Live Surgical Broadcast

Vol 3 Chapter 2483: 50% once, we do it twice

The latest website: Zheng Ren was silent, looking at the blue sky and white clouds, and thinking of the small stones, his heart wavered slightly.

"It's a very tangled life, you say yes, brother." Little Rock took a deep breath and looked at Zheng Ren in the same direction, watching the blue sky and white clouds, and whispered.

"Fortunately, anyone would think so. A few days ago, there was a rich man in my hometown, and there was nothing to do after the operation. As a result, he was worried about his illness, and finally split up another personality."

"Split personality? Really ?! I thought it was all made up." Little Stone said in surprise.

Zheng Ren told Xiao Shitou something about Ruo Tian. He really didn't know what to say, just talk casually, maybe Little Stone would feel better in his heart?

Maybe, who knows.

Little Stone's eyes widened and he was surprised and said, "It's still possible."

"The world of adults is not as strong as you." Zheng Ren said.

"What is the adult's world, while letting me call you brother, while talking about the adult's world. Have you also split?" Xiao Shixiao said with a smile.

Zheng Ren thought that Little Rock would definitely be able to chat with Su Yun, and he was very sharp in speaking.

The way the two talked ... But Xiao Shi was right because he had a problem with his thoughts.

"How about you, how have you been here for more than half a year." Zheng Ren asked.

"Surgery can't be done, then chemo every day. After one course and the next course, there is no end. I can only comfort myself, as long as I can treat it is good. This is envious of friends who can carry school bags When I went to school, I couldn't figure out why they couldn't do a very simple question. "Little Stone looked at the sky and said something yearning.

"Um." Zheng Ren nodded slightly.

"I also know that my parents are sad. They chose me between Qian and me, and they worry that I am too guilty. So tangled! Brother, if you grow up, will there be more tangled things?" Little Stone Asked.

"Yeah, whether strong or weak, rich or poor, smart or foolish, there will be a lot of tangled things."

"At that time, my mother was chatting with me and asking for my opinion." Little Rock swayed his legs, like an ordinary child talking about other people's affairs carefree.

"how do you say?"

"Consult with her. I'm a kid and I always have to look like a kid." Little Stone said: "I just think that as long as they are happy, I don't care. Even if I don't want to leave, there is nothing I can do."

Zheng Ren smiled, so is the so-called early wisdom.

"It's a pity. I estimate that I will be able to cure this disease in a few years. But the younger the age, the faster the disease progresses." Xiao Shishi said without regret: "It is really a pity."

"Don't you just say it's hard?"

Zheng Ren was a little relaxed. Instead of talking to the patient, he talked to Little Stone in a conversation with his friends.

"It also has to be uncomfortable, as are those who had tuberculosis more than a hundred years ago. I read in the book that many people, including doctors, knew that electrotherapy was useless, and they wanted to try electrotherapy. It seemed like a torture device. The specifics are not very clear. "

"Where's your mom?"

"She can't help it." Little Stone finally sighed. "For more than half a year, the family's money has been spent and the house has been sold. My dad worked overtime every day and did two or three jobs. My mother was with me full time, Just want me to be happier. "

"But there is really no good way."

Zheng Ren heard some regrets in Little Stone's words.

"What if?" Zheng Ren asked.

"Don't lie to me as a kid. I can't play mobile phones in the past six months. I read a lot of books." Xiao Shitou said: "Although the books in the library are very old, some basic theories are universal."

Zheng Ren thought that the small stone was really interesting, talking like an adult, and thinking about life. And listening to what he said, he took the time to borrow medical books from the library.

"I'm ill and I have no cure for it. It's been like this since I discovered it half a year ago." He whispered, it seemed that the airway was a little tight, the small stone coughed twice, took a deep breath, "You Don't lie to me, say something that will make us both happy. "

"I don't know what makes you happy, but I just won the Nobel Prize." Zheng Rendao, "The things I read in the book are not necessarily true."

The small stone suddenly became silent. He looked at Zheng Ren very seriously, with a little doubt in his eyes. Zheng Ren stared at him openly, without evasion.

Obviously, the doubt disappeared after a few seconds, and it turned out to be a pleasant surprise. But the surprise dissipated at a faster rate, leaving only a faint solitude.

"That's useless, no money." Xiao Shitou said, "Cure the disease is a big bottomless pit, especially the disease that my current technology can't cure. It's like you have a solution, it is estimated to be sky-high. "

"What if you don't need to spend money?" Zheng Ren asked.

"You are also a doctor?" Xiao Shitone's tone was like Su Yun. "When I was in the hospital, many people came to distribute leaflets and said what fundraising. My mother was tempted, but I refused."


"There is no targeted, sweeping-style propaganda." Xiao Shito said: "My next door is an old man, very rich, and also handed in the materials."

Zheng Ren was silent.

"There must be a problem, and I haven't studied the specific problem." Xiao Shixiao smiled. "If you have money, you can cure it. There is no need to consume the goodness of others. Now you can still maintain the number of good people, no need."

Then, he raised his hand and shook it casually.

"Don't say this, if there is really a way to spend no money, how much can earn some money, and a doctor of the Nobel Prize level can perform the operation on you, what do you think?" Zheng Ren asked.

"Is there really a pie drop in the world? Brother, don't lie to me, you want to pay me to see a doctor yourself. Nobel prizes have bonuses, and it doesn't seem like you are short of money." Without looking at Zheng Ren, he already had his own impression of Zheng Ren long ago.

"Why bother, it's not easy for you to make money. Even if you are a second-generation rich and spend your parents' money, it is still not easy for your parents to make money."

Zheng Ren looked at him curiously, and saw a slight but casual expression on his face, which did not seem to mean his own life and death.

"It's a pity that I don't have time. Otherwise, if I double-check the Diamond Sutra, I can bluff you."

"It doesn't seem that easy to fool the Nobel Prize winner."

"Forget it, the body is getting weaker every day. My mom sold the house a few months ago and went to the demon to do proton heavy ion chemotherapy. I know that money can't buy my life, but I didn't advise, do you know why? ? "

Zheng Ren nodded.

"It's easy to talk to you." Xiao Shixiao laughed. "Money can't buy happiness, because money is happiness itself, and I am their source of happiness, more important than money."

"To be honest, I'm doing live broadcasting because your condition is special. I'm doing live surgery so that more doctors can see it."

Little Stone's eyes suddenly became very focused.

"They saw that, although they may not be able to learn it, they will always know that there is one more way to solve the problem. Maybe someone as smart as you may be, maybe you can read it again."

"and then?"

"Of course, I don't want to make a live broadcast. I want to make money." Zheng Ren laughed. "Three months after the operation, your parents can also receive a live broadcast fee, about 30,000 yuan."

"All treatment fees are waived? Three months ... You are afraid of surgery problems, family members make trouble."

Really early Huihui's child, Zheng Ren nodded with a smile.

The little stone pouted, touched the mass on his neck with his hand, and asked softly, "Really sure?"

"There is no absolute certainty," Zheng Ren said honestly, "and you will bear the pain of the operation."

"Want to live ~ ~ It doesn't hurt much. Can it prolong life?" The hopeful light flashed in Little Stone's eyes.

"You can only try it." Zheng Ren finally returned to the role of doctor, speaking vaguely and unclearly.

"Brother, you're really boring." Xiao Shito said, "You can just talk to my mother like that, it's not necessary to tell me. If the operation fails, I must be dead. Is it interesting to play a maze with a dead person? "

Zheng Ren fell asleep, really a very early child.

"Let's put it this way, you can only take one step at a time to see what you are doing now." Zheng Rendao, "I looked at your information, the situation is not very optimistic, even pessimistic."

"I know, what is the probability of the operation being successful?"


"It's so high!" Shining gaze appeared again in Little Stone's eyes, he said vigorously: "50% at a time, if not, then we will do it twice!"

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