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Chapter 2190: Performance personality

"This is the case, Zheng Boss." Mr. Ge explained that when he admitted Zheng Ren to the hotel, "I just took a case of destroying public facilities and defended the suspect."

"There are all public facilities destroyed, and there is still a good defense." Su Yun said directly on the side.

"According to this is the case." Ge lawyer said: "In general, this kind of case is to go through the game, which belongs to the case that must be lost."

"And then?" Zheng Ren listened carefully.

He has a little understanding of Ge lawyers. This person is shrewd and powerful, and it is hard to make things that are not profitable.

Su Yun is more direct, smiles and sighs, and the black hair is floating in front of the forehead. "Ge lawyer, you have to pay a solid foundation, what is it, what is the relationship with you. If you don't tell the truth, we are also in our hearts." Nothing is not."

In a word, you and yours switch to each other, with the tone of Su Yun, everyone can hear what he said in his words - the boss is very busy, if you don't tell the truth, don't blame it.

Ge is not in a hurry. He came early and booked a private room.

Let Zheng Bo and his entourage get in and arrange it before saying: "Zheng Bo, Dr. Su, to be honest, my law firm has a ratio of legal aid every year."

Zheng Ren looked closely at Mr. Ge’s eyes.

"In the past, I have never started this kind of case that must be lost. The problem of winning and losing ratios is much lost. People who come to me will naturally be affected." Ge lawyer said with a smile.

This is quite true.

“The lawyer I heard today said that I didn’t say two words when I met. The client’s emotions were out of control and I began to slap myself. Later I adjusted the monitoring at the time in the name of the firm and looked at it carefully. I suspect the client. There is a mental illness, otherwise there is no way to explain his actions of losing control at the time."

"Think of this, I think of Zheng boss." Ge lawyer said with a smile, "I don't want the client to wash the grievances, if I can win this lawsuit, it will be somewhat beneficial to the reputation."

Is that the case? Zheng Ren still does not believe.

"There is a great advantage." Ge lawyer laughed: "Zheng boss, it seems that when I first met, I left you with a bad impression."

"Do you know the suspect?"

“I don’t know, it’s pure legal aid.” Ge lawyer said, “Every year, almost 100% of such cases will be lost. If you can win once, it’s a big deal. My firm’s strength is enough now. What are the shortcomings. If you want to go up the stairs, you will always need some special cases to reflect."

"You are so sure that your client has a mental illness?" Su Yun laughed.

"Doctor Su, I am skeptical. If Zheng and you both say nothing, then I will not toss it. Anyway, it is a must-do case, not much of me."

"What is the suspect's destruction?"

"The billboards at the bus station were smashed with stones and shocked several people nearby. There was also a piece of glass that scratched the passers-by, but nothing happened." Ge said, "These are already determined."

"Have your client checked?" Zheng Ren asked.

"His behavior was abnormal. At the time, my little lawyer filed an objection. I just went to the mental hospital for a series of tests, and nothing happened."

Said, Mr. Ge took the phone out and sent a few reports to Zheng Ren.

No abnormalities were found in brain CT, EEG, and ECG.

"Give calming drugs, but once again in a mental hospital." Ge lawyers saw Zheng Ren looking at the report, he continued to introduce the situation.

"Is it scared, pretending? Or it is too much mental stress, and there is emotional out of control at that time." Lin Yuan asked.

“Is there a family member?” Chang Yue asked.

"Fore migrant workers, their homes are in the mountains, they will not be able to contact them for a while." Ge said one by one, "If you don't find legal aid, the suspects will get out of control, and then there will be performance personality." I thought about it, but I always felt that something was wrong."

"But the specifics are wrong, I can't tell." Ge lawyer smiled. "This doesn't remind me that Zheng boss is coming."

"Is there any other inspection?" Zheng Ren asked.

Brain CT, EEG, and ECG have nothing to do with Zheng Ren.

“There are still a few routine checks.” Ge lawyer said: “It should be no problem.”

He immediately sent all the information to Zheng Bo.

Take a look, physical examination: body temperature 36.7 ° C, heart rate 72 times / min, breathing 18 times / min, blood pressure 130 / 80mmHg.

Psychiatric examination: clear consciousness, active contact, normal thinking, answering relevant questions, normal mood, normal memory, computational power, complete orientation, and good self-awareness; normal examination of cranial nerves, heart and lung auscultation.

Liver function and renal function were not significantly abnormal.

It is said that a dynamic EEG and a 24-hour Holter are being performed.

There is no problem. Looking at the medical records of mental hospitals, it is impossible to make a diagnosis of mental illness.

Zheng Ren has a few suspected diseases, but the evidence is insufficient. At least one patient must be seen.

"First eat, after eating, let's take a look at the patient." Zheng Ren put the phone close ~ ~ faint said.

"Trouble Zheng boss." Ge lawyer repeatedly thanked.

"How did your client slap in the face? Is it a crying fan, or a fan of laughter." Su Yun asked.

"Don't make trouble." Zheng Ren said seriously.

"This is a very important behavior check, you know a fart." Su Yun said slyly.

Now in the Imperial Capital, it is estimated that Su Yun dare to say that Zheng boss knows a fart.

"I have a video of the morning here. If Dr. Su is not too troublesome, help him with his palm?" Ge did not mind, but said with a smile.

"Look at it." Su Yun came to interest.

Mr. Ge opened the laptop and transferred the video information to the direction of Zheng Ren and Su Yun.

Lin Yuan was far away. She stood up straight and walked to Zheng’s boss and stretched her neck.

On the screen, a 40-year-old middle-aged man who was talking about the lonely man sat in a chair and was slapping his hand.

There is no sound, but the sound of the palm of his hand seems to appear in everyone's ears.

"Yeah." The Xie Yi was sitting close and saw this video startled.

"Nothing." Zheng Ren held the hand of the Iraqi, squeezed it gently, then changed the screen to an angle and left her vision.

"Somewhat weird." Su Yundao.

“It’s very weird to slap yourself in the face.” Lin Yuan went on to say, “Performance personality, also called seeking attention-type personality disorder, attracts attention with exaggerated words and deeds, and immature personality is the main feature.”

"Who are you going to avoid the light personality?" Su Yun directly yelled.

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