Longevity Species

Chapter 410: Treasure House! (Second more)

The Library Pavilion has collapsed, isn’t the collection of books inside gone?

When Lei Dao was about to check it out, his heart suddenly moved, and the power of his divine sense sensed the ground, and there was actually a huge basement.


The next moment, Lei Dao had already entered the basement, which was filled with densely packed books.

"It turns out that the Library Pavilion is underground."

Lei Dao was a little stunned.

Maybe there are some books on the ground, but the truly precious books should all be underground.

Fortunately, Lei Dao finally didn't have to blame himself. If he had no books to read because of him, he would be really helpless.

Next time, if Lei Dao flattens the Holy Land again, he must pay attention to the Library Pavilion, and it must not be destroyed.

"Huh? Why do I still think about the next time?"

Lei Dao is a little strange, it is not enough to destroy the Holy Land once, but also to destroy the Holy Land twice?

However, apart from the holy land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, which holy places can Lei Dao destroy?

Is it possible to trample on those holy places that have not provoked Lei Dao at all?

No, Lei Dao has never been a bully. As long as he is not provoked, he can't destroy and destroy everywhere.

Lei Dao shook his head and threw out all the weird thoughts in his mind. Afterwards, Lei Dao focused his attention on the Library Pavilion.

There are rows of bookshelves filled with books.

This is the treasure of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. Every book is very precious, and it may even be a lonely copy, which can be encountered but not sought after.

Lei Dao checked them one by one, and there were many books on the practice of the Eucharist. It seems that the books here are all about the practice of the Eucharist, and they are probably the treasures of the saints in the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. Only the holy ones or semi-holy ones can enter it to check, otherwise it is impossible to be underground.

However, this is exactly what Lei Dao wanted.

Although Lei Dao learned a lot of common sense about Eucharist practice through Haoyue Shengzun, it is still right to read more and think more. What's more, now Lei Dao is also looking for information about the ultimate Eucharist.

In fact, this all belongs to the practice of the Holy Eucharist.

Lei Dao is a saint, with a strong spiritual sense, so he can flip through books very quickly, and he can always remember them completely by flipping through them casually. Some common sense about the practice of the Eucharist in the book also gave Lei Dao a deeper understanding of the practice of the Eucharist.

"found it!"

Finally, when Lei Dao was flipping through an ancient book, he saw the information about the "Ultimate Eucharist".

However, there are only a few mentions of the ultimate Eucharist.

The ultimate holy body, as the name suggests, is the "extreme" practice of the holy body, and the ability of a certain kind of holy body is developed to the maximum, that is the ultimate!

Anyone who has cultivated the ultimate sacred body is almost invincible at the same level.

Moreover, not only is it powerful in combat, but the ultimate holy body seems to be somehow involved in the path to becoming a god. However, the path to becoming a god is too secretive, and many people just speculate.

As for whether there is any involvement, at least Lei Dao has read these books and no one can be sure.

But there is no doubt that the ultimate holy body has many benefits, first of all, its combat effectiveness is very strong.

Some conditional saints actually want to try to cultivate the ultimate holy body. It's just too difficult, and more holy bodies need to be fused. You can already try to condense the second high-level holy body, and then advance to the second level of the holy body.

As a result, in order to practice the ultimate holy body, they have been merging with the higher holy body, trying to push it to the ultimate holy body. As for the effect, maybe it can make the combat power very strong, but so what?

Some people even speculate that it can continue to increase life expectancy.

But how does that increased lifespan compare to becoming a Eucharist?

This is related to a question of trade-offs.

It is the same as whether to strive to achieve the perfect Tao body from the first level of the Tao body to the second level of the Tao body. It is extremely difficult for ordinary Dao body warriors to achieve a perfect Dao body, and even think it is not worthwhile.

With that time and energy, a breakthrough has already been made.

But Lei Dao and some other holy sons, who have the conditions to reach the perfection of Taoism, don't think that way. They will not rush to break through, but plan for the future.

The same is true for the ultimate holy body. If you plan for the future, some saints are actually willing to try it under certain conditions.

After all, after promoting the High Holy Body, you only need to try it out, and you can easily know that the High Holy Body can actually still be strengthened.

It's no secret.

The key is the question of trade-offs!

For Lei Dao, there is actually no trade-off problem.

He must achieve the ultimate Eucharist!

Because, for Lei Dao, there is no difficulty at all. It is nothing more than the need to consume a large amount of ten thousand year elixir, and the ten thousand year elixir can be obtained relatively easily.

Since there are conditions to promote the ultimate Eucharist, why not do it?

Moreover, Lei Dao noticed that it is not really that easy to break through to the second level of the Eucharist.

At the second level of the Eucharist, if you want to break through, you must first condense a high-level Eucharist. And to condense the second kind of high holy body, it is an elixir that needs at least 20,000 years.

By analogy, when it comes to the third level of the holy body, it also takes 30,000 years of elixir to break through.

As for the reason?

Lei Dao is not clear either, these are some of the holy body practice methods collected by the saints of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. It was only vaguely mentioned above that once you break through to the second level of Eucharist, the first Eucharist will actually be improved accordingly, and you won't really stand still.

The same is true for the triple Eucharist, and the first two higher Eucharists will also be promoted accordingly.

Perhaps it is because of this that 20,000 or even 30,000-year-old elixir is needed. After all, it can enhance two or even three high-level holy bodies at the same time.

At this time, Lei Dao had some ideas.

If this is the case, if each of his holy bodies is the ultimate holy body, once he tries to break through, will he even need more ten thousand year elixir?

For example, do you need two 20,000-year-old panaceas?

Lei Dao didn't know, but he felt that if he wanted to gain great power, he would naturally have to pay a little more.

However, now Lei Dao does not need to consider these issues. In fact, even if you really need a little more of the ten thousand year elixir, so what?

If you can get one, you can definitely get two, which is not a particularly big problem.

Lei Dao looked through all the books in the library, and there were very few books that mentioned the ultimate Eucharist, but Lei Dao still found some. So by comparing with each other, Lei Dao also had a simple understanding of the ultimate Eucharist.

The ultimate holy body, the ability is unknown.

But once it is pushed up, there will definitely be great benefits. At least the combat power is very strong, invincible at the same level, and it is even possible to fight at a higher level!

You know, the Eucharist stage, let alone a big difference.

Even ordinary saints and peak saints are very different. For example, Lei Dao condensed a high-level holy body, which can strongly crush or even kill the ordinary holy body Boshan saint.

Not to mention the gap between the second level of the Eucharist and the first level of the Eucharist.

It is almost impossible to challenge beyond the level.

As for the ultimate holy body, it seems that there is this possibility, even if this possibility is very small, and various conditions are required, and the right time, place and people are right for it, but this is also very remarkable.

Even for this point, Lei Dao must promote the ultimate holy body.

Lei Dao left Zangshu Pavilion, and he went to the treasure house.

If you want to promote the ultimate holy body, then the ten thousand year elixir is essential.

For so many years, according to Lei Dao's calculations, the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty should have harvested at least three million-year-old elixir in tens of thousands of years, and at least three hundred thousand-year-old elixir can be harvested.

Even if tens of thousands of years have consumed many thousand-year elixir, there must be a lot left.

It depends on how many ten-thousand-year elixir are left in the treasure house.

So, Lei Dao came to the treasure house.

For the treasure house and the medicine garden, Lei Dao paid special attention to it. Even if the Holy Land of the Yuan Dynasty was razed by the annihilation of the Eucharist, he also paid attention to these two places without any damage.

Therefore, the treasury remains intact.

Lei Dao also entered the treasure house smoothly.

As soon as he entered the treasure house, Lei Dao saw a dazzling array of treasures everywhere.

However, these treasures are also divided into categories.

For example, there are treasures of divine sense, some special armor, some special treasures, etc., most of which are treasures used by Taoist warriors.

For these treasures, Lei Dao didn't even bother to look at them. For him, these treasures had no effect.

So what if it is the treasure of the ninth rank of divine sense?

A trace of annihilating power can easily destroy it. What Lei Dao needs is an elixir, and it is a ten thousand-year elixir!

There are naturally elixir in the treasury, and there is a special room for storing elixir.

Even, it is divided into many rooms.

For example, the Millennium Elixir is a room.

The 2,000-year-old elixir is another room.

There are also 3,000 years, 4,000 years, 5,000 years, and even ten thousand years of elixir!

Being able to store elixir in a special room shows how many elixir were stored in the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, which is simply innumerable. Open any room at will, it will be full.

It's not superficial, but really full.

This is the essence of the Holy Land!

This time, it was really a big harvest, a huge harvest. Even, if possible, Lei Dao could forcibly pile up a few more warriors with nine levels of Taoism.

Of course, there is no need at all, and the waste of resources is too serious.

In fact, Lei Dao also thought about stacking his family members at the ninth level of the Dao Body, but the family members have not even awakened the power of spiritual thoughts, so it is difficult for Lei Dao to pile up even if he wants to.

Spiritual talent is common in Yuanzhou and even the entire continent, and many people can awaken it.

But it happens to be in the Juliu Continent, this is a shackle!

Even if Lei Dao is the saint, there is actually no way to awaken people.

If it is possible, Lei Dao plans to let his relatives come to live in Yuanzhou in the future. Perhaps if he lives in Yuanzhou for a long time, the talent of spirituality will naturally be able to awaken.

But that's all for later.

Lei Dao's gaze skipped over the rooms of the millennium elixir, and finally placed it in the last room.

This is the room where the ten-thousand-year elixir is stored, and it is also the entire treasure house, the most precious treasure!

Lei Dao took a deep breath and walked in.

"This... this is..."

When Lei Dao walked into the room, he was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him, his eyes were wide open, and the shock in his eyes could not be concealed.

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