Live Surgical Broadcast

: Later, add a monthly ticket

Going back, tired like a dog.

Transactional work is really troublesome, and physical fatigue is one thing, mainly because there is almost no deposit.

Well, almost...

There is still a point, in the latter half of the year, the explosion is still more explosive.

The treatment of complications of pulmonary embolism caused by bone cement is more complete today, leaving no tail. At the end of the chapter, I wrote about the feelings of the patient's family.

It is indeed like that, even if I am a doctor, I know the problems that may arise; even if the surgery is done by a well-known domestic professor, there will still be problems. .

Whether it is prostate resection or bone cement surgery for lumbar vertebral compression fractures, there is not much, minor surgery. But in the event of an accident...

From the beginning of the trip, the deceased old director told us how much the industry is at risk.

The older the rivers and lakes, the smaller the courage, and it is indeed.

In the future, I may write more complications. Zheng boss took the solution and hoped that everyone’s luck would be so good in reality. Someone had a foot on the seven-color cloud to solve the problem.

In the past few days, my friends have smashed the outline. Under the guidance of friends, several key nodes have broken through. The outline is smooth and slightly literary, and the ending is strong and there is a blank.

I have been avoiding literature and art. From the very beginning, the live broadcast mode gradually evolved into a series of drama models. God knows what I experienced during the year.

Originally, I wanted to finish it. It was on a sunny afternoon. I suddenly saw the live broadcast updated, and then I opened it to see it.

Slightly stunned, a one-and-a-half-year accompaniment ended.

Uh... There is still some time after the end of the distance. The final Nobel Leopard tail is still confiscated, and finally how to force it to sublimate. There is no preaching throughout, and we have always adhered to the idea that everyone is happy.

Finally, the finishing touches are also true.

The outline is smooth, then continue to write down bravely and finely~~~

I hope that the adults will be happy.

Finally, in the middle of the month, add more, still ask for something. If you can watch the video than the heart × 2 is the best. Inconvenient, it is also excellent and excellent.

Thanks to the big leagues for a series of red, pushing the characters to the stage of the birthday celebration. I am always embarrassed. I don’t spend money on this. I read the book and doubled it.

The rope saw is broken and the water drops are worn. I hope that when the boss is finished, Zheng Bo can make a character card.

For the time being.

Seek your heart and ask for a monthly ticket!

Seek your heart and ask for a monthly ticket! !

Seek your heart and ask for a monthly ticket! ! !

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