Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 2121: Attention

Early morning, 5:23.

The Department of Interventional Therapy of the Provincial Medical College of the Northern Province of Guangdong Province showed the classroom.

Liu Zewei and Gao Shaojie are watching the live broadcast.

Last night, the notice of Xinglinyuan was overwhelming. After basically seeing it, no doctor would be interested in it.

A few days ago, Zheng Bo had just completed an intrauterine intervention to treat a fetus with congenital aortic stenosis.

To this end, Liu Zewei was sad for a few days. If you go late for a while, this surgery will follow you.

The dust of intrauterine interventional surgery has not yet been settled, and Zheng boss has to join hands with the British King's Hospital for emergency liver transplantation.

The University of Oxford's method of preserving organs at room temperature is said to be 10-15 years ahead of the world.

Although the live broadcast time was in the early hours of the morning, no one complained about the patient's condition profile after receiving a liver transplant.

Acute liver failure, under the control of the top team of domestic critical medicine, is still irreversible in progress, it must be the first time after the liver source surgery.

912 propaganda mouth to work overtime to work overtime, in the description of several pens, several articles quickly rushed out and placed on the website of Xinglinyuan.

The patient's entire condition is very heavy, and the pens focus on depicting the single mother to bring the child to grow up.

The university has not graduated, and the child suddenly fell ill. For the mother, the grief that collapsed all day is on paper.

The man will be silent after reading it, and the woman will cry after reading it.

Linger’s work is still very practical. Although the time is tight, the article and the medical record are uploaded to the Xinglin Park. Finally, 912 and Xinglinyuan are hand in hand to carry out the propaganda and teaching work of the operation to save more patients. I have to make my own efforts.

Especially in the new era, new technology, and new environment, 912 does not stand still and cooperates with the top international hospitals.

There is not much content behind, but it is the finishing touch.

After the grief of the atmosphere, the transferee of the peak circuit saw hope.

Out of this kind of thing in a short time, Ringer's ability, 912 missionary ability is still super powerful.

However, for Liu Zewei and Gao Shaojie, the contents of these propagandas were not seen at a glance. Working in a hospital, seeing similar situations every year is enough.

If it is too sensitive, people will be crazy.

Gao Shaojie expressed surprise at the participation of the 912 hospital. How did Zheng’s surgery live with the hospital?

After Liu Zewei’s explanation, Gao Shaojie understood what was going on. I didn’t go there during this time, I really missed a lot of things.

The two arrived at Corey at about 4 am and watched the live broadcast. Although Liu Zewei is not in the medical group now, although Gao Shaojie has not yet gone to the Imperial Capital, Zheng’s medical team is like an inexhaustible attraction, sucking two people.

Gao Shaojie silently looked at the medical record, and the heart seemed to have the claws of the kitten constantly scratching.

If you want to go, you must go, definitely go!

Helping Liu Zewei to become the director, Gao Shaojie broke all the retreats. Looking now, it seems that this road is right.

In addition to the intrauterine interventional surgery before the study, Gao Shaojie finally saw Liu Zewei doing TIPS surgery and saw his progress.

Liu Zewei's TIPS surgery level is quite different from the previous one.

If the level of Liu Zewei in the past is only the top in the province, the domestic first-class end, the second-rate top level, then he has successfully advanced to become a world-class interventional surgeon.

Gao Shaojie can feel it, and Liu Zewei's level is a geometric order higher than himself.

Sure enough, although age has become the biggest obstacle, it is impossible to reach the true peak. However, Zheng boss can use skills to make up for this and once again improve the doctor's surgical level.

Is it the second spring of glow? should be. Every time Gao Shaojie thinks about this, his heart is hot.

"Old high, have you seen Zheng boss doing surgery?" Liu Zewei got up a bit early, plus the surgery did not start, a little sleepy, and chatted with Gao Shaojie.

"I have seen it, at the earliest time in Haicheng, seeing them press in the emergency department to open the chest and directly rescue the patients with pericardial tamponade." Gao Shaojie said, "Now Zheng boss has done liver transplantation, I really didn't expect it."

"Academic exchanges, the British King's Hospital team, is estimated to be squeezed aside." Liu Zewei has a deep understanding of the "overbearing" style of Zheng Boss medical team, he said with a smile.

In this regard, Liu Zewei has a deeper understanding than Ringer.

Gao Shaojie smiled. The little doctor who went out from Haicheng has already reached this step in less than a year.

It sounds very hard to believe.

But this is true, not to mention surgery, and people who are involved in surgery are doing a good job. It’s just one thing to do your own surgery. The words and deeds are even more outstanding. Liu Zewei’s technical improvement is real.

The Nobel Prize project will make people feel excited. The same was true of the first intrauterine intervention in Asia in the past few days.

It is amazing that a doctor can do this.

"Old Liu, after you left, Professor Rudolph and who is with him?" Gao Shaojie looked at the screen, waiting for surgery, and asked casually.

"A girl who graduated from Dr. Harvard is not very old, and looks at the wind." Liu Zewei said, "I came to the door myself. Later I felt that Director Kong should have said something."

“Oh?” Gao Shaojie is very interested in this future colleague.

"I guess who the girl might be, I am forced to come to the medical team of Zheng Boss, and I am going to get the light of the Nobel Prize." Liu Zewei has a rich experience and has experienced many vicissitudes. Although he did not ask, he only looked at his eyes, but his own guess.

Although not in the middle, it is not far away.

Gao Shaojie asked a little worried: "How much is such a person?"

There is nothing new under the sun, and Zheng’s medical team is like a rising sun. When you see it, you will know that the future is huge, and you will have a great help to the future.

This kind of medical group can blame less on the inside. Even if Zheng boss is tough, he can offend too many people, and the road ahead will be difficult.

"I didn't have much time when I left. Zhou Chunyong, who was in the liver of the emperor, had some doctors in the training. It was also a problem for the boss of the community hospital." Liu Zewei said, "Except for the girl named Lin Yuan, nothing else was seen." If you go, don't think that people are young, or be careful."

Gao Shaojie nodded, and all these old Liu said were all words of the heart.

Although it is not a key point, Zheng’s medical team is no longer the grass-roots team in Haicheng. A small doctor who looks inconspicuous inside has a very deep background.

If you have no change in your mentality, once you have offended someone, you may be able to bring out the great **** behind you.

Although this possibility is not great, and even if something happens, Zheng Bo will still take care of himself, but it is not necessary.

"Go, I am doing surgery." Gao Shaojie said.

"There may be not so many operations." Liu Zewei touched his head with his hand, bright and bright. Back to the provincial city for a period of time, the head of Laoliu is brighter.

"Hmm?" Gao Shaojie was surprised.

"So many trainees are always on the stage to be on the stage and being directed by Zheng Boss."

Gao Shaojie sighed in his heart, or Lao Liu’s chance at the time was good. No matter how regretful I am, I can’t go back.

Even if I returned to the original, I could not go to the emperor. The family's little nephew's college entrance examination is more than the sky. Parenting, too much time can not help.

"This liver transplant patient, looking at the state is not very good, do not have any accidents during the operation." Liu Zewei said to himself.

"I looked at the medical record and the patient's condition was really bad."

The Provincial Medical University Affiliated Hospital has done liver transplantation, but it is also a few, to fill the gap in the province. It is true that liver transplantation has become a routine operation, and the Northern Province cannot do this.

"Old high, said the British King's Hospital and Oxford University teamed up, there are new technologies to save organs at room temperature, do you understand?" Liu Zewei asked.

"I don't know." Gao Shaojie shook his head. "That is the world's top technology. The Americans have not learned and researched it."

Organ transplantation, in addition to the latest technology, requires cryopreservation.

Low temperature, prevent cell swelling to avoid biochemical damage, from thirty-seven degrees to zero degrees can reduce the cell's metabolic rate to one-twelfth.

Under low temperature conditions, although the metabolism of cells and the consumption of energy reserves are slowed down, the main energy sources of cell metabolism, ATP and ADP, are still gradually consumed. Therefore, the composition of the preservation solution is another key factor for preserving organ function.

Medical use of special organ lavage fluid, usually zero to four degrees, rapid lavage of organs, as much as possible to rinse the blood.

Light is lavage fluid, and dozens of large research groups around the world are studying formulations. Up to now, many generations have been updated.

The pressure of lavage is maintained at 60 to 100 cm water column, the liver is filled with two to three liters, and the kidney and pancreas are two hundred to five hundred milliliters. They are stored in a container of two to four degrees of lavage night until the transplant becomes a cooling blood. .

Until now, the longest storage time for fresh liver is 3 days.

This research has been progressing all the time. However, the progress is not fast. Only Oxford University developed a way to carry out warm liver transplantation in 2018.

This is an epoch-making achievement.

But when the domestic technology can be developed, it is not necessarily the case.

Some people are also studying the technique of cryopreservation, which can keep organs for decades, but it seems that there is no breakthrough. There are many problems after the transplantation of cryopreserved organs, and there is still no way to solve them.

Liu Zewei and Gao Shaojie talked for a while, and they sympathized with Zheng Bo’s arrogance, and the screen changed.

The live broadcast began.

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