Longevity Species

Chapter 418 Nineteen states in the world! (first update)

"Dead... dead?"

"The black dragon sage has fallen, this...is it true?"

"Ten breaths, no, not even ten breaths, at most five or six breaths, the black dragon sage didn't even have the slightest resistance, and he was wiped out of the holy body and completely killed."

"It's not just as simple as beheading? The Holy One, even his own loss is less than one-tenth."

Lei Dao's beheading of the Black Dragon Sacred Venerable was obviously extremely shocking to the many Sacred Venerables below Cang Mingshan!

How powerful is the black dragon sage? They are all clear, if they fight alone, no one here is an opponent of the black dragon sage.

But it was such a powerful black dragon sage, who was actually beheaded by Lei Dao?

Moreover, when they took a closer look, it seemed that not even one tenth of the holy body on Lei Dao's body had been annihilated. What is this loss? Lei Dao will be able to recover soon.

To be able to kill a saint at the peak of the first level of the Holy Physique at the cost of less than one-tenth of his own loss, this kind of strength seems to have surpassed the peak of the first level of the Holy Physique.

If it weren't for Lei Dao's body exuding the aura of the first level of the Holy Physique, I'm afraid some people would think that Lei Dao was a second level of the Holy Physique warrior.

Even Venerable Taihao was surprised. He came to Cangzhou with Lei Dao, and he even faced Lei Dao's palm before, but after all, there was no life-and-death struggle, and there was no collision between the holy bodies. Naturally, he didn't know how strong Lei Dao's holy body was.

Venerable Taihao also felt that Lei Dao might be very powerful, but he should be a little weaker than him. After all, the Holy Venerable Taihao has reached the critical point of the second level of the Eucharist.

But now, Lei Dao brazenly killed the Black Dragon Sacred Venerable directly. Such a strong performance made the Sacred Taihao seem to "suddenly realize".

Lei Dao's strength is more terrifying than he imagined.

However, this is also a good thing.

Although Lord Taihao was a little shocked, the stronger Lei Dao was, it meant that they would have a great chance to win the 20,000-year-old elixir in this Cangming Pagoda battle.

"His Majesty Taihao, let's go down."

Lei Dao said indifferently, and then fell into the Cangming Mountain together with Tai Hao, and it was at the place where the Black Dragon Saint was before.

The Black Dragon Sacred Venerable chose a good place, a towering rock, where he could commandeer and overlook Cangming Mountain.

However, this good place is now cheaper than Lei Dao and Taihao Shengzun.

The two sat cross-legged, there were some prying eyes around them, but they didn't dare to have any prying eyes at the moment, but they were honest, just communicating with each other, maybe they were inquiring about Lei Dao and Tai Hao's venerable identity.

Lei Dao didn't care either, the identities of him and Lord Taihao were not so easy to find out, but they were not really kept secret. If you search carefully, you can still find some clues.

Venerable Taihao smiled wryly and said: "Sacred Lei, you have been very hard to hide from me."

The Lord Taihao must be referring to the strength of Lei Dao, but even now, no one actually knows that Lei Dao condenses the ultimate holy body.

But Lei Dao did not argue, but said with a smile: "Lei is stronger, isn't it better for us?"

"It's true, it's just that, in this way, maybe we will become the target of public criticism."

"It's an exaggeration to be targeted by the public. However, there may be some people who pay attention to us, but so what? If you dare to make any moves, just kill them!"

Lei Dao's words revealed a faint confidence.

Venerable Taihao opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Could it be that Lei Dao has expanded?

Lei Dao's words sounded very inflated, but it was based on the fact that Lei Dao really killed the Holy One. In Yuanzhou, it was Boshan Shengzun who Lei Dao beheaded.

And in Cangzhou, Lei Dao beheaded the black dragon sage!

These are the confidence of Lei Dao's "expansion".

"Hahaha, the two sages are really domineering. The black dragon sage said he would kill him. I have long been unhappy with the black dragon sage. I just hate that I can't kill the black dragon sage. Unexpectedly, I was beheaded by the two , It's just that if you kill the black dragon, the two of you may be in a little trouble."

Just as Lei Dao and Taihao Shengzun sat down cross-legged, a burly middle-aged man with a beard laughed and said to them.


Lei Dao's expression changed, and he cupped his hands towards the burly man and said, "Why doesn't this venerable come over and say something?"

"Haha, you're welcome with that holy book."

The middle-aged man obviously also wanted to make friends with Lei Dao, his eyes flickered, and he flew directly towards Lei Dao and Taihao Shengzun.

The burly man sat down, and Lei Dao asked directly: "I don't know what to call the Holy One?"

"Haha, I have a big beard and I am called the bearded saint."

"The bearded saint?"

Lei Dao glanced at the appearance of the burly man, it was really appropriate.

"Lei doesn't have a saint title, but this one is Taihao. I don't know if the bearded saint just mentioned that there is some trouble in beheading the black dragon saint. What trouble is it?"

"Sage Taihao, Sacred Lei, don't you two know the identity of Sacred Black Dragon?"

"I don't know, please ask the bearded saint to clarify."

Lei Dao seemed very polite.

Just ask if you don't understand, the bearded saint in front of you has a bright temper, and it's not difficult to make friends.

"Shengzun Lei was able to condense the ultimate holy body. I thought it was the saint of ancient China. Now it seems that Shengzun Lei has never been to ancient China, right? If I guessed correctly, Shengzun Lei and Tai Hao Venerable, they should all come from relatively remote places. Kunzhou? Or Yuanzhou? Or Cangzhou? No, there is no such strong person as Lei Shengzun in Cangzhou."


Lei Dao raised his head sharply, staring fixedly at the bearded saint, and his heart was even more turbulent.

The ultimate Eucharist!

The bearded saint in front of him could tell at a glance that Lei Dao was carrying the ultimate holy body.

You must know that even the Holy Venerable Tai Hao, and even the previous Black Dragon Holy Venerable, have not actually been able to see that what Lei Dao condenses is the ultimate holy body.

This ultimate holy body should be very rare, and there are even very few records in ancient books.

Unexpectedly, the bearded saint saw it at a glance.

"The bearded saint wants to inquire about our identity?"

Raidou frowned.

The bearded saint shook his head and said: "Don't mind Lei Shengzun, in fact, my birth is not good, but the saint of Beizhou. The huge Beizhou has now completely declined, and even the saint is only from this That's all Saint. Therefore, I have traveled around the mainland very early, and even went to ancient China, so I have gained some knowledge. Lei Shengzun was born in a remote place, and it is incredible that he can condense the ultimate holy body. Incredible."

"You have to know that the ultimate holy body, even the holy son of the ancient Shenzhou, dare not say that it can be condensed. Only the emperor's son can condense the ultimate holy body."


Lei Dao murmured in a low voice, he had never heard of Beizhou, but just now Venerable Taihao had sent a voice transmission. Venerable Taihao has been traveling abroad for many years and has heard of Beizhou.

I heard that Beizhou has long been deserted and there are few people. Not to mention holy places, even warriors are very rare, almost becoming restricted areas for life.

It is simply a miracle that the bearded saint is the Beizhou saint, it is unimaginable.

"Lei and Taihao are both Yuanzhou saints. Dare to ask the bearded saint, what does this so-called emperor mean?"

When Lei Dao heard that the bearded saint reported his family name, he knew that the bearded saint really wanted to make friends.

For such a hearty and majestic saint, Lei Dao naturally would not be twitchy, and directly reported their origins.

"Yuanzhou? Sure enough, he came from a remote and declining place. It's unbelievable, really unbelievable. Everyone thinks that this saint came from Beizhou, which is very unbelievable. But Lei Shengzun's ability to gather the ultimate holy body in Yuanzhou is even more unbelievable."

After a pause, the bearded saint smiled and said, "It seems that Lord Lei and Lord Taihao don't know much about this continent. Then the saint will do his best to introduce this continent to the two of you." .”

"There are nineteen states in our continent, and each state is infinite and vast. The whole continent is even more endless. Even if the Holy One wants to go to the end, it will be even more difficult. And the nineteen states The center of it is Ancient China!"

"In ancient China, there were three great dynasties, nine emperor sects, and thirty-six holy lands, which were the most powerful forces in ancient China. Each of the thirty-six holy lands was full of powerful people, and there were many saints and strong people everywhere. There are even those who are strong at the ninth level of the holy body. And the nine emperors are even more remarkable. Above the nine levels of the holy body, those who can comprehend a little rule can be called emperors! Therefore, the name of the emperor sect comes from this. The nine emperors, all There is a great emperor who is above the nine levels of the sacred body, so he is the emperor. And the three great gods are the oldest and most powerful forces in ancient China. I don’t know how many thousands of years. Those who can be called gods, Naturally, there are supreme gods sitting in charge."

"The three great dynasties, the nine emperor sects, and the thirty-six holy lands! This is the top power in ancient China. And the emperor, as the name suggests, is the most outstanding disciple of the nine emperor sects, so they can be called emperors. Everyone The sons of emperors all have the aptitude to become great emperors, and even have a glimmer of hope of becoming gods. In fact, only those sons of emperors can achieve the ultimate holy body. Lei Shengzun can achieve it in a remote place like Yuanzhou The Ultimate Eucharist, even in ancient Shenzhou, is definitely a man of the hour, no less than an emperor!"

Lei Dao listened carefully.

I didn't expect the bearded saint to know so much.

The world is divided into nineteen states!

Lei Dao currently only knows Yuanzhou, Kunzhou, and Cangzhou.

Even Lord Taihao has been active around Cangzhou. He may have heard of Ancient Shenzhou, but he has no idea about the situation in Ancient Shenzhou.

It is not even clear where the ancient Shenzhou is or where it is going.

Now, Lei Dao knows.

Nineteen states in the world, ancient China is respected! It is also the center of the entire continent.

The three great dynasties, the nine emperor sects, and the thirty-six holy lands are extremely shocking when you think about them.

For the first time, Lei Dao had a vague geographical concept of this continent.

"The bearded sage, the black dragon sage, does it have something to do with ancient Shenzhou?"

Lei Dao's heart moved, and he seemed to think of something.

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