plasters and stick them to himself. This is a trivial matter, and the father does not care.

Now the hospital has zero price difference, and it is much cheaper to buy medicine than outside pharmacies. So he hung up the number of an emergency department and came to 912 to buy a plaster.

But just caught by Zhou Litao, asked about the medical history, and found that these days there are symptoms of oliguria + frequent urination and urgency.

Zhou Litao gave him a double kidney B ultrasound, but also to test the kidney function.

Then the old man is angry!

No wonder the hospital is cheap to prescribe, and finally the wool is on the sheep!

These words are interspersed in the chat, Su Yun said the wine, the head is the road, Zheng Ren said that he knew almost nothing about it.

The old man was particularly impressed with Su Yun. When he finally said, he invited Su Yun to go to his house to eat and drink. He saw that he wanted to pull him as his granddaughter.

"Father, the smell of wine on your body can be too big." Su Yun said with a smile.

"When you have a backache, you can use a wine cellar. I don't have such a big taste when I drink alcohol." The elderly are absolutely not convinced.

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