Longevity begins with Orion

Chapter 254 252 Master and Servant, Heading West, Killing the Heart (Please subscribe)

Chapter 254 252. Master and Servant, Heading West, Killing the Heart (Please subscribe)

"Some of the secret stone tablets from the ancient gods' era are hidden in the West Pole."

"The West Pole is actually more vast than imagined. Beidou said that in that era, the tomb of the gods was still east of the ancestral land, which is considered very east. This has nothing to do with the West Pole."

"It's just that later, a lot of the ancestral land was swallowed up, and by the time of the Xia Dynasty, there wasn't much left.

Five or six thousand years ago, those strong men of the Xia Dynasty implemented the art of intercepting the flow of yin and yang, which caused ice and snow to submerge most of their ancestral land. This made us latecomers think that the land of ice and snow over there was the West Pole. "

The wheel hub was spinning, and Ying Zhuo Yao was driving the chariot while explaining to Li Yuan.

And the direction they were going was to the west.

"What is the ancestral land?" Li Yuan asked casually.

The corners of Ying Zhuo Yao's eyes couldn't help but twitch, but he still said honestly: "The ancestral land is the beginning of everything and the end of everything. Legend has it that the world was born here and will also end here."

"Before the Xia Dynasty, what swallowed up the ancestral land?" Li Yuan asked without any pretense. He searched for several years before finding the Ying Zhuo Demon. Wasn't it just to find a "new version of the guiding elf on the ship".

Ying Zhuo Yao said: "The Nunu family doesn't know."

"Don't know?" Li Yuan frowned and raised his voice several times on purpose.

Ying Zhuo Demon hurriedly said: "Wither, wither! Those worlds were shattered and turned into a chaotic broken void!"

"Don't you know?" Li Yuan's voice pretended to be cold.

Ying Zhuo Yao cried and said: "The Nunu family is completely unsure. This is what the emperor of the Xia Dynasty said. How can the Nunu family dare to be sure of the truth?"

"It doesn't matter, you can tell me if you have something or not." Li Yuan said softly.

"Yes, sir."

Ying Zhuo Yao is particularly scared now. She is afraid that she will not be able to show her value and will be abandoned.

"So what is the dispute between emperors and aliens?" Li Yuan asked again.

Ying Zhuo Yao was already numb, and she continued to answer these common sense questions that "are a huge secret to the world, but Senior Nandou should definitely know": "This is a game between big shots. The slave family knows very little, no .No. The slave family knew it and figured it out by themselves.

The dispute between emperors and aliens is actually just a fight for the ownership of this ancestral land.

Those who obtain it can control the future direction of the world and have more vitality when the great catastrophe comes in the future. "

"What kind of disaster?" Li Yuan continued to ask.

After asking, maybe he thought it was too much, so he added, "When I woke up, I couldn't remember many things clearly."

At first, Ying Zhuo Yao thought that "the Changsheng species' personalities are constantly changing", but at this time, she couldn't help shouting "A ghost can believe it" in her heart.

However, she now has absolutely no other way out except to honestly bind the mysterious man in front of her and serve him wholeheartedly.

The man in front of her could do anything to her or order her to do anything.

And she is obviously not a proud woman, so as long as she can survive, she can do her best to please the man in front of her.

She collected her thoughts and said: "Beidou said that this world is about to be destroyed. He must jump out before it is destroyed, otherwise he will die without a burial place."

Li Yuan muttered: "So he chose Yin and Yang Datong."

Ying Zhuo Yao hurriedly said: "Yes, Young Master, the great unity of Yin and Yang will reappear the three ancient palaces of Taiyin, Sun and Life hidden in the chaos.

Although Beidou didn't say it, the slave family guessed that the secrets that allowed him to jump out of this world must be hidden in those three ancient palaces.

Therefore, He will try his best to plan and layout, and finally bring about the great unity of Yin and Yang. "

Li Yuanqi said: "Then why does Longmai reject the unity of Yin and Yang?"

Ying Zhuo Yao said: "The dragon vein is Ziwei.

Beidou didn't say why Ziwei rejected Yin Yang Datong.

But the Nu family guessed that Ziwei was hoping that the world could recover on its own and would no longer be destroyed.

The interception of Yin and Yang was originally to resist the fragmentation of space in the periphery, but the unity of Yin and Yang was completely accelerating the consumption of the potential of this world.


She lowered her head slightly, then took a deep breath and said, "The slave family guesses that the secrets hidden in this world are not only for one star spirit to jump out.

Whether to jump out alone or survive in one world, different protoss have different choices. "

After saying that, she continued: "Young master, it's all random guesses made by the slave family, and the slave family's guesses are not counted. Even if...even if this world is to be destroyed, it will never happen in thousands of years. It will take more than a hundred thousand years. There is more.”

Li Yuan nodded and said no more.

He opened the curtain and looked at the world outside.

The land recovers and the world moves into the unknown.

But this kind of unknown is afraid that it will inevitably lead to destruction.

However, what does this kind of destruction have to do with ordinary people?

With a lifespan of a hundred years, who will care about the destruction of the world in more than 100,000 years?

Even if these people knew that the world would be destroyed in more than 100,000 years, they would probably laugh "haha" and say, "Destruction is destruction, what a big deal."

Halfway through, we passed through a small town.

It seems that the nearby farmland has an unexpected bumper harvest this year, so there is actually a lot of food in the town.

The two checked into the inn and had enough to eat and drink.

At night, after Li Yuan took a bath, he heard a knock on the door.

Ying Zhuo Yao stepped in, suddenly took off her coat, revealing the green gauze wrapping her delicate body underneath, then bowed in front of Li Yuan, looking up at the man with a confused look.

Her breathing was a little hurried, her face was flushed, and the two petals of her heels that were hanging on the ground were also noticeably full.

His intention is clear.

Li Yuan was stunned for a moment, but then he remembered the scene in the cave, but at that time he was just pretending to be an alien, so he deliberately put on that posture.

Now, he doesn't have to pretend. But Ying Zhuo Yao seems to still remember this incident, and now she is here to satisfy him.

However, Li Yuan was not interested in the woman in front of him.

And from a utilization perspective, there was absolutely no need for him to take her in again.

The relationship between the two is already stable enough. It is a pure "feeder and slave" relationship. There is no need to make this relationship complicated.

"Please let me serve you."

Ying Zhuo Yao's delicate cheeks became more and more eager.

Li Yuan said softly: "Miss Ying, we don't understand each other yet, so we shouldn't be so quick."

Ying Zhuo said in a seductive voice: "Nu Nu just wants the young master to know that from now on, every inch of the slave, whether in heart or body, belongs to the young master.

The slave family is the private property of the master. "

Li Yuandao: "Oh, I understand, you go back to sleep."


She was a little reluctant.

Only by fully committing herself to the man in front of her and letting him do whatever he wants with her will she feel more secure, giving her a sense of security that "she has added value and will not be easily abandoned."

However, she was a smart woman, so she didn't say anything more. Instead, she stood up, bowed gently again, and said softly "Good night, young master", and then Yingying walked out. There was no faint choking sound until she reached the door.

As soon as an old dramatist like Li Yuan heard the quiet choking sound, he knew that the other party was also an old dramatist.

However, he really has no intention of accepting Ying Zhuo Yao.

The composition of this witch is too complicated.

Hearing the witch's footsteps, which were as heavy as shackles, walking and stopping, he shouted: "Come back."

The slow and heavy steps became brisk.

In a blink of an eye, the door opened, and the Yingzhao demon rushed in like a blue firefly, worshiped in front of Li Yuan's legs, squeaked, and moaned: "Sir, I."

Li Yuan stretched out his hand, lowered his palm, and said: "Eat."

Ying Zhuo Yao looked at the palm, sighed softly, and said: "I want to establish some other relationships with the young master, not just this."

Li Yuandao: "Do your own thing well, and I won't abandon you."

Ying Zhuo Yao was silent for a while and said, "Yes."

After saying that, she slowly buried her pretty face, came close to Li Yuan's palm that was placed on his legs, stuck out her tongue and licked it, then put her lips together and sucked Shou Yuan.

Even though she was not very efficient in absorbing Shou Yuan, she was still fed well.

Under this kind of sucking, her appearance became more and more beautiful, her eyes were white, and the inside was like a white night. Every stream of light reflected on it was like the Milky Way on the white night. She was extremely beautiful. She was no longer a mortal, but like a human being. It's a god.

But such a god knelt down in front of Li Yuan, like a docile beast.

Li Yuan rubbed her hair and said, "Go back to sleep."

Ying Zhuo Yao licked her tongue and said, "Master, do you really not want me to serve you? I...I have never served a man."

Li Yuan said directly: "I'm not interested in you."

Ying Zhuo Yao just asked again tentatively, she bowed Yingying, then turned and left.

When he arrived at the door, Li Yuan suddenly asked: "Can you teach this method of sucking life force to others?"

Ying Zhuo Yao smiled bitterly and said: "This method was given by Beidou. It is the power of the slave family. The slave family really doesn't know how to pass it on."

Li Yuandao: "I understand, go to bed. It's getting very late and we have to travel tomorrow."

"Yes, sir."

Ying Zhuo Yao left.

Li Yuan looked at the closed door, and he probably understood that Ying Zhuo Yao's "sucking life force" method should be the same as Xiao Lu's "hair split into crows, and each crow can become an independent life force", both of which cannot be copied. It’s in the category of talent.

The next day, early.

Li Yuan ate a bowl of noodles on the street and took a casual walk in the small town. He accidentally saw a grocery store and saw someone shouting "Maltose for sale, maltose for sale." He thought for a moment and went up to buy some. I bought a large box with the money, and then left with the box in front of the seller's dumbfounded eyes.

More than two months later, the carriage arrived near Jianshan Pass.

Order has been restored at Jianshan Pass. New soldiers holding big guns are patrolling behind the mottled black battlements. The city gate has become very "moist" after thawing.

The newly green grass and the first red flowers have grown explosively after more than four years.

Young deer jumped and ran on the border grass, and when frightened by the wind and grass, they ran away and went to drink from the natural stream.

Farther away, there are herdsmen riding horses, and beside them, old cows grow into a team with veal steaks, mooing from time to time, walking and eating grass on this grassland.

In just over four years, the ice and snow has turned into a leisurely scenery outside the Great Wall.

Jianshan Pass is still closed, and resisting the Southern Barbarians is still a national policy, but how can it stop Li Yuan?

The exertion of domain power caused the entire carriage to fly directly into the air, from above the uninhabited mountains, across the pass, and landed outside the pass.

The horse moved on.

A few days later, we entered the Land of Eternal Night. The place has not retreated completely, but it is also slowly recovering.

Ying Zhuo Yao was surprised to find that the entire carriage was wrapped in a faint red light. The red light was as warm as spring. Even an ordinary person like her did not need to wear a coat. A thin green skirt was enough.

Li Yuan may not have made much progress in these years, but his control of power has become more and more subtle. Things that were impossible to do before are now easy for him.

Before, he had tried so hard, but at most he could combine domain power and fire to form "Fire Point Spear" and "Huntian Ling".

Now, he is able to regulate his temperature.

The temperature around him can be adjusted at will, even soaring to a temperature that can easily melt metal.

This is just a subtle level of absorbing and releasing the surrounding yang energy.

Carriage, running in the snow.

The Yingzhuo demon drives the chariot, perhaps because she has learned the secret art of heaven. She has a vague premonition, which can guide her to the location of the secret art stone tablet.

Just like she was able to find Li Yuan back then.

Naturally, what she relies on is not the "memory method" mentioned at the beginning, but "existence".

As long as the other person exists and has been seen by her, she can have a vague feeling about it.

The closer you get, the clearer this feeling becomes.

Li Yuan was constantly moving, so it was difficult for her to find Li Yuan.

But theoretically speaking, the secret art stele will not move, so this "new version of the ship's guide elf" naturally gave Li Yuan the "automatic path-finding function."

Now, since Yingzhuo Yao has bound Li Yuan wholeheartedly, he naturally knows everything and talks about everything, and tells all the bad things in the past. By the way, he also praises, "Young master's magical power is unpredictable, and the slave family is really incomparable. That's it." At this moment, the slave family still has no way of knowing how the young master disappeared from the slave family’s perception.”

As soon as he said this, Li Yuan said nothing except responding.

Because he doesn't know either.

At first he thought it was a change of memory, but now he realized that this was not a matter of memory.

What Ying Zhuo Yao is saying now must be credible, so the moment he "adds points" and experiences "memory", he is actually no longer himself, but has truly become another existence, even if this existence is just During the transition, it can still block detection.

To put it bluntly, it can conceal the secrets of heaven.

Li Yuan couldn't help but start thinking again.

In his thinking, those many memories were not his at all, but seemed like the life trajectory of another person who really existed, but those trajectories were all added to him.

He thought about the human seed again.

He remembered the beautiful figure in green waving to him on the deep ocean at the beginning of his time travel, as well as the three rays of light swirling around him.

For a moment, Li Yuan fell into deep thought, and at the same time couldn't help but ask in his heart, "How the hell did I travel across time?"

The carriage moved quickly.

The horse that should have froze to death is marching in the red light of the eternal night.

Li Yuanrao took a detour and went to the God's Cemetery to see Xiao Lu.

Over the years, he suddenly realized something.

Even he will have mental problems in the changes of the years, won't Xiao Yan?

Behind the naughty and quirky smiling faces of the crows, there may be a face crying in the dark.

But over the years, the cemetery of gods has obviously drifted again, and Li Yuan couldn't find it for a while.

Fortunately, there are countless crows on this land. As the carriage went deeper, a crow soon landed on the horse's head. A pair of mysterious pupils, like a black hole in the universe, stared at Yingzhuo Demon quietly. .

Ying Zhuo Yao maintained her smile, but she also hid her vigilance.

Until a sentence came from the carriage: "We are all our own people."

One person and one crow relaxed at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, the crow flew into the carriage. Li Yuan took out the box of maltose and said, "Dad stopped by to see you. This box of candy is a small gift for you."

Crow chuckled, "She will definitely be very happy."

Hearing the word "she", Li Yuan was a little silent, and then asked: "Aren't you her?"

Crow said: "I am her, but I am not her either. She is the trunk and I am Zhiya. We are both father's daughters."

Immediately, the crow said again: "But it's best for dad not to come now."

"What happened?" Li Yuan asked.

Crow said: “That woman is going crazy.

Well, it's Meng Xingxian, she is really crazy.

Zhen Yan Mie is about to die of old age, Meng Xingxian must personally send Zhen Yan Mie to the cemetery.

However, who among us doesn’t know that the woman wants to sneak attack the Crow Mother and regain control of the God’s Tomb?

We didn't let her in and said she could accept the True Flame Destruction.

But the woman refused, and then stubbornly sent wolves and barbarians to attack the tomb of the gods.

Over the years, she has quietly cultivated an army, which even my glacier sisters cannot defeat.

The situation has been frozen there for many days. "

True flame destruction?

Already dying of old age?

Li Yuan almost never met this grandson.

He did not think about it further, but said: "Meng Xingxian is not crazy."

"What is that?" asked the little crow.

Li Yuandao: “It’s just a struggle in the last days.”

After that, he said: "Let's go, I'll handle it."

In front of the cemetery of the gods.

The wolfhounds rushed into the maze of icy kyanite frantically.

The silver gauze girl who used to be calm and calm, seducing the barbarian king in Cabrol, has now lost her cool and looks crazy.

She sat sideways on a three-headed giant wolf, followed by a three-hundred-person three-headed wolf cavalry. This was the strength she had spent so much effort to gather again. And this power can prevent him from being killed by Glacier Xiaolu.

“Everyone, this cemetery is the real secret of the barbarians!

As long as you can enter the coffin, you can truly wait for rebirth.

But those outside were actually just freezing to death. "

"All of this is a lie from Crow Mother!"

"Now, she wants to occupy the cemetery!"

"Go in and let her go!"

Meng Xingxian confused right and wrong and shouted seductively.

She was so broken that she no longer cared about the true secret of the gods' tomb.

All she had to do was break into this cemetery.

Following her words, barbarian soldiers and wolves rushed towards the maze one after another.

And Meng Xingxian looked at the crow high up and said sternly: "Why don't you let me send my son in! He is also your nephew, why are you so cruel? Why?!"

Crow said: "I can welcome him in, but you can't bring anyone in."

Meng Xingxian said again: "As a mother, why can't I see my son off?"

The crow is silent. No one can wake up a person who is pretending to be confused.

When it lowered its eyes, it could still see the old man with white hair.

The old man's body is still burly.

For more than fifty years, this old man has been coming here every year, shouting "Auntie, Auntie", and sometimes even sitting alone and telling Auntie Crow about his experiences.

From children, to teenagers, to middle age, and now.

Li Yuan may have known little about his grandson, but Crow Mother was involved in his life.

But at this moment, the old man also understood his mother's thoughts, and even more understood the helplessness of Aunt Crow.

But he could do nothing. He just sat on a three-headed wolf with a sad and desolate look on his face.

He disappointed his mother.

The Queen Mother wanted him to invade the Central Plains, but he was never able to invade the Central Plains in his life because the Human Emperor was sitting there.

Where the Human Emperor is, no one can offend him.

Now, the barbarians were already few and far between, and even more so, they couldn't gather enough troops to invade the Central Plains.

He is old and has spent his whole life on the ice.

In fact, he was quite envious of his father. At least his father carried the golden axe, crossed the Changmian River with the West Pole Wolf Rider, and then fought face to face with the Human Emperor.

Even if he was defeated, it would still be better than a king like him who did nothing.


"Fight in!"

Meng Xingxian looked ferocious and pointed directly at the tomb of the god.

The wolf tide surged, and the barbarian soldiers followed.

She wanted to bet today.

If the crow mother refuses, then she will drag all the ice barbarians with her to the funeral.

She didn't believe that the Crow Mother would kill the entire barbarian tribe.

For so many years, the totems of crow and wolf have been worshiped again and again by people here, and she does not believe that the crow mother has no feelings.

This game, regardless of victory or defeat, is heart-wrenching.

She wants to kill the crow mother's heart!

The Crow Mother can choose to leave the God's Tomb, and as long as she leaves, everything will be fine.

If she didn't leave, she would have to kill all the barbarians.

"True Yanhuo!"

Meng Xingxian suddenly pointed not far away.

Over there, a tall and strong wild boy with red streaks of blood on his face rode the wolf forward and shouted: "Great-grandmother."

Meng Xingxian smiled and said, "Take someone with you."

Zhen Yanhuo is the son of Zhen Yanmie's daughter. He is only sixteen years old now, but he has inherited the bloodline of the Barbarian King and is extremely powerful.

On the side, Zhen Yan Mie didn't know what his mother had planned, and said sadly: "Queen Mother!!"

"Shut up!" Meng Xingxian said, and then looked at Zhen Yan Huo with a smile and said, "Xiao Huo is powerful and can do it right. Others can't, but he can definitely do it!"

Zhen Yanhuo had no idea about the situation in the cemetery of gods that froze all power. At this moment, he still showed the appearance of "a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers" and said: "Don't worry, grandpa."

He held a big ax and led a group of people to enter the maze.

Meng Xingxian raised her head and looked at the crow high up, with a look like "If you have the ability, just kill this kid."

She is an outsider, but the blood of the Crow Mother's family also flows in Zhen Yanhuo's body.

‘If you can, kill your blood relatives! ’

With a sinister smile, she glanced at the other barbarians one by one.

The Zhenyanhuang branch has long since blossomed, and there are many blood relatives of the Crow Mother here.

‘If you can, kill them all! ’

The crow lowered its eyes, then flapped its wings and flew away.

The pounding sounds intertwined together, like the ominous cry of death, echoing in the dark night and wind and snow, turning into an elegiac song, ethereal and sad.

"Don't come in, kid, no matter how powerful you are, you won't be able to use it in the cemetery." The crow reminded, "Deep in this cemetery, all power will disappear."

Zhen Yanhuo paused for a moment, raised his head and said, "Mother Crow, I still want to try.

I, the warrior of the barbarian tribe, will never be persuaded to retreat by a few words!

My barbarian warriors are not afraid of death and will never give up! ! "

The corners of his mouth were raised, his eyes were shining, his knotted muscles were tense, and his fingers were holding the ax tightly.

He swung his ax suddenly and roared: "Never give up!!"

The barbarians following behind him also roared, and then as the pack of wolves charged towards the dark cave, they all fell silent after a moment.

The lonely woman sat under the yin and yang fish deep in the cemetery, looking into the distance with no expression, her heart was completely numb.

bring it on.

Kill it.

Kill them all.

She is happy, her crows are experiencing all kinds of life outside, her crows are by her father's side, and her crows have freedom that no one can have.

She is free and happy.

The quiet girl's lips curled up into a smile.

Outside the maze, Meng Xingxian pointed again and said: "Blood Square Bronze Fire, you go!"

Although this Blood Square Tonghuo has a foreign surname, he is also her grandson.

A slightly thin, but extremely strong young man came out with a gun.

Meng Xingxian asked: "Are you afraid?"

Blood Square Bronze Fire laughed and said: "I, the barbarian warrior, never know what fear is!"

Meng Xingxian said: "Great-grandmother believes in you, and you can definitely knock on the door of the tomb of the god."


The skinny young man raised his head and led the troops away.

But this time, before he went far, he felt something strange happened behind him.

A golden giant with a height of 100 feet was walking in the wind and snow of the eternal night, looking down at the people.

Meng Xingxian's memory was recalled in an instant, and she prepared the wolf, maneuvered, and prepared for the attack.

"Stop it."

Li Yuandao.

Meng Xingxian raised her head and laughed wildly, tears falling from her eyes as she laughed, "You want me to stop, why do you want me to stop?!"

"Come with me."

Li Yuandao.

Meng Xingxian knew that he was outmatched, so he followed the wolf away.

When no one was around, she raised her head and looked at the giant, her face reflecting the hot wind blowing against her face. She said in a cold voice, "It's just a death. I've never died before."

Li Yuandao: "You ask me why I told you to stop."

"Yes." Meng Xingxian was not afraid at all.

Li Yuandao: "Just because I am Zhen Yanhuang's father."

Meng Xingxian:

The conspiratorial wolf mother fell into a confused silence, with a complex and confused expression on her cheeks. Her lips finally moved and she murmured: "Impossible, impossible."

The carriage came from afar, and the curtain opened, revealing the old man's face.

The face was the same as it had been decades ago.

Soon, the old man turned into a young man, and his white hair turned into blue hair.

Many years ago, Li Yuan needed to maintain this secret, but now he no longer needs it.

At this moment, the young man looked at the wolf mother and asked, "Who am I?"

Meng Xingxian screamed in horror, turned around and ran away.

Li Yuan's body fluttered, like an eagle catching a chicken, he picked her up and threw her back into the carriage.

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