Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 2175: Slow horrible

Mu Tao stood next to Wu Lao, as it used to be.

In the operating room, Zheng Boss began to step on the line.

On the screen, the guide wire slowly advances, and after a few minutes, it is placed at the end of the eye artery.

Because superselection is as close as possible to the retinal capillary network, Zheng Boss uses the finest guide wire.

It is even thinner than the guide wire of neurological interventional surgery. It is the kind of guide wire for interventional surgery for infants.

This kind of guide wire is soft and cotton, and there is no power at all. Plearing during the over-selection process is particularly likely to lead to over-selection failure.

However, watching the micro-guide wire that Zheng Boss controlled was slow, but there was no mistake and no re-operation. Mu Tao was very emotional.

"Mu Tao, do you know the boss of Zheng?" Wu Lao asked.

"Teacher, there should be an understanding of the turbulence of blood flow in the blood vessels." Mu Tao said, "Zheng boss has a deep understanding of turbulence, I think this is a particularly good reason for his intervention."

"Yeah." Wu Lao nodded.

Overcoming the effects of turbulence, this is the deepest intervention theory and skill. Wu Lao did a half-life interventional operation, but only vaguely realized that the guide wire and micro-guide wire traveled through the blood vessels, and blood flow would have a huge impact on it.

As for how to overcome and increase the success rate of surgery, Wu Lao has a dew.

At the young age, Zheng Bo has already mastered the skills of dealing with turbulence, and Wu Lao is very impressed.

This is a technical breakthrough, but it is difficult to quantify, and it is difficult to master.

The microcatheter enters, but does not reach the most extreme position, but stops in the blood vessel without touching the surrounding blood vessel wall.

Beginning angiography, as Zheng boss speculated, a part of the retinal capillary network is blocked, seriously affecting the red blood cells carrying oxygen to provide "nutrients" to the retina.

After the condition is determined, the surgery continues. Su Yun connected the syringe to the end of the catheter and began to infuse normal saline with a small amount of contrast agent.

His movements are slow, very careful and very delicate.

After the saline entered the retinal capillary network, Su Yun began to increase the pressure slightly.

The "sticky" dye macromolecules are "pushed" by the physiological saline that is injected by the syringe.

Because of the gap between the catheter and the surrounding vessel wall, Su Yun has been carefully controlling the strength of his own bolus injection to avoid causing capillary rupture and bleeding.

This step requires great patience.

At the time of the fast, Zheng’s surgery was so fast; when it was slow, Zheng’s boss was not in a hurry and waited quietly.

time flies.

After 12 minutes, the blocked position began to move. The macromolecules deformed under pressure, conforming to the pressure of the capillary wall, and were “pushed” a little bit.

Mu Tao knows that this is the hardest place for surgery.

Here, you must constantly change the power and let the pressure conform to the elasticity of the capillaries.

After 3 minutes, Su Yun stopped.

Mu Tao felt a move and pressed the intercom. He did not speak, but listened to the dialogue between Zheng Ren and Su Yun.

"Boss, I can't do it." Su Yun rarely sees it. "The feeling of compliance with the wall is not good. When I push it down, I feel that the capillaries are going to break. The strength is small and it has no effect."

"Oh, then let me come." Zheng Ren took the syringe. "It is a heart press when the liver transplants. Your arm is still not hurt."

"Old Fan gave me a few days to use the drunkenness for a few days, much better. But too detailed operation will take a while to do. You said, how slow is the surgery to do, this is a work injury!"

"Oh, well, it is a work-related injury." Zheng Ren responded with a light voice and said nothing.

"You are slow!" Su Yun still did not feel relieved.

"Nothing, I have a few in my heart." Zheng Rendao, "She is still young, the elasticity of the retinal capillaries is good, I can feel the change of resistance, I will be very careful, you can rest assured."

"Simply, you said how much trouble you have given me." Su Yun began to linger.

"Cloud brother, I am sorry." Xu Suya whispered, the voice was a little trembling.

"Don't talk to the patient." Zheng Rendao, "The change in airflow during the speech causes the pressure on the capillary network to change."

"There are so many things." Su Yun said, "In fact, life is not as difficult as imagined. After encountering difficult things, list all the solutions, then you will find that you can't do anything, just give up. It is."

If you don’t have a head or a tail, you don’t know if you are talking to Zheng Boss, or you are talking to Xu Suya.

Mu Tao listened to a glimpse.

"Yes, old Mu." Su Yun then asked.


He knew that he was "eavesdropping" and that he was talking to himself. Mu Tao was speechless.

This is not good for your own surgery, but not to mention anything else, only to intervene surgery. Who can guarantee that his surgery can be better than Zheng boss? Nonsense!

Not only Zheng boss, but he should be better than Su Yun.

Mu Tao smiled and pressed the button of the intercom.

Don't listen, don't listen.

Looking at the image on the screen, after Zheng took over, the overall speed of surgery did not seem to be faster than that of Su Yun.

Many of the black spots blocked by the group moved invisibly and could hardly be found.

But as time went by, after 1 hour and 35 minutes, Mu Tao called out the previous image and did an overlap.

This comparison is simple and direct, and the black point movement of many blocked points is still very obvious.

The operation is proceeding slowly.

No one spoke, Wu Lao and Mu Tao were waiting quietly.

Zheng boss does not seem to be in a hurry. He has unlimited patience and fine-feeling the pressure from the syringe to adjust his strength at any time.

A surgery, done a full 4 hours and 22 minutes.

Open surgery is much more difficult than destructive embolization, and it can be seen from time to time.

When the last black shadow disappeared and the entire retinal capillary network was covered with contrast, Wu's body was "soft" and then leaned back on the chair.

The blood vessels that are filled with contrast agents, like the roots of plants, transport enough nutrients to the retina to allow the patient to see the light again.

Surgery is done here, it can be said that it is a success, the teacher is too nervous, Mu Tao knows.

Looking at the surgery is not difficult, just open the retinal capillary network. But those who know how to understand the difficulty of this operation, a little careless, surgery failed, patients may have to suffer permanent blindness.

However, this is just an eye.

"Zheng boss, do you want to change your hand and rest?" Mu Tao pressed the intercom and said.

"Su Yun, you are not tired."

"Not tired."

"That's not needed." Zheng Ren turned back and bent his eyes through the lead glass, leaving Mu Tao with a smile.



(Seeking for the heart, asking for a monthly pass)

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