Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 2194: Tumor hypoglycemia

After seeing the patient, Zheng Ren stunned.

The patient system panel is redder than you think. What was considered before is wrong. Patient diagnosis is a very common disease that rarely causes hypoglycemia.

"Zheng boss, this is my client, called Du Liang." Ge lawyer introduced.

"Well, come to the rescue room first." Zheng Ren took Du Liang to the rescue room and began a regular consultation.

Du Liang looks like he is more than 50 years old. The whole person is languid, but his speech and conversation are still good. It is normal.

His mood is normal, his memory and calculation skills are normal, his orientation is complete, and his self-knowledge is normal. These are all right.

“Is there any uncomfortable situation recently?” Zheng Ren asked.

"Uncomfortable..." Du Liang hesitated, shook his head, but nodded again in the next second. "Doctor, I often lose my mind. When I wake up, I find that what happened some time ago is a blank, completely remember Nothing happens."

"And after I woke up, my back hurts, sometimes my whole body hurts, especially my face."

Su Yun almost laughed.

Can you not hurt, so it’s so embarrassing to fan your own mouth, it’s not a pain to see a ghost.

"Is there any other discomfort? Is there any weight..." Zheng Ren didn't ask, Du Liang's hand began to tremble, as if he was not controlled, he fanned his face.

Zheng Renzhen wanted to cut the carotid sinus with one hand, but the case of the deceased just hesitated.

"This is ill? Zhou Zong, measuring a fingertip blood sugar." Su Yundao.

"What is your name?" Zheng Ren asked.

"I... I don't know... Who am I?" Du Liang said vaguely, "I am Erlang God, I think of it!"


This is unclear. Zheng Ren shook his head and watched the patient start sweating. He immediately said: "Measure blood sugar, give 50ml, 50% glucose intravenously."

Zhou Litao began to get busy.

The blood sugar is very low, 1.6mmol / L. Less than 3 minutes after the intravenous injection of high sugar, the patient slowly got better.

It is not surprising that Mr. Ge has seen this situation.

Relative to the patient, he is more concerned about how Zheng boss thinks. I bring people to 912, and even if there is sufficient evidence, I have to follow a lot of relationships.

"I think about it, Zhou Zong, you come with me." Zheng Rendao.

"it is good."

Several people went out from the emergency room, and Zhou Litao looked at the patient with a nurse and stopped doing anything.

"Boss, check the abdominal CT, I suspect that there is a problem with the pancreas." Su Yun said directly.

This is the organ that Zheng Ren had considered the most likely problem before, but the diagnosis of the system panel is another matter.

"Check the pancreas B ultrasound and CT." Zheng Ren then said, "check another lung CT."

Zhou Litao waited for Zheng Boss to continue his doctor's advice, but the doctor's advice has ended.

"Zheng boss, nothing else?"

"Well, just check these three things." Zheng Rendao.

If you are admitted to the hospital, the flat film of the lungs or CT is a regular item. Others think that Zheng Boss just perfected the relevant inspections and did not care too much.

After opening the list and sending the patient to check, Zheng Ren sat in Zhou Litao's duty room and asked Dr. Liang from the CT room to upload the film.

After more than 20 minutes, the CT of the pancreas was uploaded.

Overall, there is no special problem, the pancreas is intact and there are no long things. Tumor-induced hypoglycemia is more common in islet cell tumors, which can be denied by the patient's pancreatic CT.

Soon, the lung CT came back.

A 2 x 3.5 cm footprint image in the lower right lung is so glaring. The frosted glass-like footprint indicates the fact that it is a malignant tumor.

Zheng Ren sighed, and the big pig's hooves were as reliable as ever. Although it is rare, a CT can be checked and a definitive diagnosis can be made immediately.

"Hey... is the tumor with hypoglycemia?!" Lin Yuan first surprised.

"Well, diagnose lung cancer, with tumor hypoglycemia. Lin Yuan, called Ge lawyers come over." Zheng Ren carefully looked at the patient's lung CT, said.

"Well." Lin Yuanfei ran out quickly. She was afraid that when she was not there, Zheng said that he had given the wrong thing.

Mr. Ge ran trot.

"Ge lawyer, consider the patient is lung cancer." Zheng Rentou does not return, directly said.

"Lung cancer?!" Ge lawyer stunned.

“Yeah.” Zheng Rendao, “The hypoglycemia that induced the patient’s gibberish and abnormal behavior before was considered to be associated with hypoglycemia. This is the appearance, it is not important.”

"..." Ge lawyer looked awkward.

I just want to win a lawsuit. Low blood sugar is enough to make myself win. How can I have a hypoglycemia with tumor?

The client is really sick, and is it lung cancer? However, how does lung cancer induce hypoglycemia?

Lung cancer, low blood sugar, these two words can not be linked in the mind of Ge lawyer.

Not to mention Ge lawyer, even Zhou Litao feels very strange.

"Zheng boss, you talk about it in detail." Ge lawyer said with a sigh.

"The hypoglycemia with tumor is usually the first clinical manifestation of the primary disease or the diagnosis of hypoglycemia after the primary disease; the case of clinically first hypoglycemia and the discovery of lung cancer is extremely呃...but Low blood sugar..." Ge did not understand.

"Hyperglycemia is not an independent disease, but a syndrome of hypoglycemia caused by multiple causes.

Causes of hypoglycemia include: dystrophic hypoglycemia; hepatogenic hypoglycemia; renal hypoglycemia; hypoglycemia caused by autoimmune diseases; reactive hypoglycemia; hypoglycemia caused by endocrine diseases; non-islet cell tumor Causes hypoglycemia and the like. "Zheng Ren has a series of thoughts, and various professional terms have ruined Ge lawyers.

"Extrapancreatic tumors with hypoglycemia are less common, and other types of tumors associated with hypoglycemia have mesenchymal tumors, accounting for %, % of which occur in the abdominal cavity, and hepatocellular tumors account for %. This patient's condition is less common. It is lung cancer." Zheng Rendao.

"Why is this happening..." Ge still doesn't understand.

"Lin Yuan, tell Ge lawyer why." Su Yun looked at Lin Yuan and pointed to the road.

"First, consider that the patient's symptoms are related to the tumor's secretion of insulin-like factors, - binding to and activation of the corresponding receptors, thereby increasing the glucose uptake by peripheral tissues, reducing hepatic glycogen output, leading to a drop in glucose in the blood and hypoglycemia. ”

Su Yun looked at Lin Yuan’s way of saying one or two. He felt a bit like the boss, and he was too angry.

"Secondly, the increase in the use of cancer's own glucose can also cause ..." Lin Yuan did not pay attention to Su Yun's expression, but continued to explain the situation.

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