Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 2116: Surviving in this world in another way


Several people glanced at each other and couldn't do anything but sigh.

The patient's own state of drastic decline, the complications of acute liver failure appear one after another.

Later hepatic encephalopathy, ion disorders, renal failure, severe nosocomial infections, bleeding from coagulopathy, and severe hypoglycemia may occur one by one.

Heart failure and respiratory failure are further aggravated, and patients should not last long.

"What did the B-ultrasound do?"

"Do it, the liver is progressively reduced."

The situation did not change in the right direction, but continued and continued to deteriorate.

Zheng Ren thought about it and went to the ICU to see the patient.

There is no good way for himself. What is the big pig's hoof?

When passing by the confession room, Zheng Ren saw the patient's mother's head sitting on the ground and did not move.

Like a walking dead.

Seeing her look, Zheng Ren has a feeling that once the child is gone, she should also die.

Who knows?

In the face of the situation, no one can know what to do next, everyone is confused.

Zheng Renmu Ran changed clothes, although he knew that he could not carry any feelings and emotions when he was working, but he still could not get rid of emotional interference.

Even if there is a big pig hoof to help, people are people, after all, not a machine.

Zheng Ren glanced at the patient, and the color was much paler than yesterday.

The patient's condition worsened, one foot had already passed the ghost gate, and the other foot was not far from the ghost gate.

Zheng Ren shook his head and only took a look, then turned and left.

"Boss?" Su Yun noticed that Zheng Ren was in a bad mood and immediately chased it out.

"There is nothing to look at, you will remind me about it and see if it is possible to find the source of the liver." Zheng Rendao.

In the state of the patient, if there is no way to do a liver transplant within 24 hours, then it seems unnecessary to find the liver source.


Zheng Ren heard the task prompt, the whole body blood seemed to solidify.

If there is a voice that means life, then there is only a task sound that appears when there is no clue.

The system stamps the certification and issues the task of this.

[System Task: Poor parents in the world.

Task content: Perfect liver transplantation and intrauterine fetal interventional surgery.

Mission reward: 200,000 experience points, 10,000 skill points, charm value +2, lucky value +2, organ transplant specialization +2.

Mission time: 48 hours. 】

It’s the only thought in Zheng Ren’s heart.

The reward of the pile of flashing golden dog eyes, even the lucky value and the organ transplant specialization +2 did not impress Zheng Ren.

He only noticed two points - the system issued a task, this child called Chen Li is saved! Another point is that in addition to liver transplantation, the task is to do an intrauterine intervention!

Zheng Ren is very puzzled, why is it a task to complete two operations perfectly?



At the British King's Hospital, Ged Woods sat in the office and waited silently. Gide has not slept since receiving an email from Zheng Ren.

He is almost the most doctors doing liver transplants in Europe, and at least he can rank in the top three. There are too many medical ethics in the field of organ transplantation, and sometimes Gade Woods has a sly idea - it is all about God.

A person died, just died, but saved many people in time. Ged Woods sometimes thinks that the organs of the dead continue to work, and their souls in heaven must have received greater comfort.

But all sorts of coincidences, Gade Woods saw more, and gradually became more fatal.

Can Dr. Zheng’s request be met? Ged Woods doesn't know. But at this time, this kind of thing depends on the meaning of God and the arrangement of fate.

I am just a person, a small, insignificant human.

Ged Woods hopes that he can help Dr. Zheng because his sister is about to be discharged. He loved his sister so much, and Dr. Zheng stopped his reckless behavior in time and saved his sister back.

I can't expect someone to die for this little wish.

The case sent by Dr. Zheng is very difficult. Gade Woods knows that it is best to have a blood source and a matching liver source. If it doesn't match, you have to match the pattern to try the surgery.

There are 342 people with blood type, matching type, and organ donation agreement. Their information is on Ged Woods' computer.

A comprehensive database makes the efficiency double. Once someone died in these people, Gade Woods will get the news in the first place.

Transplant surgery is closer to fate, and Ged Woods sits quietly, listening to the call of God in his heart.

Ged Woods was a little tired, he sighed and stood up to make a cup of coffee.

With a coffee cup back, Ged Woods suddenly heard the tone and sent an email to himself.

His hand shook a little, and a little steaming coffee came out. It was too late to cry, and Ged Woods hurriedly put the coffee cup on the table and opened the mail.

The content of the email was very simple. The liver source he was looking for had the exact information - two hours ago, a young man in a small town in West Midlands was drunk and died of aspiration and died at home.

Her lover found 999 for help, but when she arrived at the hospital, the person had passed away.

He signed an organ donation agreement during his lifetime, and the matching and blood type were exactly the same as those sent by Dr. Zheng!

Gade Woods is intricately He can't be excited and shouting.

This is the deepest pain of a doctor who specializes in organ transplantation.

He believes that he is only a pair of hands, in accordance with the will of the gods, save a form of life in this way.

There was no time to drink coffee, and it was too late to feel the twists and turns of fate. Gade Woods immediately jumped up and called the local hospital to keep the liver.

When Ged Woods rushed to the only hospital in the town on a helicopter, he jumped off the plane and he hurriedly contacted the local doctor to do the handover.

Although the procedures are not cumbersome, it is at least a few minutes because it is late at night.

"Doctor Lauren, I regret the death of this young deceased." Gade Woods screamed and communicated with the local doctor.

"Hey, Mike is a good man, a good father. Unfortunately, God let him go to heaven too early."

"How much wine did he drink? It won't be a bar."

"Doctor Gade, please respect a dead person who has left us." Dr. Lauren said: "Mike is a well-known good man in the town. He usually drinks very little, and only occasionally drinks it on weekends. A cup."

Gade Woods shrugged and he could hardly believe that a person who seldom drank would suffocate because of heavy drinking.

But this is not important.

"He loves his wife and his unvoiced child. Unfortunately, the child's situation is not very good, maybe he is in a bad mood."

"The situation of the child?" Gade Woods seemed to hear the call of God.

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