Live Surgical Broadcast

: Respond to the dragon

I rarely read the book review area. Today, because a book friend gave me a red ticket for the monthly ticket, I looked for a look at the traces and saw it. I signed up myself~~~ Dear, love you.

When I was looking for a book review, I saw the problem of the dragon madman.

Replying to me is a dragon madness:

Interventional surgery is an effective treatment for liver cancer. But the premise is that the elderly are better, and the family is better.

Interventional surgery, after clinical practice, works well, this is true. Li Chen in the book is a real case. Now he is alive. There are only half a liver and a large tumor of ten centimeters before surgery. Now that I have not had surgery for more than two years, I can basically judge that it is cured. As for when the liver cirrhosis nodules turn again, this depends on life. (Now he has thought that he is normal, started smoking, drinking and gambling, I saw training once. After repeated reprimands, I can converge.)

Why do family conditions are better? Because interventional therapy is repeated many times, each time means spending a lot.

Professor Pan Jie of Concord is the top expert in interventional surgery in the country, real, so I just said that I dare not write. Besides, Mr. Pan’s character is good and the level is high. I admire it very much.

Let me give you an example.

Last year, I had a patient with liver cancer treatment for more than 2 years, with explosive growth. This is judged by my experience, there is no good way. Communicate with family members, please ask Teacher Pan once, and do your best. After the father left, he could also ask for the best experts in the country. I recommend only simple embolization, no radio frequency, because it is not necessary.

That time, Teacher Pan returned from the exchange in Germany. When the time difference was not reversed, he went to power. After the embolization, Mr. Pan insisted on doing radio frequency, saying that patients would benefit.

After returning from work, I fell asleep directly on the bed in the office. Very hard and very dedicated.

I hope that my description can outline the image of a doctor with high medical ethics and high level.

If the elderly are in good health and the family conditions are good, then go to the Concord to see.

If the family is in a normal condition, or if the old man has a problem with his body and does not want to toss, go to the provincial capital. The best interventional department can treat any hospital in the provincial capital. But specifically, it depends on the situation. Older, do not recommend surgical toss. Although interventional surgery has also been sinned, it is an effective minimally invasive method for the cases I have witnessed.

Pan An

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